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CC Are you kidding me?


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The only broken part of CC is force choke, which STILL ignores a full resolve bar at least from time to time, and that ignores hold the line on a consistent basis.


It ignores resolve if they applied it as the final stun to fill up your resolve bar...then you get to watch your resolve white bar bleed away while you're being choked.

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WoW? Ever played WoW arena against comps like WMD? A single class of these can CC you up to about 17.5 seconds with their spammable CC, not even counting those with CD.

Almost all AoE CC is melee range and useless against ranged classes. They also consist mostly of knockbacks which are easily countered by most melee classes thanks to the abundance and/or short CDs on the gap closers.

Abundance of CCs? If you think my Sorc has a lot of CC you'd cry against my WoW frost mage.


Sorry but no.


There is no game outside with MORE CC ( especially stuns ) and a weaker working resolve than SW:TOR. It's just stupid and bad design.


There is no need that every class has got 2 or more stuns ( 1 stun is always 1min or less in CD ).

Edited by LovarBoy
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WoW? Ever played WoW arena against comps like WMD? A single class of these can CC you up to about 17.5 seconds with their spammable CC, not even counting those with CD.

Almost all AoE CC is melee range and useless against ranged classes. They also consist mostly of knockbacks which are easily countered by most melee classes thanks to the abundance and/or short CDs on the gap closers.

Abundance of CCs? If you think my Sorc has a lot of CC you'd cry against my WoW frost mage.


You're talking about 2 classes in Wow. In SWTOR every class has lots of CC. Name a class in Wow with 3 aoe knockbacks every 20 seconds (2 acs in swtor can do that followed by two others that can do 2/min - half the game with multiple aoe kbs)? Frost mages (1 spec of 1 class) have an almost spammable aoe root which is not as bad in wzs/bgs with bridges and death traps and that doesn't typically interrupt casts last I checked (1 spec of sorcs/sages get roots added to their kbs, too, aoe mezz on shield break isn't unique to mages either). This game has lots of ACs with aoe mezzes AND multiple stuns all on very short cooldowns. It is much worse than Wow. I've played every AC in this game to 55, some multiple times and I've played Wow more than that.

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Sorry but no.


There is no game outside with MORE CC ( especially stuns ) and a weaker working resolve than SW:TOR. It's just stupid and bad design.


There is no need that every class has got 2 or more stuns ( 1 stun is always 1min or less in CD ).


Go play Age of Conan and get back to me. CC is excessive in this game, but it is in most MMO's. Heck, Guild Wars 2 has at least as much crowd control, it's just much shorter duration with longer cooldowns.

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Been this way since launch and nothing has been done to improve it...in fact, they made it WORSE by removing overlapping CC's. I highly suggest you learn to deal with it or give up ground PvP...Bioware's inaction proves they don't give a flip.
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There is a lot more CC in WOW, but its not as easy to use and easier to counter. Resolve stops CC chains better than DRs. Makes it more idiot friendly. Not saying DRs would work in SWTOR, because that system wouldn't. Frost nova isn't even that strong anymore. Almost all melee have a root break on a short cooldown, sorta like this game. Its pretty rare that you get rooted for a full 8 seconds.


Cleansing is more important in WOW than here. Outplaying CC is more important in WOW than here. Preventing CC is more important in WOW than here. Using CC in general is more important in WOW than here and has a higher skill ceiling. Interrupting much more important in WOW than here. A lot more different types of CC in WOW, fear, hex, blanket silence, ring of frost, cyclone etc.


Stun chains maybe last longer here, except when you get kidneyed -> cheap shot -> cheap shot = about 8 seconds, but they barely last longer and the cooldown on those stuns are longer than stuns in WOW. Those stuns usually have unique mechanics which require set-up (combo points, fingers, etc.) making them predictable/outplayable. The difference is you won't die in a stun chain in WOW as often, unless people use their offensives. SWTOR its like everyone has offensives popped all the time, so the damage is retarded without a tank. I think this is why most people complain about stuns. Higher damage = more idiot friendly game.


SWTOR CC is a lot more forgiving to morons. If someone uses break on something stupid like a stun when their health/team/objective is fine and they aren't going to get a kill, they probably won't be penalized as greatly as if this was WOW.


