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Add me to the "game is too hard" bandwagon


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While I don't believe that this game "too hard" for the most part, I have come across quite a few Story Bosses and a few other mobs that are overtuned for their mission level. I think that Bioware has some work to do in the balance department and I do not think it's acceptable to effectively force grouping for content that was advertised as solo friendly. It certainly doesn't help that certain classes such as Jedi Knight are leagues behind the rest and so makes doing content that much more difficult.


How are Jedi Knights leagues behind? Once you have a healing companion, they are the second most friend solo class, and even before then they are very forgiving.


I could see people tanking as Sentinel running into issues, or a DPS Guardian not playing into his tanking abilities to help him survive to build up the damage... but that is a problem of the player, not the class.


I agree, some classes need to be looked at, but it is a tough place to look. If you look at bench marks, say 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50, the classes mostly perform about the same numerically. (Player skill not accounted for.) It is around the 30's that Sniper/Gunslinger face issues due to lack of increase in DPS and survivability. (Sniper is a little worse off due to poor companion selection, and the fact that Kaliyo is pretty soft for a tank,) However, upping them to much will make them too strong later on, and what to move down to that zone is hard to choose.

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Please ignore these posts, do not cater the game to the lowest common denominator. For skilled gamers its just tough enough to not be a boring mind numbing experience like leveling in most MMO games. I have heard the raids have already been cleared, so if anything this game is way too easy and should be buffed in challenge. If there is nothing tough to overcome then there is no feeling of accomplishment, if there is no feeling of accomplishment then theres no reason to play. Edited by RichLather
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I think the OP is talking about the Darth Jadus fight for Imperial Agents at the end of Chapter One.


When I first tried this fight, at level 30 (quest is level 32) I did nothing but wipe. I think I probably spent 10,000 credits on repairs and got pretty annoyed. It wasn't until I did some research and thought about things that I understood I was approaching the fight wrong.


The most important thing is DON'T HAVE YOUR COMPANION TANK!! As long as you keep aggro yourself you can kite him and line-of-sight his nasty abilities to break the cast. That along with debilitate and flash bomb means you can keep your health up while your companion does dps. You just need to attack him enough to keep aggro.


The fight is certainly no cake-walk but when I finally did it right and got a big feeling of satisfaction and I'd learn more about how to use my character.

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I thought the fight at the end of the trooper's chapter 1 was hardcore, especially when the boss inevitably kills your companion and it's just you and him and your stupid recharge cells is still on CD and you're outta ammo.... exhilarating, but I did the job. Barely.
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You want the game to become easier?


Read your class abilities

Read your talents you can take in your talent tree

Learn your strengths and weaknesses

Keep your gear updated as you level as well as your companions gear

Learn what your companion can do



This game is not hard if you learn your class period.

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People you need to update your weaponry and armory without that the game is way too hard.

You also need to stick with one companion that is fully equiped and updated .

From 30 onwards the game becomes hard cause you need to have proper gearing .

Without updated mods on your orange items , it is beter to just wear greens .


Honestly the only thing that really bothers me is the freaking UI lag or server client lag issues that plagues a lot of MMO , mobs don´t suffer from that and there attacks are not having GCD .. this is a issue that should be resovled in the BETA .


That is why it is so hard to fight 2 LT , cause the continues damage output is so freaking high that if lag hits most people are dead .

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ugh... OP and people like him are the ones who dont get the mechanics of the game.

1. Use the proper gear for your class spec.

2. if your trying to solo the quests, play smart (aka heals or tank builds) regardless what class you choose.

3. use line of site to interupt mob attacks when your abilities are on CD.

4. stay OUT of aoe attacks

5. use any damage mitigation techniques you can, shielding, hiding around corners, stuns

6. Stay healed up. be a healer with a tank/dps companion. be tank/dps with a healer companion. pretty obvious

7. stims/pots and buffs.


the story missions are not meant to be so difficult you cant do solo, just more challenging at times. they want you to learn your class and the mechanics of the game. its not mario.

but alas they do allow you to bring a friend most of the time.


