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Suggestion: Guild management


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1. add column in guild window "main spec" with options (tank, healer, mDPS or rDPS. so it makes easy to know what roles are online.

2. add column in guild window "crafting" automatically showing our char crafting skill.

3. add column in guild window "raid xp" showing somehow someinformation to allow raid leaders knowing experience of online guildies.. it could be global ranking like "little ops experience", "average knowledge", "high knowledge" or "top notch raider" based in the ammount of boss's down achievements maybe.. and when mouse overing this column on a specific online guildie would display tooltip with boss's down achievements for the guildie like:

8sm 8hm 8nm

EV all all 3/5

KP etc..

4. add column in guild window showing alts "main specs".. so we know some online guildie dps have a Tank alt for example.. this avoids lenghty guild chat interactions trying to form groups or find ops fillers.


i can imagine more.. but would nice to hear from the community what they think about the above ideas.


Of course, for each column is fully editable for ach guild rank, visible yes or no, editable ys or no.



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1. add column in guild window "main spec" with options (tank, healer, mDPS or rDPS. so it makes easy to know what roles are online.

2. add column in guild window "crafting" automatically showing our char crafting skill.

3. add column in guild window "raid xp" showing somehow someinformation to allow raid leaders knowing experience of online guildies.. it could be global ranking like "little ops experience", "average knowledge", "high knowledge" or "top notch raider" based in the ammount of boss's down achievements maybe.. and when mouse overing this column on a specific online guildie would display tooltip with boss's down achievements for the guildie like:

8sm 8hm 8nm

EV all all 3/5

KP etc..

4. add column in guild window showing alts "main specs".. so we know some online guildie dps have a Tank alt for example.. this avoids lenghty guild chat interactions trying to form groups or find ops fillers.


i can imagine more.. but would nice to hear from the community what they think about the above ideas.


Of course, for each column is fully editable for ach guild rank, visible yes or no, editable ys or no.




1 and 2 are great.. 3 and 4 are not so great..


The only thing I will say about 1 is that it could be hard for the game to recognize specs.. What if someone has a hybrid spec and they have the same number of points in all their trees?? What spec are they?? It would probably just be easier to put their main spec in their guild or officer note..


Raid experience is kind of hard to determine.. Let's just say that I haven't raided in this game.. But I have raided in WOW for almost 6 years.. How much raid experience do I have?? Running an Op here is no different than running a Raid in WOW.. As for knowing the fights, that is what boss explanations are for.. What I really care about is how well they know their character or class.. Which also can't be measured.. The problem here is, I don't think there is an accurate way to measure someone's Op experience, and something like this can be used as a reason not to take someone on an Op because some screen says they have low experience, based variables that have little to do with someone's raid or op experience..


As for 4?? I don't think we should be able to see someone else's alt.. The player knows what alts they have and what their gear is like.. People can offer up their Alts if they want to play with them.. Nobody needs to be put on the spot over their alt..


I also think it would be hard for the game.. It would have to recognize level as well as gear quality.. I don't want the game telling me who is ready and who isn't for an Op.. Op leaders have that responsibility..

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Raid experience is kind of hard to determine.. Let's just say that I haven't raided in this game.. But I have raided in WOW for almost 6 years.. How much raid experience do I have??


Since when is WoW raid experience relevant to SWTOR? If you haven't done ops in SWTOR you have no experience.


Crafting and role could be like another note aside from member or officer note since those fields have a pretty small amount of info that can be displayed. Shouldn't be a drop down menu since there are some (like my sin) that carry tank and DPS gear and have unlocked field respec so we can switch on the fly.

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Since when is WoW raid experience relevant to SWTOR? If you haven't done ops in SWTOR you have no experience.


Crafting and role could be like another note aside from member or officer note since those fields have a pretty small amount of info that can be displayed. Shouldn't be a drop down menu since there are some (like my sin) that carry tank and DPS gear and have unlocked field respec so we can switch on the fly.