If you're an idiot and trinket like sap or an initial cheap shot for no reason in WOW, a rogue can blind -> sap -> sap -> redirect kidney -> dismantle/garrote (kill you in a bomb), etc. You're teammates can stop that CC chain, but most classes can penalize stupid mistakes with trinket in WOW. SWTOR isn't like that because of resolve and a lack of CC. More CC = higher skill cap, especially with unique mechanics attached. Low amount of CC with no interesting/preventable mechanics makes it a moron friendly game.


The mez equivalents in WOW have a lot shorter cooldowns, but require some skill to use the majority of the time. Those that don't (example: insta cast = blind) have a long cooldown. Sheep (equivalent to whirlwind) is spammable, but can only be used on one person at a time, DRs with a bunch of ****, but also has a cast time. SWTOR mez CC is the opposite. The harder (more skill required) to get off mezs have longer cooldowns than the instant cast ones. This is stupid. Whirlwind should have a really short cooldown, because of its cast time.


If this was WOW, awe wouldn't be as easy to use. At the least it would be targeted and would probably have some sort of interesting/preventable mechanic to it like hungering cold or have several counters like a warrior's fear (tremor totem, fear ward, beserker rage etc.)


It is important to say that with the more CC you add the more individual breaks you need to also add to the game. Especially when you have a cooldown on cleanse. WOW has a lot of individual breaks. Death knights have like 3 trinkets. Mages don't even use a trinket most the time because of ice block/blink. SWTOR only has one extra break mechanic (barrier). I personally don't like non-trinket breaks, because they are less skillful than preemptive abilities like hunker down. I don't like how some specs have talents that lower the cooldown on break. I think that's stupid.

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You're talking about 2 classes in Wow. In SWTOR every class has lots of CC. Name a class in Wow with 3 aoe knockbacks every 20 seconds (2 acs in swtor can do that followed by two others that can do 2/min - half the game with multiple aoe kbs)? Frost mages (1 spec of 1 class) have an almost spammable aoe root which is not as bad in wzs/bgs with bridges and death traps and that doesn't typically interrupt casts last I checked (1 spec of sorcs/sages get roots added to their kbs, too, aoe mezz on shield break isn't unique to mages either). This game has lots of ACs with aoe mezzes AND multiple stuns all on very short cooldowns. It is much worse than Wow. I've played every AC in this game to 55, some multiple times and I've played Wow more than that.



Just two classes? Ever played against competent rogues and druids? That alone with mages and warlocks makes 4 out of 10 classes with tons of hard CC 3 of which have a spammable hard CC. All with real hard CC not just knockbacks and roots?

Not to mention that the other classes have at least one hard CC as well.

Priests got Mindcontrol and Psychic Screem which alone can lead to a CC chain of about 22 seconds.

Warriors got Intimidating Shout and Colossus Smash.

DKs got Strangulate, Grip, CoI baseline.

Shamans got Hex and Frostshock.

Most hunters got Freezing Trap and Scatter Shot (Talent) or Intimidation (Talent).

I got no idea what Monks got since I never played them or Pandaria for that record (except a few minutes beta on a friends account)


And this list did not delve into specs even, just mentioning baseline abilities and even here left out a couple of slows and roots. If you wish I will give you an extensive list, even though I have to look it up again since I have not played WoW since Cata.


AoE Mezz in SWTOR? Baseline only Scoundrels/IA and JK/SWs have it. Sorc/Sage can get it only if you go into tier 4 in TK/Lightning tree and Knockback root is even higher now so even Madness/Lightning hybrids cannot get it anymore, only Deep TK/Lightning can get both nowadays unlike at release.

Its also only 3 seconds long and poses the risk of eing instantly broken in which case it was highly detrimental to you since all it did was filling up resolve.


P.S: This comparison also leaves out that this is the state of WoW now. Classic was even worse because there were no DRs and no special CC restrictions for PvP, meaning CC lasted in PvP as long as in PvE.

To put that into perspective, Polymorph lasts 60 seconds in PvE for example. Yes thats right, in Classic you had the great pleasure of being potentially CCed ad infinitum since there were no DRs, no CC breaker abilities bar 2-3 on long CDs.