I just finished my act 1 and I'm a healer with a tank/dps pet. never had to group up for a quest yet, although i have joined people to eliminate respawns timers.


tldr: play smarter not harder.

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Most if it is really easy except a very few times the class quest is rather hard, but I can see how people less familiar with mmo mechanics can find it a too hard. Some of the class quests might need a little tweaking IMO.


The only thing I have found to be to hard, like ridiculously hard, is Insufficient Staff (Alderaan 4 heroic), jesus christ superstar that is way too hard for that kind and level range. Only time I've been tempted to ragedrop a quest.

Edited by Neloth
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Is the game too hard? I don't believe so.


It is inconsistent at times, however. You shouldn't roll through a mission destroying everything in your path only to suddenly have an elite show up that requires a moderate amount of skill. Difficulty should progress smoothly, SWTOR has sharp spikes and declines that make things feel more difficult than they actually are.


The key is proper CC and/or interrupting. Once you understand that, you can mitigate most of the damage of any Elite that shows up in a solo instance.


I think the solution is to reduce the number of weak trash and add more strong or higher enemies in solo instances.

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I've been defending the difficulty of the game so far, but I just got to what I think is the last fight in Act 1 for my Imperial Agent, I'm the correct level for it based on the quest (32), and I've tried it about six or seven times until I just alt-f4 rage-quitted out of it. I've never rage-quitted on an MMO before.


The worst part is the story will not make any sense now. The situation is super tense and I'm supposed to act immediately to basically stop armageddon, but instead I have to just turn around and walk out of the instance. So much for feeling like a hero, huh? Now I have to put saving the galaxy on hold while I go farm pvp and space missions for a few days to gain an extra level. It's ridiculous. It makes the game and the story and everything just ridiculous. I have been a super fan of the game until now, but this kills it for me.


Same here mate im at the exact lvl the quest requires and there seems to be no way to complete the quest.I have to be at least 3 lvls above if not more to complete it.This ridiculous because players think that it's ok to go and when they go and die 10 times with no sign of success they just rage quit.That's what ive done because it killed my immersion that i was thinking to uninstal it and be done with it.

As i said they joke on us real bad

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I killed that same boss at level 30 when I went through, if you were 32 then it should have been a breeze for you.


To put it simply, if I was able to do it 2 levels earlier than you and you had trouble then it clearly taught you some things about your class that you needed to learn.

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I have two problems with that. First, I've done all the quests I could find for my level already on the planets I've been to. I had to go do some space combat and a flashpoint just to finish off leveling up to 32 to be at the right level for the next class quest. If I had had to get myself to 33, I would have had to grind it out, and that's not much fun.


Secondly, the story is ruined in that scenario. Everything builds up to this big moment, and just as the big dramatic payoff is about to happen, everything has to stop, turn off the Star Wars music, and "pause" the story right in the middle of all the drama while I go play the Space Invaders mini-game 30 times or kill 5000 kath hounds to gain another level. Totally ruins the flow of the story.


I'm not suggesting that everything in the game should be easier. Every mission I've done before this, every elite enemy I've had to face, every time I attacked one guy and 5 more enemies flew in out of nowhere, that's all fine with me. Some of that stuff could even be harder, especially when the mission rewards are particularly valuable, because it's not a problem if I have to stop and come back later for those. The stories on the side missions aren't quite so built-up and dramatic. And there are usually other people around doing those same missions, so we can more easily team up for them. But it's not so easy to find someone to team up with to do your main class story missions, and the story shouldn't be interrupted due to difficulty.


Anyone else find it ironic this guy says that this boss fight is what "Everything builds up to this big moment" and yet he wants to make it easier. Apparently, everything building up to this point = should be easymode.


If you can't do the quest, but the vast majority of players can, it's called you're a baddie. The game does not need to become easier when almost everyone else can finish it, even though you can't.

