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Reasons why you prefer either Republic or Empire.


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Planetary storyline spoilers for both factions ahead.

I like Empire because most of the planet story lines aren't "This planet is in the toilet. Help us get it out." It feels most of the time Republic characters are going around fixing things, not on the offensive. I know its not in the Republic's nature, but that's just my personal taste.

Taris is exactly this. While Imperials get some real action on Balmorra, you're on this slimeball trying to fix it. Nar Shadda is very much "Establish underworld ties" for both sides. Tatooine is Czerka and Sand People, but the story makes more sense on the Imperial side, as the Republic doesn't see the monsters until the last mission. Adleraan is good, both sides get a warpath right to Ulgo's front door. Then, Balmorra is a liberation campaign, which was ok, but the Imperials went and turned Taris into a toxic middle finger to wave at the Republic. I skipped Republic Quesh due to 2XP weekend permitting me to. Republic Hoth starts off as "Save us we're gonna die any minute here" and then involves Republic/Empire collaboration, then makes the Hailstorm Brotherhood leader (forgot his name) look like a savage cultist, as opposed the honorable warrior the Empire sees in their Hoth. Then you got some salvage in the starship graveyard. The Empire was kinda meh on Hoth too but it at least had some idea of military strategy and beating the Republic by attrition. Having just started Republic Belsavis last night, it already appears that it'll be running around saving the Republic's prized little prison world. The Empire was excellent on Belsavis, freeing the Dread Masters was pretty awesome, even if it endangered the whole galaxy. Republic Voss I presume would be the same as the Empire, trying to put the Voss on your side in the coming conflict.

I can't really judge the Republic class stories, as I've only done 2 acts of Smuggler and no other classes besides 20 levels of Consular, which I like. That said, the Empire has 3 excellent class stories, and when I finish my Inquisitor, I'll see if they have a fourth.

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I prefer republic more so than not. It mainly boils down to the classes I enjoyed playing the most Trooper (PvE tank spec) and Smuggler (Dps stealther PvP). I also enjoyed all the stories provided wasn't really disappointed some (knight and smuggler) really dragged at the end while trooper and consular are easily two of my favorites. Plus the fleet isn't all dark and depressing.
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I can't entirely remove my in-game character from my real-life personality. As hypocritical, lumbering and chaotic the Republic (or even, the people who represent it) can be, as far as I'm concerned, its ideals are the only one I would ever consider following. True, the lives of the common (human) folk may not change much between Republic or Empire, but you aren't playing the everyday person. There may be those in the Republic who commit heinous crimes, but committing atrocities isn't a fundamental characteristic of the Republic as an organization like it is for the Empire. Edited by JJDXB
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Because for all the flaws of the Republic I don't have to worry about getting backstabbed and killed off by my superiors or asked to kill off someone because they're standing in someone's way.

The Consular's story does get a bit slow and the JK's story is a lot of "save us", but isn't that the point of *being* a Jedi in the first place? Saving their collective butts when no-one else can...

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Like the OP I prefer the consistent, refined, cool look of the Empire from their tech (ships), the way they speak (they seem to be more educated), to their uniforms. Dromund Kas is a beautiful, magnificent city. I prefer playing Imperial toons.


Because for all the flaws of the Republic I don't have to worry about getting backstabbed and killed off by my superiors or asked to kill off someone because they're standing in someone's way.




had I to choose which world to live in in real life, Republic definitely. The Imperials live in a dangerous world and you could be back stabbed or betrayed at any given time. Say the wrong thing and you could piss off some Sith Lord or high raking agent, and they would kill you without reservation

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My real personality would lead one to believe I would side with the Sith.


I believe in Social Darwinism like they do (though they take it to extremes) as well as "might makes right" and that harnessing aggressive feelings can be useful.


They are too clearly "evil" however. Killing for no reason and all of their self destructive polices and infighting means I will always play a light side Jedi fighting for the Republic.


