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Kill Steals


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Does anyone else hate how you spend AGES locking on long range missiles,chasing them round getting there health down to 10%% only to get someone fly by and get the last rapid fire shot it and they get the kill?!


Would it not be more logical to reward the kill to the person who did the most damage rather than the last shot?


With the objective missions, sure the idea is to get medals and objective points but its so frustrating when you know you should have 8 kills but on the score board 0....




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Honestly, I take more pride in doing the most damage or getting the most objective points than having a high kill count. I typically have 6-8 killing blows during a good match and 0-4 during one where I'm getting targeted often. But because I'm consistently dealing high damage, whether it was a kill or an assist doesn't matter- I know I was contributing more than my fair share, and so does anyone else who looks at the numbers. If I see someone with 6 kills and 8,000 damage it's a lot less impressive than someone with 2 kills and 40,000 damage.


Besides, it's logical to have the last-hitter be known as the one who killed the enemy. First of all, it's literally what happened. Second of all, when someone has been weakened to the point where they're about to die, that's when they pull out all their defensive tricks to survive. Attacking someone when they're playing defensively is harder than when they're brazenly locking in their approach on a target and reducing throttle to try and shoot them down. You can rip someone to shreds in moments if they're over-confident in their approach. It's harder to do when they're pulling aerial acrobatics and high-tailing it back towards friendly gunships, so in some ways getting the killing blow is more difficult than whittling down their health. Usually it's a matter of luck where someone is flying in at the right time with a perpendicular approach, but that's a good thing. You get to stop chasing them around and continue on to something worth your time and energy, like capping/defending satellites.

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I dont mind to be honest, if I almost kill someone and another person finishes the job, the job is done and onto the next, one match I even used the Ion cannon on the Star Fighter for 90% of the time to take peoples shields while the others shot em down, managed to get 45k damage that time but only like 2 actual kills :p
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I know the feeling all too well.


As in sports, its a team effort. It is recognized in "damage done" and "assists" on the scoreboard, as some have already mentioned. Devs also said that both the one assisting and the one scoring the final hit will get the same ammount of bonus ship requisition points, so your work is not in vein.


Who knows, maybe the targed would have escaped if your teammate didn't delivered the final hit. From my own experience, i quite often have to let someone with 10% HP escape in order to return back to sattelite protection duty, which is the real objective of domination mode and the only way to victory.

Edited by Tallwyn
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