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Lightsaber Knockback Ability


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I would like to see the ability we saw in the early swtor combat trailers where the Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight could do a fairly large knockback on one or even two people with a lightsaber swing. Throughout my Jedi Knight's storyline it was annoying to see Sith NPCs use that ability on me because I wanted to do it too. This ability was what initially got me really psyched about swtor combat and I just think lightsaber combat and combat in general would be so much more exciting with this ability. I can imagine so many cool scenarios with this ability too, like knocking a Jedi or a Sith off a cliff in an epic lightsaber battle. Edited by Greenbeen
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hmm that could work and mechanics wouldn't be that difficult



watch from 3 mins.

When Malgus was about to kill Satelle.

If they take that mechanic and do something like the saber glows with force energy during it.


Non-saber weilders would use sword, rifles or blasters not to be cut in half.

and the visual could be something like the person that gets knocked back is sent flying into everyone else.

Flooring them.

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Nah, I mean more like the ability the Sith Warrior uses in this trailer when he knocks the Jedi off the bridge. I also think the mechanics of the ability wouldn't be that hard because knock-backs in general don't really hinder combat in swto


knockback ability in lightsaber fight at 0:50


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I know it's not a LS knock back but you do have force push. You can still toss a mob off a cliff or bridge with it. I don't think we need 2 knock backs like that, however I wouldn't be opposed to changing the animation to making it look like a knock back from a LS instead.
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Yeah, that's true. It's just annoying that swtor advertised that ability before and didn't put it in. They could implement it in the future though and just add other knockbacks for other classes or maybe add abilities to other classes in order to to balance the mechanics.
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If they made it so it was a light saber swing that knocked our foe's back thats fine; but, Juggernauts, Guardians DO NOT need another knock back 1 is enough....its bad enough that every class but 2 (Powertech and Vanguard) has a 15m knockback and with SW/JK being a tank class they do not need more than 1.


If you say they need a 2nd stun....wrong just make them a cybertech and use grenades Seismic grenade (stuns all foes in 8m range for 4sec damage breaks stun) and Freese bomb (immobilizes up to 6 targets fo 2 sec.


this game has too many movement imparring effects for classes that dont need them...RDPS and healers i understand but melee dont need that many stuns, roots, knockbacks, pulls, pushes or whatever...........

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If they made it so it was a light saber swing that knocked our foe's back thats fine; but, Juggernauts, Guardians DO NOT need another knock back 1 is enough....its bad enough that every class but 2 (Powertech and Vanguard) has a 15m knockback and with SW/JK being a tank class they do not need more than 1.


If you say they need a 2nd stun....wrong just make them a cybertech and use grenades Seismic grenade (stuns all foes in 8m range for 4sec damage breaks stun) and Freese bomb (immobilizes up to 6 targets fo 2 sec.


this game has too many movement imparring effects for classes that dont need them...RDPS and healers i understand but melee dont need that many stuns, roots, knockbacks, pulls, pushes or whatever...........


Scoundrels and Ops don't have a knock back like that either, make that 4

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It's an ability they took out of beta. The Sages also had Force Slam, lifting the target up and slamming them on the ground. Sentinels/marauders had Saber throw and Force push back then as well, but that got replaced with Zen/Berserk.


There's a lot of things in the trailers of classes that are no longer in anymore purely because of balancing issues :(

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Balancing-wise I realise that ability is hard to implement because if they put it in they would have to change around a lot of mechanics. That said though I love the ability and still hope they put it in somehow. And if not, BW could make it like a finishing move you do on a NPC or a player when you kill them where you knock them back with your lightsaber.


BTW merry christmas all.

Edited by Greenbeen
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Jugs and Guardians are, or can be anyways, also. That said, Scoundrels and Ops also have mid range abilities and also run into that need for an "Oh ****!" button.



ok if you wanna go there then i guess Powertechs and Vanguards are mid range DPS too….OH and Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights are mid rands dos as well….


mid range abilities on a Op/scoundrel

-Flashbang (10m)

-Overload Shot (10m)

-Cull (if specced into) (10m)

-Sever tendon (10m)


Mid range abilities on a SW/JK:

-saber throw (10m)

-Vicious throw (10m)

-force choke (10m)

-Obliterate (if specced into) (10m)

-force scream (10m)

-Dual saber throw (Mara/Sent) (0-30m)

-Force Push (Jug/Guard) (10m)

-Intimidating roar (8m)



Uh oh…Jedi knights and Sith warriors have more Mid Range abilities better call them range DPS from now on huh or mid rangers since you wanna go there lol



Do not add another knock back for this class they don't need it. if they want to change the look of the current push to a baseball bat swing and knock the hell back i support but to add yet another knock back to a class that has no issues killing 5 targets in a matter of seconds NO, I do not support this idea at all.


If a second knock back is what you were looking for i suggest just playing the class more than one learning all 3 trees for the advanced classes and get good at them. thats what I do…I have:

2 Snipers (Lethality and Engineering) 55

2 Operatives (healing and Concealment) 55

1 Jug (Rage) 55

1 Mara (Annihilation) 55

2 Assassins (Darkness and Deception) 55

1 Vanguard (Tank) 55

1 Mercenary(Arsenal) 55

1 Sorcerer (Lightning) 55


and my lowboys are:

1 (lv 31) assassin (madness)

1 (lv 32) Mara (Carnage)

1 (lv 22) Jug (Vengeance)

1 (lv 51) Scoundrel (Healer)

1 (lv 25) Gunslinger (Saboteur)

1 (lv 36) sage (Telekinesis)

1 (lv 45) Shadow (Infultration)

1 (lv 14) Sentinel (Watchman)

1 (lv 20) Commando (Gunnery)

1 (lv 10) Gaurdian (Defense)

1 (lv 34) Powertech (Shield Tech)



I know most of these classes inside and out and I can tell you Juggernaughts/Marauders and Guardians/Sentinels DO NOT need a 2nd knock back if they can hit 5 ppl for 14k in a blink of an eye then 12 seconds later hit them again with another 14k to finish the wounded off that didn't get any heals but were still getting DPSd down in the 12 second waiting period.

Edited by Jamalzero
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