I used this same approach in the KOTOR games. It really tests your discipline--sometimes it really seems smarter to choose the Dark Side option but I never do. Makes it seem more like you're really struggling with a decision.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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In game I prefer the Empire, they're very focused, efficient and decisive. Plus there is something about their style and manner that I prefer, the officer tunics are well designed and the troopers look better in my opinion, also the star destroyer type frigates and other warships echo the sequel trilogy's empire brilliantly who's aesthetics I've always preferred, their style has a very harsh, militaristic look to it yet it's sleek and stylish. They also have that "get s*** done" vibe going on about them too which I find appealing. They seem more like the type geared to win a war out of the two. < Usually IRL this has too many negative consequences to be the preferred way of doing things, too many innocent lives destroyed, but in fiction the ruthlessly efficient factions are usually the ones I side with.


Adding to the above like others have said if I actually lived in the SW universe, I'd have to pick the Republic, they may not be as efficient, but you're more likely to come across people who actually give a damn about protecting those who need it, plus your life isn't dictated by sociopathic power hoarders like the Sith who would kill/torture you without a second thought to achieve their own ends (< survival of the fittest at it's ugliest.) The republic has more humanity to it and that's important, as tempting as the glorious and powerful Sith Empire is. As for societies protectors I'd pick the jedi over the sith any day, as self righteous and dogmatic as they are the less worse choice the way I see it.

Edited by MadelineMadrigal
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  • 4 months later...

I prefer Empire for two main reasons:


1) The aesthetic - I love the look of their military, (most of) the Sith, and especially the Harrower-class Dreadnaughts.


2) Story-wise I usually like adding a bit of drama/conflict by playing a character who runs somewhat counter to the culture of the civilization s/he is fighting for and is trying to reform his/her own side as well as defeat the enemy. And I'd rather play a "good" guy who is trying to redeem an overall "evil" society, as opposed to a "renegade" character who is clashing with an idealistic (in broad strokes) society.


Also, playing a full-on psychotic Dark V Sith Warrior (for variety after having played through a Neutral/Light-side Inquisitor) was just entertaining as all hell.

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Because Republic is boring.


I already live in a sunny semi-corrupt but well-meaning democracy that sees itself as heroic because of Westernized Christianized morality and a zeal for individual rights and value.


When I log into a game, I want to experience something I don't IRL and enjoy the fantasy of exploring something new and surprising.


Since I don't live in a meritocratic totalitarian dictatorship run by magical pagans IRL, I am by far drawn in that direction.


Also, options. Republic gives you no room to break rank. "DS" paths in Pub stories are meaningless fluff because you're hard-lined into being a hero.


Empire DS vs LS actually means something. It's a much richer, much less rigid, much less predictable environment and I really appreciate the depth and complexity you can spiral into in a nightmarish world like the Empire.

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Republic, for the sake of my childhood dreams!


Well I should say, to try and satiate my childhood dreams. I much enjoyed the Republic when it was the Rebel Alliance; that sentence is buggered in terms of time. They were grimy. Their bases were hidden in forests; inside sweet, ancient temples. They started as farm boys and ended up triumphing over the ultimate evil.


The Empire was cruel and imposing. I felt sympathy for all of the soldiers Vader murdered...THEY HAD FAMILIES!


Now when I play as the Republic (and read novels) I can see the hypocrisy of the situation. My Jedi Knight is essentially a mass-murdered with his own agenda. Now, does that change the fact that I get my very own lightsaber? My own astromech droid?! My own ship to gallivant around the universe to save these powerless citizens against the vicious empire. Not one bit.


Long story short. Childhood dream.

Edited by Kremsau
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If it actually learned the Empire's lessons about not squabbling amongst its own or ignoring disadvantaged beings who could be easily made ready to serve, it would crush the Empire easily.


The Empire teaching the Republic lessons about not squabbling amongst its own ranks? That would be a fun thing to see, considering that the entire Empire and Sith Order are built upon internal power struggles. I mean from the start of Korriban to the end of Ilum, on every single planet, the Empire is fighting itself from within. Look at the mortality rate at the Sith Academy or just how many Sith Lords you slay as a Sith Warrior. By the end of the storyline, you probably murder more fellow Sith than Jedi. I mean in the tomb of Naga Sadow alone, you single handedly massacre about a hundred fellow Sith Acolytes whose only fault was that their masters had sent them to the same tomb as you had been.