Edited by Smashbrother
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You want the game to become easier?


Read your class abilities

Read your talents you can take in your talent tree

Learn your strengths and weaknesses

Keep your gear updated as you level as well as your companions gear

Learn what your companion can do



This game is not hard if you learn your class period.



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I don't know that I agree with it being 'too hard', but I can definitely understand why many would feel this way. Coming from other current MMO structures, having to carefully manage interrupts and CD's on quest trash feels excessive.


Yes, I do realize that MMO's didn't always used to be 'easy', but lets be fair. "That other game" basically created the current MMO market as it stands today, in terms of being a wildly popular global phenomenon. It did so, in part, by making the game accessible to people of varying skill levels. You have to understand that an awful lot of players...probably a majority...are coming into SWTOR with only that game to use as a reference point.


So, I can definitely understand the outcry at difficult, non-group encounters. I'll be honest, sometimes I sigh heavily myself when I have to put that much damned effort into a quest mob.


That being said, none of it is impossible. Learn to manage all of your interrupts (including using CC as an interrupt, even if you immediately break it). Learn to use CD's...cooldowns are not "oh crap" buttons like they have been in many other games, but are a necessary part of many trash encounters. The end result is usually more rewarding than simply being able to mow over everything in your path.




It's harder than WoW, Rift, Aion etc in terms of quest trash. But you have the tools available. Learn to use them and you'll have a lot of fun and be better prepared for Flashpoints and Operations.

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ive' said it before, and i've said it again. a story boss shouldn't REQUIRE you to use stims, medpacs maybe, and all of your abilities at the correct times.


But if you're the proper level, you should be able to do it without needing anyones help but your companion. for DPS sith inquisitor a mission on balmora was the same. Impossible to do at level.

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You want the game to become easier?


Read your class abilities

Read your talents you can take in your talent tree

Learn your strengths and weaknesses

Keep your gear updated as you level as well as your companions gear

Learn what your companion can do



This game is not hard if you learn your class period.


Do you have every spec, or every advance class at level 50? I doubt it. Since i doubt it, please. Don't try to talk about things you don't fully understand. I don't mean that in a rude way, either. But every spec, of every AC, of every class, is built differently. and some story missions are clearly built WITHOUT that in mind.

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Im here to burn your bandwagon, this is game is well rounded and faily easy, i have successfully 3 manned a few of the flash points without a tank or without a healer using companions to fill in the void. You just have to be resourseful and being able to communicate ideas on vent helps alot too, i enjoy figuring things out and nothing has been terribly difficult yet.


For you guys who think the game is too hard, you are providing me with some good laughs and i hope you never find your way into my guild because you will be ridiculed to no end.


I guess the bad stay bad....

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I don't know that I agree with it being 'too hard', but I can definitely understand why many would feel this way. Coming from other current MMO structures, having to carefully manage interrupts and CD's on quest trash feels excessive.


Yes, I do realize that MMO's didn't always used to be 'easy', but lets be fair. "That other game" basically created the current MMO market as it stands today, in terms of being a wildly popular global phenomenon. It did so, in part, by making the game accessible to people of varying skill levels. You have to understand that an awful lot of players...probably a majority...are coming into SWTOR with only that game to use as a reference point.


So, I can definitely understand the outcry at difficult, non-group encounters. I'll be honest, sometimes I sigh heavily myself when I have to put that much damned effort into a quest mob.


That being said, none of it is impossible. Learn to manage all of your interrupts (including using CC as an interrupt, even if you immediately break it). Learn to use CD's...cooldowns are not "oh crap" buttons like they have been in many other games, but are a necessary part of many trash encounters. The end result is usually more rewarding than simply being able to mow over everything in your path.




It's harder than WoW, Rift, Aion etc in terms of quest trash. But you have the tools available. Learn to use them and you'll have a lot of fun and be better prepared for Flashpoints and Operations.


its not actually hard, ive been facerolling my way through every mob ive come across, people just need to stop whining and learn to play.

