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Commando healing in pvp


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Hi mates, this post is a little bit pointles, but i'll write it anyway .


It's primary for game developers, so i hope they sometimes go trhue this ;)


Did you noticed that commando healer in pvp is about half as good as scoundrel/operative and sage/sorrcerer healers. Commandos have only limited survivalbility (shield that takes 25% damage for 12 sec with 2 min cool down and running skill Hold the line) and no hots, others have stealth, indestructible bubles, speeds ..... and lots of hots :D

So for me as commando healer is commando fun, but im thinking is a realy inbalanced in pvp it have nice burst healing, but over all its about half as other heals.


Well sorry fo mine whining :D but i hade to say this somewhere :D

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I'm currently leveling a commando myself, and I have to admit that they need some improvements.


The reason why I'm leveling a healing commando is because I've always wanted to try it out, they look cool as ****, and it's very challenging to heal in wzs; the commando is probably the lesser of the other 2 healing classes.


Commandos need a little bit of love, but I always love a good challenge. I hate playing with the flavor of the month.

Edited by LeHovah
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I regularly out-heal everyone in war zones and my commando is level 34. There's two things you need to know about being a commando


1) Supercharged Cells is your bread and butter. SCC into Kolto bomb and then go back and forth between AMP and MP until SCC runs out. Your healing per match will increase dramatically.


2) Learn to manage your cells. If you drop below 60, your recharge time begins to suffer. Except in the case of a dire emergency, never drop below 60 cells when you can help it.


The only thing commandos have to fear is interrupts. If MP gets interrupted, you may be in trouble.

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I regularly out-heal everyone in war zones and my commando is level 34. There's two things you need to know about being a commando


1) Supercharged Cells is your bread and butter. SCC into Kolto bomb and then go back and forth between AMP and MP until SCC runs out. Your healing per match will increase dramatically.


2) Learn to manage your cells. If you drop below 60, your recharge time begins to suffer. Except in the case of a dire emergency, never drop below 60 cells when you can help it.


The only thing commandos have to fear is interrupts. If MP gets interrupted, you may be in trouble.


well this would be useful if it was'nt obvious ;) but even so u will be as good as half or 3/4 as other heals depens on crits and if you'r interuptet or stuned 2 or 3 times in row you'r dead. Other heals react to this as well so what ...

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well this would be useful if it was'nt obvious ;) but even so u will be as good as half or 3/4 as other heals depens on crits and if you'r interuptet or stuned 2 or 3 times in row you'r dead. Other heals react to this as well so what ...


It seems like the stock of commandos is improving all of the time! At the beginning of this topic, they were 1/2 as good as other healers, but now you claim they're 3/4 as good! :D


I don't think anyone is going to argue that operative healers aren't the best at healing. No healing move in the game matches the amazing utility of Surgical Probe. Claiming that commandos can't compete with sorcerers in healing though is just ignorant. Healing sorcerers suffer from all of the same problems that commandos do. I love how you use force barrier as an example of why sorcerers are so much better than commandos. Have you ever played a healing sorcerer? I have and force barrier isn't that great. Force barrier has to be channelled. While you're using it, you can't do any healing! Using it basically takes you out of the game for a few seconds and then when it ends, you die anyway. As a survival move, it's a joke. Head over to the sorcerer and sage boards and they'll tell you the same thing. You'd have to be absolutely out of your element to think that force barrier is even 1/10 as useful as Electro Net which absolutely ruins a melee enemy for 9 long seconds. You don't even have to use Electro Net defensively. I also have a level 54 arsenal mercenary. Slap EN on an enemy operative healer who is under 50% HP and watch him burn when he realizes he can't do anything to escape. Hold the Line is also arguably better than force speed, because it makes you immune to slows and physics for a longer period of time. I've lost count of how many times I've scored in Huttball thanks to HTL.


If I can do 800K+ healing in war zones at level 20 with nothing but SCC to keep me going, then you can do it too. As I said before, my commando is level 34 right now. Maybe I'll get to 55 and be ruined, but right now I'm more than competitive in healing.