The Bounty Hunter summed it up very well when he talked to Marr about going after the Dread Masters on Oricon:


BH: - You know, if you'd send me out to hunt Jedi just half as many times as you send me out to kill Sith, maybe you'd actually be winning this war.

Marr: - Indeed.


And worse, power plays between Sith Lords are causing Imperial soldiers to perish by the thousands in pointless infighting and internal skirmishes. How many loyal Imperial soldiers and Sith did we massacre on Dromund Kaas in Grathan's estate? Or how many thousands of soldiers perished aboard the Carnage when the Sith Inquisitor destroyed it with the Silencer just to make a good show for the people observing it? Or when you can condemn the entire Imperial task force on Oricon to death just to show the Dread Masters that you don't care about them. Or how many Dread Guards did we kill, not once pausing to consider that eliminating the Dread Masters might break their hold over them and that they might be able to rejoin the Imperial army once their masters are defeated?


The reason the Empire is losing the war is because Sith are needlessly wasting thousands upon thousands of Imperial lives on a whim, without any remorse or consideration for the overall strategic goals. The Empire cannot afford a war of attrition against the Republic, but the Sith are doing it anyway, heedless of the consequences. Every Empire built and run by Sith so far has destroyed itself in the end in pointless infighting. The way of the Sith is perpetual struggle and fight ("through passion, I gain strength"), if they don't have a common enemy, they turn on each other and destroy themselves.


The Empire would destroy itself eventually even without outside influence. So, yeah, I'd like to see the day the Empire lectures the Republic about the pointlessness of infighting.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Republic because I intensely dislike the Empire's culture of slavery. Even as an exceptional individual this setting makes my power meaningless. Republic also so far has all of my favorite companions, and I loath most of the Empire ones save for Kaliyio (but I may be unfair here because I have met less Imps than Pub comps). But Empire areas are normally more condensed, easier to navigate. The Empire animations are better on the Force Users. So, where the game-play is concerned I prefer the Empire.
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1) First, the outfits of every class are just so much better on the Empire side. Sage's outfits? Ridiculous. Smugglers with their "medium armor" which actually looks like cotton jackets. Also the combat effects on the Empire side just prevail (I am getting sick when I see my guardian running with the lightsaber).


2) The class stories! The class stories on the Empire side are just so much better. As a smuggler, I had constantly the feeling that I am being pushed into something that I did not sign up for. Also, I never had the feeling I was actually smuggling something. Not talking about the trooper's havoc squad (WHERE IS THE SQUAD, I ask. It is Havoc Duo with the rest being lazy on the ship except for once single quest. When I hear my trooper saying? "Havoc squad assualt formation" and there is a single companion, I consider it just a bad joke. Also, they do not care about the ops security at all. Everywhere they come, first thing they say is: "Hallo, Havoc squad here!"). The knight has a story you would expect, no complaints there. And the consular's first act is just so weak...


3) The light side and dark side decisions - I have the feeling that the Empire side lets you form your character better through such decision.


4) Companions - both sides have some awesome companions but in general, I think the Empire has cooler crews. On my trooper, I did not really like anyone else than 4X. The same problem I had on my consular.


5) Planet quests. This is my huge problem with the Empire side. I like the light-sided paths of the Empire characters, but once I start some of the planet quests, I have the feeling that the character of the toon I had in mind is falling apart. While on the Republic side I am protecting people, on the Empire side I am trying to kill innocent people. And my light-sided toon is just falling apart. Some of the stuff just does not make sense at all. Black Talon, for example. There is this young innocent padawan. If I could just defeat her but let her live. But no, she needs to die. And then - taking the general into custody is a light side option? I do not think so.


So all in all, the light side Empire probably wins for me. But then I start doing the quests not in the class story and my light sided character just starts feeling like a mass murderer. That is why I ALWAYS end up on the Republic side.

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And when you play DS choices on the Empire, at least so far, they give you no options to be smart and grand and terrifyingly awesome. My SW was lectured by the Opponents (from Jedi to nitwits) on numerous occasions without having anything intelligent to offer in response. It's always: "Whatever. I'll KILL YOU! Mwa-ha-ha!"


One thing that annoyed me off the bat on the Empire side was that my SW did not know the Sith Code. :confused: In addition she is delusional-stupid about men, apparently.


