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chests opening for those who not fight for them.


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i agree, and the key is an excellent idea... put a stop to those jerks that cloak in while you're fighting the guards and swipe the chest right from under you... especially if you're playing a ranged character cause then "just open the chest first" is a moot suggestion...
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i agree, and the key is an excellent idea... put a stop to those jerks that cloak in while you're fighting the guards and swipe the chest right from under you... especially if you're playing a ranged character cause then "just open the chest first" is a moot suggestion...


In general I still run in and open it right away on my ranged characters, even the healers. :p

But yeah, a key would definitely be nice.

Edited by Callaron
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I can see why you would want a key for this. With me though I may fight the guards around a chest because that is always a hard battle, and also most of the time i'm completing a bonus mission, but I rarely take the chest. I leave the chest for whoever wants it.

...well, good for you.


Anyway, yes a key would be a good idea.

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I was going to suggest a program where the mob would be tied to the chest they were guarding. As in killing the mob would grant access to the chest if you were the one who killed them. Also, to ensure that the game suffers from no confusion as to who has access to the chest, engaging one person from the mob will automatically lock the entire mob to you. That way, only you'd get credit for killing the mob and therefore would be the only one who'd get to loot the chest they were guarding.


However, this key idea is a nice one. Just have to remember to put a key symbol on the key-holder's portrait so that we'd know who to engage first.


Either way would be a good way to eliminate the ninjas. However, my first idea could also be used for mission objectives as well, for example the Kolto Tanks and Biotoxins on CZ-198. Like, if you still have to gather a few of those items, you'd engage the mob guarding them and the items would be locked to you until you completed the corresponding objective. And once you've completed the objective, any future instances of those items will basically be fair game to other players; since you don't need them, the game might as well allow other players to pick them up.

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I was going to suggest a program where the mob would be tied to the chest they were guarding. As in killing the mob would grant access to the chest if you were the one who killed them. Also, to ensure that the game suffers from no confusion as to who has access to the chest, engaging one person from the mob will automatically lock the entire mob to you. That way, only you'd get credit for killing the mob and therefore would be the only one who'd get to loot the chest they were guarding.


However, this key idea is a nice one. Just have to remember to put a key symbol on the key-holder's portrait so that we'd know who to engage first.


Either way would be a good way to eliminate the ninjas. However, my first idea could also be used for mission objectives as well, for example the Kolto Tanks and Biotoxins on CZ-198. Like, if you still have to gather a few of those items, you'd engage the mob guarding them and the items would be locked to you until you completed the corresponding objective. And once you've completed the objective, any future instances of those items will basically be fair game to other players; since you don't need them, the game might as well allow other players to pick them up.


Yes, this is a good idea too.

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As a stealther, I like to see how many things I can get without triggering the guards, so having a key as discussed would force me to fight instead of getting to practice/use stealth. Not that I want to ninja players, just NPCs, so maybe something like this:


o normal state -- anybody can loot

o a player or group attacks owner: object is now lootable by attacking player or group

o object remains "locked" to attacker or group for X seconds after mob (which may have more than one NPC in it) dies

o mob respawns Y seconds after timer X expires (Y = 0 means devs want this object to require looter to be part of combat, but for most items, Y > 0, so that others can loot if attacker "passes" by letting timer X expire.



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Yes, I also like stealthing in with a Shadow and grabbing the chest, only to drop into stealth again to make a very quick get-away without getting smacked more than once or twice.


Aggro'ing the mob should lock the chest to you for the duration of combat, in addition after the mob is defeated the chest should remain locked to that person/group for the next 30 seconds. I'm pretty sure that should solve all problems with loot ninjas.

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You all have been addressing what I feel is a major weakness with the game, and that for dailies there are too many objects that can be "ninja" taken from those who are earning them, its worse, many of those objects can't be clicked on during combat making it even easier for them to be stolen from the rightful player.


Also as a gatherer, I am sick og going to pre-used areas, where all the goodies of a zone have been already harvested by another player, and here I am, have the same fight than the previous player, and yet I get none of the bonus rewards they did receive for the same effort.


I love the idea of locking the items in favor of those who takes on the guardians, I don't believe a key is needed, simply the item uis locked to the player and glows only for the player that unlocked it. I would place a 30 second timer after the player who unlocked the item has killed all the mobs she was fighting, that is 30 seconds after they are no longer in combat. If within those 30 seconds they get aggroed (wandering mob, the item is locked and the timer reset. The idea is to allow the player to heal and recover and then go about looting in peace.