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I had the same issue as the OP with the last 3 class quests on Jedi Knight.

Trying to kill an elite mob for a class quest, even 3 levels below me has become impossible since I left Taris.


I have tried every tactic I can think of, with different companions and still they beat the crap outta me and my companion long before I can kill them.


Why should I be forced to level up just to be able to kill a mob that is required for me to continue my storyline?

I want to follow the storyline along with any other quests that comes along the way, not be forced to do almost a full planet worth of quests just to lvl up enough so I can continue the storyline.


The way it is now I have to be at least 5 levels above the quest mob for me to even have a chance of beating them, and I seriously doubt that was intended.

To top it off these mobs always have 2 or more adds that I have to take out as well, making it dead impossible to kill them all without dying, making me have to waste even more of my hard earned money on already expensive repairs.


Asking for help is not always viable either, even though I'm in a good guild with plenty of people, they have their own things to do and cannot always come to help.


I most certainly dont mind the challenge, and I'm not saying the difficulty should be nerfed to oblivion. I dont want this to be a carebear game like wow.

What we need is some small adjustments making it possible to actually kill the mob on level yet still pose a significant challenge with a good chance of failing if you dont pay attention.


The way it is now I have to move ahead of the storyline in order to lvl up enough to be able to continue the story, I would much rather be doing the planetary quests at the same time I continue on my storyline.

It makes it feel as if the planetary quests are detached from the main story and as if its merely there as filling rather than as a pert of the whole story.

Edited by Bansheedragon
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Im here to burn your bandwagon, this is game is well rounded and faily easy, i have successfully 3 manned a few of the flash points without a tank or without a healer using companions to fill in the void. You just have to be resourseful and being able to communicate ideas on vent helps alot too, i enjoy figuring things out and nothing has been terribly difficult yet.


For you guys who think the game is too hard, you are providing me with some good laughs and i hope you never find your way into my guild because you will be ridiculed to no end.


I guess the bad stay bad....


the game, as a whole, is very well rounded, yes. But there are a few things that're massively over tuned. Most seem to be class missions for specific ACs, or even just specs. Its like while they made the class missions they thought

"Okay well, what is this classes strengths and weaknesses?"

"Well, its a tanking AC, so we should throw in some high damage abilities"

"What about the DPS/Healer who picked that class?"

"**** 'EM!"

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Im here to burn your bandwagon, this is game is well rounded and faily easy, i have successfully 3 manned a few of the flash points without a tank or without a healer using companions to fill in the void. You just have to be resourseful and being able to communicate ideas on vent helps alot too, i enjoy figuring things out and nothing has been terribly difficult yet.


For you guys who think the game is too hard, you are providing me with some good laughs and i hope you never find your way into my guild because you will be ridiculed to no end.


I guess the bad stay bad....


Please explain to me what flashpoints have to do with class storyline quests.

I suggest you read the OP before making comment that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

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I've been defending the difficulty of the game so far, but I just got to what I think is the last fight in Act 1 for my Imperial Agent, I'm the correct level for it based on the quest (32), and I've tried it about six or seven times until I just alt-f4 rage-quitted out of it. I've never rage-quitted on an MMO before.


The worst part is the story will not make any sense now. The situation is super tense and I'm supposed to act immediately to basically stop armageddon, but instead I have to just turn around and walk out of the instance. So much for feeling like a hero, huh? Now I have to put saving the galaxy on hold while I go farm pvp and space missions for a few days to gain an extra level. It's ridiculous. It makes the game and the story and everything just ridiculous. I have been a super fan of the game until now, but this kills it for me.


I found several of my events very hard and have died at least once on several of them. I love the fact they are not tank and spank events. I actually had to use strategy to win the events just like I would in a group encounter.


I think the game difficulty is fine. Make it too easy and why bother to play it! This is a first, an MMO is actually making you learn how to play your class through solo play!

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