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Every argument about wow CC being just as excessive or worse that swtor, seem to backfire


Not really. Unless you want to tell me that it is exceedingly difficult to get 5 combo points before CS stun runs out. In which case you should stop playing MMOs and maybe try Farmville. Also nice how you pick out one example in which the player must not be completely brain dead to chain two stuns one after another unlike Polymorph or Fear or Cyclone.

I only said "competent" to illustrate that it is not as straight up as other CC chains but it is by no means difficult in the slightest.

Of course really competent Rogues who know how to restealth Sap and have a good feel for DRs will male you scream if you already cry about SWTOR CC because they will CC your ad nauseum to set you up for a devastating damage chain that you wish you would have never touched WoW in the first place.

Just to put it into perspective CS alone lasts 4 seconds on half the CD all the other stuns in this game have. Not to mention Kidneyshot, the second tun at a rogues disposal. Add to that Sap as a 10second mezz and Blind being an 8 second Mezz, all instant by the way and we can already see why WoW CC is superior. Oh did I mention 70% Slow from Crippling poison on auto attacks or from Shiv? 50% ranged Slow from Deadly Throw? Smokebomb? Disarm?

Seriously stop kidding yourself, CC in SWTOR is comparatively easy to use and just as easy to counter. As a previous poster already explained superfically WoW trumps SWTOR on both aspects in PvP, CC (length) and counterplay.

Compare again the amount rogues from WoW have to ps/coundrel, the closest class in terms of gameplay. It's not even close especially considering the CDs of 30 seconds or less for the two stuns and potential resets via Preparation for Blind.

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Not really. Unless you want to tell me that it is exceedingly difficult to get 5 combo points before CS stun runs out. In which case you should stop playing MMOs and maybe try Farmville. Also nice how you pick out one example in which the player must not be completely brain dead to chain two stuns one after another unlike Polymorph or Fear or Cyclone.

I only said "competent" to illustrate that it is not as straight up as other CC chains but it is by no means difficult in the slightest.


Im sorry I stopped here. Not because of bad argument but because I cant be b... aaaahh who am I kidding. Plz dont play the L2P card, u dont know me. Thing is u need resources or casttime to do something worthwhile in WoW while u can just faceroll CC/KB in Swtor. Theres also dynamics that allow the amount of CC in wow to be what it is (somewhat). In Swtor there is no such balance.

Edited by Beeteel
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You know what's awesome about resolve? It's one thing about this game that isn't exactly like WoW. I've never played WoW, I will most likely never play WoW, and this game doesn't have to be WoW.


Learn how resolve works. Use it to your advantage when CCing or being CC'd. Stop complaining.

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You know what's awesome about resolve? It's one thing about this game that isn't exactly like WoW. I've never played WoW, I will most likely never play WoW, and this game doesn't have to be WoW.


Learn how resolve works. Use it to your advantage when CCing or being CC'd. Stop complaining.


Yeah except it only affects stuns. Also like someone else said, the dps/HP ratio are just all screwed in this game. Play something else and ull realise that this system just dont work. When something is unique Id rather it be something that strikes me as a well thought out solution

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Im sorry I stopped here. Not because of bad argument but because I cant be b... aaaahh who am I kidding. Plz dont play the L2P card, u dont know me. Thing is u need resources or casttime to do something worthwhile in WoW while u can just faceroll CC/KB in Swtor. Theres also dynamics that allow the amount of CC in wow to be what it is (somewhat). In Swtor there is no such balance.


Nonsense. You have the same resources in SWTOR(Force,rage, energy, heat, ammo = mana, energy, rage, RP/runes) and you also have to deal with CDs. Ergo a non argumet. Funny enough it takes more skill to get Whirlwind through and it is far more costly when it gets broken in comparison to WoW mechanics like Fear or Polymorph who have no CD and a shorter cast time to boot.

And your ittle ran does not change the fact that there are at least twice as many CCs in WoW wich also ahve a far longer duration.

Next time, come up with something better than a hidden "I am better than you" pseudo argument.