I have called for the idea of persistant objectives, say there is a sliceable item, or a glowing computer needed for a mission, a security box, or what not. When a player clicks on it, they get the goodie and for them and them alone the items is gone and no longer harvestable until next day. Yet the item is still harvestable for another player, who after harvesting it it will not be harvestable for them until next day. This way all can benefit equally from their hard work, it also keeps players from camping drop zones.



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Seen several posts that take universal positions of can and can't do.


Often I send my companion to suicide against the bodyguards, and go straight to the box, but when I click on it, I get the: Can't do during combat....


Mmm, so much for the companion here, sometimes I stealth to it, click on it, but before I get the goodie, the whole camp is stark raving mad at me and come after me, in the mean time I get the message, can't do this action while in combat. So much for stealth...


Sure in many occassions, I can send the companion ina suicide mission, while she is getting pounded into the ground, I take the item and run away, set my companion to passive and engage my stealth system...


Others I get past the guards in full stealth mode, get behind the tree or computer, set the camera on the side, and click on the item, the guards are no wiser of me, and I get the goodie. reset the camera view, re-engage stealth and I on my way.


So the point is that there is a lack of consitency in the game with regards to it, and simply a way to secure the goodie while you fight is a good idea, for those situations when you get: Can't do action while in combat or can't get to it without starting combat somehow.



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You all have been addressing what I feel is a major weakness with the game, and that for dailies there are too many objects that can be "ninja" taken from those who are earning them, its worse, many of those objects can't be clicked on during combat making it even easier for them to be stolen from the rightful player.


Also as a gatherer, I am sick og going to pre-used areas, where all the goodies of a zone have been already harvested by another player, and here I am, have the same fight than the previous player, and yet I get none of the bonus rewards they did receive for the same effort.


I love the idea of locking the items in favor of those who takes on the guardians, I don't believe a key is needed, simply the item uis locked to the player and glows only for the player that unlocked it. I would place a 30 second timer after the player who unlocked the item has killed all the mobs she was fighting, that is 30 seconds after they are no longer in combat. If within those 30 seconds they get aggroed (wandering mob, the item is locked and the timer reset. The idea is to allow the player to heal and recover and then go about looting in peace.


I have called for the idea of persistant objectives, say there is a sliceable item, or a glowing computer needed for a mission, a security box, or what not. When a player clicks on it, they get the goodie and for them and them alone the items is gone and no longer harvestable until next day. Yet the item is still harvestable for another player, who after harvesting it it will not be harvestable for them until next day. This way all can benefit equally from their hard work, it also keeps players from camping drop zones.




I agree with this that way if I don't want the chest I can just walk away and give it to whoever wants it.

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You know what the most elegant solution for this would be? What GW2 did: everyone gets their own chest. Player A is fighting the baddies and player B nabs the chest? No big deal, because the chest is still unopened for player A. Simple.


Those advocating a "Too bad, deal with it" outlook probably whine when someone does it to them.

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As stated many times, that is not possible for all classes.


What the?, anyone can do it, you dont need any special class to open a box first then fight the enemy.

Been playing since release, and ive yet to come across a loot chest I cannot open while in combat, sure there's plenty of "objects" that cannot be interacted with, but not loot chests.


You could of argued this at release, because you could not interact with them while in combat, but the devs listened and in 1.1 they stealth patched it so you could open the boxes while in combat for this very reason, yet here we are, people wanting very valuable dev hrs spent making a solution to a problem that is "easily" solved yourself?

Edited by Mowermanx
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i've never ninja looted chest ,thou i'm doing this with quest items, and if some1 would took quest item from me while i'm fighting-cool, i would do the same. it's pretty normal mechanic in mmo's you know... I'm pretty sure that most of ppl complaining bout 'ninja's' haven't played many mmo's before, or ragequited at least 5 times a day :p i just don't mind anymore-i see ninja looted my chest or needed for my f.e. cunning gear when he is senti? no prob. i'll just ignore mofo, and move on. It's not like those items are anything more than a bunch of pixels :p
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I understand why this fustrates you but thats why you loot first kill 2nd. All the time on section X you have those guys on Data Raids (releasing sith/killing in chambers) you will see people fighting the mobs and some Operative/Assassin will run past the mob youre fighting and take the quest.


I stopped fighting 1st the moment a Merc did that to me... dude just runs through every mob while mako holds aggro and heals herself grabs nodes turns her on passive and hes gone. so from now on i go for the chest/channel before fighting so sone ninja or non-stealth ninja cant take my S*** while im fighting.


I dont see them changing this in the game so whoever aggros the mob gets the node/chest whatever because thats your option to attack first instead of letting your companion hold aggro while you get node/chest.

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