My Imp Agent had to go with the most stupid cover story imaginable. My second companion is not in the cards for planets, and planets and then I will have to race through their stories if I am to get to know anyone but Kalyio (whom I will know exceedingly well).


My BH is doing the same "go kill-talk to Mako" routine day in and day out. (She is cute, I get it. Do I have to talk to her again? Argh.)


The Inquisitor is the only one who has anything to offer in terms of Okay dialogue so far.


So, honestly, apart from the Inq, I am not a fan of the Imp side so much.

Edited by DomiSotto
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From a story standpoint I like the Empire. It's just more interesting, lots of stuff going on. Morality is definitely relative in the Empire, and as somebody mentioned earlier a lot of people seem willing to bend and compromise their sense of morality in order to get ahead, and often simply to survive. You get to see how the average citizen is more or less a normal person, but how horribly and incurably corrupt the government is, even before you factor in the Sith.


The Republic? If you live in modernized western society you're already largely familiar with a lot of the governing principles within the Republic, albeit it's a more idealized, romanticized version of what exists here in the real world. It's not as much a stretch of the imagination, we've seen it all before, especially in the movies and EU. Sure there's corruption, but the Republic is so gung-ho do-good and feel-good that it strains credulity. A system of government like that does NOT remain largely free from corruption and run on genuine good intentions for even a tiny fraction of the time the Republic's been doing it. It's just not very believable, to me at least.


If I had to choose a side to LIVE in, though, it would be the Republic any day. Life in the Empire for the little guy just seems too stressful.

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I love the Empire far more. Even as a light side character, I love serving a civilization centered around power, passion, fury and fear. I can basically do whatever the hell I want, and the Sith Empire's leniency will basically ignore it all...Plus their armor looks cooler and red lightsabers are sweet xD.
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I'm an Imperial at heart for a few reasons:

1) The Imperial main planetary questlines aren't all "Please help get this planet out of the toliet!"

2) You actually feel like you are gaining more powerful, not simply running around saving everyone.

3) The Republic is hypocritical about it's corruption, the Empire is at least up front about it.

4) I'm more in agreement with Sith philosophy than Jedi philosophy.

5) The aesthetics!

6) I've always loved playing as the Empire in other Star Wars games, so I carried on the tradition here

Which of course makes it all the more frustrating since Bioware has basically given the Republic the privilege to roflstomp the Empire at their leisure despite the fact they have at least 2000 years or so left to work with.

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Game wise I'm all for the Empire, I just prefer the lore and fancy uniforms; the Republic just seems really bloated and unorganized in terms of government because they try to stand for equality when in-fact they are far from it. However if it was real life....come on who would really want to live in the Empire unless they were a Sith or part of Intelligence? Edited by Darth_Exar
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Well, I have two "mains". A Jedi Shadow and a Sith Inquisitor. They look the exact same and I actually started the Jedi Shadow first. At the end of the day, I've ended up playing the Empire more because they actually offering more intriguing choices in the class stories I've played.


With the Republic, you are either a complete *** or a goodie two shoes. With the Empire, there are shades of grey that you can play with to make a dimensional character.


- Arcada

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I'll preface this with, I'm a good person, really.


That being said, I'm Imperial through and through, the Republic is just a lumbering beast that is full of corruption and hypocrisy, two things that really annoy me as a person. At least with the Empire as it has been said, they are upfront about it. For example, the Empire tells you that it deals in slavery, the Republic, one of the first missions you get on the Capital, is to go and get some illegal slave collars from some criminals, that were stolen

from a Senator!


Or then this little gem...


You get tasked with smashing a criminal origination, that is blackmailing a Senator, whom USED THEIR MONEY, to get elected in the first place.



I mean the Empire should have had the disciplined Jedi and the Republic should have the Sith...

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I can only play what I have in me.


This means that I can't play "evil". I just can't. My "inner core" would be rebelling, to put it in an rather spiritual way.


But - I can play an independent Bounty Hunter ...


That's why I'm playing to 99,99 % Republic.


Besides, this thread is real proof for me that imperial faction favouritism really exists ... So few Republic players here ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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