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DERP strikes SWTOR Login Servers


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sure is friggin annoying. read an article on IGN about their attacks, they seem to go after f2p games half the time. but they seem to stick to games exclusively.


i dont get it. all it takes is one pissed off super nerd, a real hacker, that when you mess with his/her favorite video game, and it pisses them off enough, all of a sudden you got one guy out to end you.


only target they have had that is legit and deserves it is the westboro baptists, but been done already, alot. these dudes seriously need to find something else to do. hopefully the gaming companies will go after them somehow.

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Hey since these guys are hacker my credit card info is not in danger right?


Just checking


As some have mentioned, none of what went on last night was hacking (and it was not the fault of EA either, this is a problem that every company with a server faces). DDoS is not a hack, it's just an attack that sends so much data to a router at once that it cannot handle the requests and therefore legitimate users are denied service because the router/firewall/server is overloaded (hence the name "denial of service"). Here's the wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack.

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I'm sure you don't. Real hackers work for governments or large multi-nationals.


Well. After they get recognition.


World is a big place, and there are lots of bored kids with computers, who also happen to have a decent intelligence.


Aside from my little joke there, knowledge on hackers and actually being one is two different things. I'm a programmer, and my knowledge on hacking is good, but actual action is not my forté.


But really, no one's gonna hack SWTOR servers themselves.


You should get nervous if they actually make it into EA customer databases, like they did to PSN. That's when things get interesting.

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