Yeah except it only affects stuns. Also like someone else said, the dps/HP ratio are just all screwed in this game. Play something else and ull realise that this system just dont work. When something is unique Id rather it be something that strikes me as a well thought out solution


No it affects stuns and mezzes. It does not affect roots and slows which is fine given that we got plenty of easy counters against them anyway.

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Funny enough it takes more skill to get Whirlwind through and it is far more costly when it gets broken in comparison to WoW mechanics like Fear or Polymorph who have no CD and a shorter cast time to boot. And your ittle ran does not change the fact that there are at least twice as many CCs in WoW wich also ahve a far longer duration.

Next time, come up with something better than a hidden "I am better than you" pseudo argument.


Are u using Whirlwind as an example against 2 trademark CCs? If u chose to rely on Whirlwind u are in really deep water.

And ofc u chose to ignore the part about balance of dynamics. SWTOR just dont have any. Im not saying that CC in WoW is perfect, Im saying that u can actually see how its supposed to work considering factors like enviroment, classes, DPS/HP ratio and player count. Pug/rated/premade Arenas in swtor just aint something u can balance anything on.

Also nowhere did I hint something like "Im better than u". This is no competition so stop acting like it.


No it affects stuns and mezzes. It does not affect roots and slows which is fine given that we got plenty of easy counters against them anyway


Well I chose to bake mezzes into stuns. In a 1v1 enviroment sure, its mostly fine. 8v8 situation is a different story.

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Funny enough it takes more skill to get Whirlwind through and it is far more costly when it gets broken in comparison to WoW mechanics like Fear or Polymorph who have no CD and a shorter cast time to boot.

And your ittle ran does not change the fact that there are at least twice as many CCs in WoW wich also ahve a far longer duration.



Which CCs in Wow last "much" longer now? Last I checked they are close to the same (saps and sheep = 8 secs). Spam them on the same person and DR kicks in fast (and DR lasts longer than resolve and trinketed/broken effects count towards DR). Stuns are typically 5 seconds vs 4 here but this game has more of them (in terms of stuns per minute that you can get hit with).


Whirlwind takes _some_ skill to pull off vs sheep with its 1-2 sec cast time and its 30 yd range but it's not the sorc's/sin's staple move. Bear in mind though - sheep can be reflected, dispelled, ignored by some classes and/or countered many ways in Wow (and it breaks on damage just like whirlwind - how many ways to dispel that?).


The main thing about the cc storm here is: every single character on any field has at least one stun every minute, many interrupts, and some form of aoe cc (if not many forms) - all on short (<1 min) cooldowns. They can probably all snare and/or root, too - most can - but I haven't confirmed that. And then there's grenades. That just isn't true in Wow. Wow has a lot of different names for things that can stun but many specs don't have access to any of them, and many of those that do have sacrificed something else (utility/buff/etc) to get them. Sure frost mages can do a lot of cc, arguably as much as any swtor class, but their damage compared to other mage classes has suffered because of that (not confirmed lately but that was true for most of the time I played mine). And not everyone in Wow is a Frost mage.

Edited by Savej
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Just learn when to properly use your CC breaker and you'll be fine. Yes there is tons of CC in this game but it's rarely ALL focused on one person, usually you only have to deal with between 1-3 pieces of CC in an average battle, one of which will probably be a mezz that gets instantly broken by some random marauder jumping in to play the hero.
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Just learn when to properly use your CC breaker and you'll be fine. Yes there is tons of CC in this game but it's rarely ALL focused on one person, usually you only have to deal with between 1-3 pieces of CC in an average battle, one of which will probably be a mezz that gets instantly broken by some random marauder jumping in to play the hero.


Oh, it is.


Especially when you are "one" of this classes. Sage / Sorc for example. Most of the Marauders / Jugs ( or Melees ) will focus you. Maybe some guy pulls you into their crowd and you die within seconds because you can't move. You are slowed, freezed, stunned. All you can do is watch your HP bar going down.


Nothing to do with proper use of my CC breaker if there are so many classes than can stun and cc me.


The WoW DR is working good, the SWTOR resolve is just a sickness of game design. And so are the dozens of stuns and cc options out there. In WoW maybe half of the classes has stuns - here every class has min 1 but more likely 2.