There are real issues such as interrupts shutting your healing down, but sorcerers have that problem too. The only healer that doesn't suffer from interrupts the same way is the operative, because it has easy access to instant heals which obviously can't be interrupted. The commando has to settle with Bacta Infusion which has a long, long cooldown. If BI was changed to work like surgical probe (no cool down, consumes support cell charges instead on use), commando healing would probably be fixed.


Sorry, you haven't convinced me that sorcerer healing is twice as good as commando healing, which is what you originally claimed. Maybe you should learn your class and improve your skills.

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It seems like the stock of commandos is improving all of the time! At the beginning of this topic, they were 1/2 as good as other healers, but now you claim they're 3/4 as good! :D


I don't think anyone is going to argue that operative healers aren't the best at healing. No healing move in the game matches the amazing utility of Surgical Probe. Claiming that commandos can't compete with sorcerers in healing though is just ignorant. Healing sorcerers suffer from all of the same problems that commandos do. I love how you use force barrier as an example of why sorcerers are so much better than commandos. Have you ever played a healing sorcerer? I have and force barrier isn't that great. Force barrier has to be channelled. While you're using it, you can't do any healing! Using it basically takes you out of the game for a few seconds and then when it ends, you die anyway. As a survival move, it's a joke. Head over to the sorcerer and sage boards and they'll tell you the same thing. You'd have to be absolutely out of your element to think that force barrier is even 1/10 as useful as Electro Net which absolutely ruins a melee enemy for 9 long seconds. You don't even have to use Electro Net defensively. I also have a level 54 arsenal mercenary. Slap EN on an enemy operative healer who is under 50% HP and watch him burn when he realizes he can't do anything to escape. Hold the Line is also arguably better than force speed, because it makes you immune to slows and physics for a longer period of time. I've lost count of how many times I've scored in Huttball thanks to HTL.


If I can do 800K+ healing in war zones at level 20 with nothing but SCC to keep me going, then you can do it too. As I said before, my commando is level 34 right now. Maybe I'll get to 55 and be ruined, but right now I'm more than competitive in healing.


There are real issues such as interrupts shutting your healing down, but sorcerers have that problem too. The only healer that doesn't suffer from interrupts the same way is the operative, because it has easy access to instant heals which obviously can't be interrupted. The commando has to settle with Bacta Infusion which has a long, long cooldown. If BI was changed to work like surgical probe (no cool down, consumes support cell charges instead on use), commando healing would probably be fixed.


Sorry, you haven't convinced me that sorcerer healing is twice as good as commando healing, which is what you originally claimed. Maybe you should learn your class and improve your skills.


Lots of good points here and im not gonna claim your wrong. But you cant compare 10-54 WZs with the 55.

This is my point of view and i could be wrong :)

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Lots of good points here and im not gonna claim your wrong. But you cant compare 10-54 WZs with the 55.

This is my point of view and i could be wrong :)




Sages have i little think in talents that gives force speed 100% chance to work as hold the line for duration so its shorter but much faster, and another talent - end of force barier finish cool down on speed and give speed 0,5s duration bonus, and i wont speek about that masiv aoe heal ;) and instatn self heal ;)


and force armor ;) absorbing large amont of dmg, witch is instatn


yep commandos are getting better but still on 55 if u get targeted u do about 3/4 healing as targeted sage and 1/2 as targeted operative (who just dont care ;) if he have tank neer him)


i saw this few dais ago: hutt ball 7 players trying to kill ballhedler he had 2 operation as healers, we separet him and until all hots went down his hp didnt go under 99%, well it was bed team i get it but we have few in good pvp gear and 7 ppl at once and stil hots just heal everithink.


if u separet commando and sage from target of healing its gone .... so maybe the point of this topick should not be to boost commando but to weaken other healers :D so dps would have more fun killing and not swear about immortality of enemy :D

Edited by redggar
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if u separet commando and sage from target of healing its gone .... so maybe the point of this topick should not be to boost commando but to weaken other healers :D so dps would have more fun killing and not swear about immortality of enemy :D


Sages don't need to be weekend.

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