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New DPS Merc Tree? Explosive Specialist


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After I read some of the posts from Dev Eric's Post on suggestions for Merc changes, I decided to think completely outside the box and come up with my own tree. Eric, I realize were asking for some tweeks to the existing builds but my imagination got the best of me.


Why not a new tree? I can dream. I believe there are many more creative things that can be done with this class:


Explosive Specialist Tree (Sheet 1)


Summary: The Explosive Specialist is a risk versus reward playstyle. The Merc now has Explosive rounds that do splash damage to nearby enemy. Drop Thermal Det Packs (Battlefront II Engineers) on the ground or targets and detonate on command. Rocket Punches now do splash damage. The Merc now takes self inflicted damage from any splash damage, Fusion Missile, Rocket Punch, Thermal Det Packs, etc.. Self inflicted damage can be mitigated with Chauf Flares, Cure and Kolto Missile. Kolto Missile now drops an Ice Patch giving a debuff that reduces attack cone and healing cone of any enemy hit by the Ice Patch. Combo: Thermal Det Pack a target enemy then Rocket Blast to knock back the target and spread stacks of Collateral Damage that dot and slow anyone in the blast radius.


Tree Skill Boxs

Tier 1

  • Increase effectiveness of all missiles by [2/4/6%] 0/3
  • Increase Alacrity by {3/6}%. 0/2
  • Increase Armor by [2/4/6%] 0/3

Tier 2

  • Decrease activation time of Concussion Missile by [.5/1/1.5 seconds] and Fusion Missile by [.15/.30/.45 second] 0/3
  • Explosive Cylinder: The Mercenary's pistols are now charged with explosive rounds that deal 235-320 additional damage to the target and any surrounding target within 2m for each shot from Rapid Shots, Unload, Power Shot, and Rail Shot. Only one cylinder may be active at one time. 0/1
  • Anytime the Mercenary takes a self inflicted blast [4/8] Heat is Vented. 0/2
  • Energy Shield now reflects stacks of Hutt Slur which decrease the targets Alacrity by 9% for 3 seconds for each stack. Hutt Slur can only be gained once per second. Each stack gained refreshes the stack timer. 0/1

Tier 3

  • Fusion Missile's direct damage and damage over time is increased by [15/30%] 0/2
  • Cure now cools off the Mercenary giving him/her [1/2] stacks of Cool Feet. Cure no longer respects the global cooldown. 0/2
  • Thermal Det Pack: The Mercenary attaches a thermal det pack onto his target or onto the ground if no target. When used again, the thermal det pack explodes dealing 3567-3822 damage within 2m of the blast radius and 2234-2468 damage within 2m to 5m of the blast radius. If the Mercenary is within the blast radius, the Mercenary is damaged as well and adds 10 additional heat. 0/1
  • Trigger: Activates all Thermal Det Packs to Explode. Does not respect the global cooldown. Cost: 0 Heat Activation: Instant Cooldown: 2 seconds 0/1

Tier 4

  • Activating Chauff Flares has a [50/100%] chance to absorb 75% of the damage from a self inflicted Thermal Det Pack or Collateral Damage for the next 10 seconds. In addition, the Mercenary is not slowed by Collateral Damage. 0/2
  • Increase Blast Radi of Thermal Det Pack by 5m and 10m respectively. 0/1
  • Railshot gains a magnetic signal that triggers the thermal det pack to explode within [5/10m] of Railshot's target location. 0/2

Tier 5

  • Reduces the cool down of Explosive Dart by [3/6 seconds] and Fusion Missile by [5/10 seconds]. 0/2
  • In addition to healing, Kolto Missile is modified to spray an Ice Patch for [1/2/3 seconds] seconds. Any target in the Ice Patch initially gains 1 stack of Slippery Feet and for each second the target remains in the Ice Patch. Slippery Feet reduces the the targets frontal attack cone from 180° to 30° and the healing cone from 360° to 110°. Slippery Feet stacks diminish 1 per second in the Ice Patch and 0.5 second outside the patch. 0/3
  • Rocket Punch has a 100% chance to do 1200-1345 tech damage to surrounding targets within 5m. The Mercenary takes self inflicted damage of 856-934 damage. 0/1

Tier 6

  • Increases the number of Thermal Det Packs the Mercenary can throw by [1/2] 0/2
  • Increase Critical Multiplier of of all area of effect explosives Explosive Dart, Missile Blast, Fusion Missile, Rocket Punch, Thermal Det Pack by [10/20/30%] 0/3

Tier 7

  • Fusion Missile's damage over time is reduced to 3 seconds and in addition, each target hit by the blast now gains 3 stacks of Collateral Damage. If the Mercenary is within the Fusion Missiles blast radius, the Mercenary takes 1785-2345 damage and gains the 3 stacks of Collateral Damage. 0/1
  • Increase Crit Chance by 15% of all blast Damage on targets below 30% health. Explosive Dart, Missile Blast, Fusion Missile, Thermal Det Pack, Rocket Blast and Rocket Punch. 0/1
  • Increase range of Thermal Det Pack by [5/10m] 0/2
  • Ice Patch now initially gives the Mercenary 1 stack of Cool Feet per second venting 2 heat per stack of Cool Feet per second. Cool Feet stacks diminish at a rate of 1 stack per 2 seconds while in the Ice Patch and 1 stack per second outside the Ice Patch. In addition, while the Mercenary has a Cool Feet stack any self inflicted blast damage is reduced by 50%. Each time this occurs a Cool Feet Stack is removed without the Mercenary venting heat. 0/1

Tier 8

  • Rocket Blast: The Mercenary overheats his rocket pack and blasts into his target forcing the target back 20m from the point of contact dealing 1840-2225 damage and immobilizing the target for 1 second. The explosion propels the Mercenary 10m backwards from the point of contact. If the target had a Thermal Det Pack stuck to him/her during the Rocket Blast, the target and any other target, including the Mercenary, within 5m of the initial contact each gain 5 stacks of Collateral Damage dealing 385-410 damage for each stack every second and slowing 10% for each stack. Collateral Damage stacks are lost 1 stack every second. Additionally, Collateral Damage hinders the target, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes such as charges, vanishes, and speed boosts. Range:10m Cost: 40 Heat Activation Time: 1 second Cooldown: 30 seconds 0/1

Edited by Fusillade
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