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Which CCs in Wow last "much" longer now? Last I checked they are close to the same (saps and sheep = 8 secs). Spam them on the same person and DR kicks in fast (and DR lasts longer than resolve and trinketed/broken effects count towards DR). Stuns are typically 5 seconds vs 4 here but this game has more of them (in terms of stuns per minute that you can get hit with).


Whirlwind takes _some_ skill to pull off vs sheep with its 1-2 sec cast time and its 30 yd range but it's not the sorc's/sin's staple move. Bear in mind though - sheep can be reflected, dispelled, ignored by some classes and/or countered many ways in Wow (and it breaks on damage just like whirlwind - how many ways to dispel that?).


The main thing about the cc storm here is: every single character on any field has at least one stun every minute, many interrupts, and some form of aoe cc (if not many forms) - all on short (<1 min) cooldowns. They can probably all snare and/or root, too - most can - but I haven't confirmed that. And then there's grenades. That just isn't true in Wow. Wow has a lot of different names for things that can stun but many specs don't have access to any of them, and many of those that do have sacrificed something else (utility/buff/etc) to get them. Sure frost mages can do a lot of cc, arguably as much as any swtor class, but their damage compared to other mage classes has suffered because of that (not confirmed lately but that was true for most of the time I played mine). And not everyone in Wow is a Frost mage.


Frost mages blow anything out of the water in SWTOR. My Sorc cannot hold a candle to what my frostmage can inflict as ranged CC. Same goes with rogues, druids and warlocks.

I can give you a dozen more examples and that is just one class, in arena with the right class and non overlapping DRs it becomes absurd how long you can get CCed there after you blow out your 2 minute CD CC breaker.

I played druid/warlock/mage in arena and a standard hard CC chain goes like this:

Deep Freeze -> Sheep -> Sheep -> Sheep -> Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> Cyclone -> Cyclone -> Cyclone.

Thats 4+10+5+2.5+10+5+2.5+8+4+2 = 53 seconds and I did not even mention Deathcoil and bear stun in that equation, much less my two frost novas and my spammable no CD slow via Frostbolt. If I chose Frostjaw I get effectively another 4 second long stun with just 30 second CD. Oh did I mention the interupt which will bring all spells of the same school on CD for 8 seconds and silences you for 4 seconds compeltely? And woe if you are melee and the druid starts spamming his roots which do not overlap with any of the warlocks CC plus the mages roots albeit they do share DR. If you cry about CC as melee in SWTOR you'd probably throw your PC out of the window in WoW.

Do you understand now that WoW frostmage and even warlocks and druids, especially balance with an added knockback and AoE Silence, are just miles ahead to anything SWTOR can offer? Really I must go into that much detail before you guys realize that CC in SWTOR is a joke in comparison?

My Lightning Sorc in comparison has just a knockback+root, a stun, an interupt, a single target 2 second cast mezz and a 3 second mezz from shield. Thats not even close to what a frost mage can do and that's the best a Sorc can have in terms of CC.

At most I can CC you back to back 15 seconds with shield mezz, mezz and stun, and must use two 1 minute CD for that and my mezz is easily counterable if we are in a group PvP situation. And tbh I am not even sure that works because I can usually not use Whirlwind under most circumstances. Just far too long cast time.

My mage in comparison can alone lock you down for 22.5 seconds and only needs to use a 30 second CD and can do that over range, unlike me who needs to be in melee range for shield mezz. Prior to Pandaland you could even reset the the stun via Coldsnap for another series.

Really there is no comparison of CC, WoW blows SWTOR out of the water.

Warlocks and Druids are not far behind frost mages, as are rogues albeit they cannot as easily spam CCs but its not exactly hard to build up combo points and abuse restealth.

The worst class when it comes to CC in WoW is the shaman. Who is a healer/damage dealer in heavy armor and shield with good mobility and endless mana so there is a reason for that.


Oh, it is.


Especially when you are "one" of this classes. Sage / Sorc for example. Most of the Marauders / Jugs ( or Melees ) will focus you. Maybe some guy pulls you into their crowd and you die within seconds because you can't move. You are slowed, freezed, stunned. All you can do is watch your HP bar going down.


