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Merry Christmas Bastion


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Just wanted to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Its hard to believe its been 2 years since SWTOR came out and a year and a half since transfers to the Bastion. Ive made a lot of good friends here and it was (and still kind of is) a really good community. Even if a lot of my friends here are long gone, there's still plenty of cool people around.


So happy holidays to you all!


I might be doing some Christmas giveaways tomorrow evening, stay tuned.

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I also have had the flu and have nonstop diarrhea for last 2 days.


Seriously!?!?!? You've been having diarrhea continuously for 2 days? Like sitting on the toilet with your laptop typing while blowing your insides out nonstop? I bet you're pretty skinny now :D

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My jeep broke down and has cost me 385 bucks 2 days ago.


I also have had the flu and have nonstop diarrhea for last 2 days.


Wanna know how I feel about Christmas?


Bah Humbug.


why did we need to know that? I was eating a sandwich while I read the diarrhea part...:rak_04:

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