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Hey Community,

there is a Combat-Log Feature in the game which makes me wonder why there is no real DPS-Meter.

A DPS-Meter would allow the Group/Raid Leader to see the performance and presence of each group member.

It can display the HPS/DPS and depending on the featureset it can even display the overhead healing amount for example. This makes it easier to find out if a person is really 100% attending to the event and/or if the person knows how to play its class.


I know that some people will argue that such a feature is discriminating towards certain players, that is maybe right because bad players will be easier spotted but for me as a player who wants to make sure that the persons he is playing with provide at least a similar performance, it is absolutely crucial to have a DPS/HPS meter. At the moment it is incredibly hard to discern players and you can force nobody to send you his combat log and the end of every raid...


Basically I'm asking if there is such a feature planned in the future and if not I am making the suggestion to take it into consideration based on the fact that the base structure (combat log) is already done. I would be glad if players who feel the need for such a feature would post in this thread, this increases the chance for bioware to notice that there is a demand.

Edited by Sahee
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There are already at least three DPS-Meter available, who are able to display group performance. All of them are opt-in however, so in absolutely no case a group leader can just use the meter without the consent of the group member.... which is exactly the way as it should be.


Try googling: Parsec, MOX, torparse

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  • 2 years later...

No DPS meter is needed, if you kill a boss no one needs to know who did what or how much. You killed the boss.


I would venture a guess you are asking for a meter for two reasons (in the context of "running a group").


1. You think your DPS is best and you want to show off, like anyone else on this planet cares or even wants to know what your DPS was.


2. Your group is not killing a boss and you're looking for a scapegoat rather than simply looking for more realistic reasons as in, your group is ignoring boss mechanics.


A damage meter for personal use ONLY would be great if you wanted to be the best you can be. No problem with that. But the second you make a damage meter that measures other people, you've gone to far.


Damage meters was the end of "fun" in WoW. I uninstalled WoW and unsubbed....don't make the same mistake with this game. Make it about FUN, not bull **** meters.

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