Nothing to do with proper use of my CC breaker if there are so many classes than can stun and cc me.


The WoW DR is working good, the SWTOR resolve is just a sickness of game design. And so are the dozens of stuns and cc options out there. In WoW maybe half of the classes has stuns - here every class has min 1 but more likely 2.


Nonsense. Resolve works fine. DRs can be abused to no end with the right class combinations and do very little if you have any form of class knowledge in WoW.

You think getting pulled into a group and getting killed in a few secodns doesn't happen in WoW? Ever played more than TBC? Ever heard of Deathknights? You know how fun it is in AV whent here are at least 4-6 DKs and you get pulled 3-4 times and fly around like a rubber ball on speed and you are then so far into the enemy group that your healer cannot pull you out anymore?

Seriously people, get a clue.

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Frost mages blow anything out of the water in SWTOR. My Sorc cannot hold a candle to what my frostmage can inflict as ranged CC. Same goes with rogues, druids and warlocks.

I can give you a dozen more examples and that is just one class, in arena with the right class and non overlapping DRs it becomes absurd how long you can get CCed there after you blow out your 2 minute CD CC breaker.

I played druid/warlock/mage in arena and a standard hard CC chain goes like this:

Deep Freeze -> Sheep -> Sheep -> Sheep -> Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> Fear -> Cyclone -> Cyclone -> Cyclone.

Thats 4+10+5+2.5+10+5+2.5+8+4+2 = 53 seconds and I did not even mention Deathcoil and bear stun in that equation, much less my two frost novas and my spammable no CD slow via Frostbolt. If I chose Frostjaw I get effectively another 4 second long stun with just 30 second CD. Oh did I mention the interupt which will bring all spells of the same school on CD for 8 seconds and silences you for 4 seconds compeltely? And woe if you are melee and the druid starts spamming his roots which do not overlap with any of the warlocks CC plus the mages roots albeit they do share DR. If you cry about CC as melee in SWTOR you'd probably throw your PC out of the window in WoW.

Do you understand now that WoW frostmage and even warlocks and druids, especially balance with an added knockback and AoE Silence, are just miles ahead to anything SWTOR can offer? Really I must go into that much detail before you guys realize that CC in SWTOR is a joke in comparison?

My Lightning Sorc in comparison has just a knockback+root, a stun, an interupt, a single target 2 second cast mezz and a 3 second mezz from shield. Thats not even close to what a frost mage can do and that's the best a Sorc can have in terms of CC.

At most I can CC you back to back 15 seconds with shield mezz, mezz and stun, and must use two 1 minute CD for that and my mezz is easily counterable if we are in a group PvP situation. And tbh I am not even sure that works because I can usually not use Whirlwind under most circumstances. Just far too long cast time.

My mage in comparison can alone lock you down for 22.5 seconds and only needs to use a 30 second CD and can do that over range, unlike me who needs to be in melee range for shield mezz. Prior to Pandaland you could even reset the the stun via Coldsnap for another series.

Really there is no comparison of CC, WoW blows SWTOR out of the water.

Warlocks and Druids are not far behind frost mages, as are rogues albeit they cannot as easily spam CCs but its not exactly hard to build up combo points and abuse restealth.

The worst class when it comes to CC in WoW is the shaman. Who is a healer/damage dealer in heavy armor and shield with good mobility and endless mana so there is a reason for that.




Nonsense. Resolve works fine. DRs can be abused to no end with the right class combinations and do very little if you have any form of class knowledge in WoW.

You think getting pulled into a group and getting killed in a few secodns doesn't happen in WoW? Ever played more than TBC? Ever heard of Deathknights? You know how fun it is in AV whent here are at least 4-6 DKs and you get pulled 3-4 times and fly around like a rubber ball on speed and you are then so far into the enemy group that your healer cannot pull you out anymore?

Seriously people, get a clue.


Are u getting paid for this?

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Are u getting paid for this?


Classic red herring when you are losing the argument. Keep it up.


Same thoughts.


WoW pvp isn't good either, but it's far better than this.


Nicely done like the guy you quoted, losing the argument, use a red herring to distract from the fact that you blow hot steam only. :rolleyes:

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