Any MMO raiding experience can be filtered down to it's most basic principle, which is MMO101: Don't stand in funny colored stuff.


Raiding in WoW provides practice in this skill just like raiding in any other MMO does.

Edited by gorstram
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- remember my post is to be felt from the Raid Leader or Guild Officers players mainly.

- "raid xp" = report existing information about each boss down, so at least we know that player was "there" and felt more or less the tactics for that boss at least. Idea is for RL to quickly see how many 1st timers he have and so on.

- "crafting" its easy one, display also already existent information.

- regarding the "main spec" and "alt specs": and since people can dual spec on the fly manually ofc, i would suggest for these 2 not an automatic information, but something player can choose from a list. Meaning the spec list would have to contain the combos, so something like:

Tank, Healer, mDPS, rDPS, Tank+mDPS, Healer+rDPS, Healer+mDPS

* this list contains current game possbibilities, but Bioware could provide all possibilities arranged in 2 to plan for future game updates.

- "alts specs" I agree this one maybe too much, but again, on the perspective of a raid leader trying to fill in the spots, would be very usefull.. imagine you have 20 guildies online and with their main spec either on my new proposed column or in current game Members Note or Officer note.. but imagine 20 all mDPS or rDPS.. when in reallity taking in account the alts we could see that online are human players able to log in 5 tanks, 4 healers for example.. this would save a lot a lot of time in guild chat / team speak trying to figure out what alts exist for online guildies.


Last but not least, I always think from end to start, I know as raid leader or guild master the informations I miss from guildies, im keeping lots of things in excel files tabular format and so on.. thats why i decided to propose this boost in guild management ingame.


MN) As for Member note: it should be for guildies to freely use for whatever they like.

ON) As for Officer note, should be .. well to keep officer infos.


Ofc most organized officers use Member Note and Officer Note to fill in the missing columns like crafting, or mainchar name or spec.. thats how these 2 fields are used on most mature and organized guilds.. THAT MEANS we wasting both fields for what they should be used for like I said in MN) and ON) :)


Would like to hear more from RL and officers, hope this thread could grow in intereste so guild management can become more easy for Officers and for Raid/OPs Leaders.

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Would like to hear more from RL and officers, hope this thread could grow in intereste so guild management can become more easy for Officers and for Raid/OPs Leaders.


How about before we start calling for a specific group in hopes of finding people that agree with you, you accept the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you.. I have been a GM for almost 8 years, Raid/Ops leader for almost 7, an officer of a guild for over 9.. Do I qualify and am I allowed to not agree with you??


Raid or Ops experience is not something that can be easily measured, and just knowing what ops someone has been in or not will do nothing but give people an excuse to leave someone else behind.. One of the stupidest things any GM or Ops leader could do is not take a guildie because the game told him he didn't have much Op experience.. For the most part, I have found that raid experience is largly irrelevant.. The big issue is whether or not someone can play their class.. Teaching someone an Op is easy.. Teaching them to play their class is not.. Then of course common sense is another issue.. If someone doesn't understand the concept of not standing in fire, then perhaps PVP would be more to their liking.. Again, any kind of in game Op experience thing isn't going to tell that.. Just that they haven't done a specific Op.. I just don't view that as needed information.. It doesn't help me as a GM/Ops leader, or officer succeed.. Sorry..


Since when is WoW raid experience relevant to SWTOR? If you haven't done ops in SWTOR you have no experience.


It is relevant because it is pretty much exactly the same.. You have tanks, healers, and DPS, you have boss mechanics, don't stand in fire and most other stuff you find on the ground.. Other than game title there is absolutely no difference between the two.. The skills needed to raid in one is also needed to run an OP... Work as a team, Coordination, knowing how to play your class.. The basics to running an Op or Raiding, whichever word you want to use is exactly the same.. Which is why one has something to do with the other..

Edited by MajikMyst
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- "alts specs" I agree this one maybe too much, but again, on the perspective of a raid leader trying to fill in the spots, would be very usefull.. imagine you have 20 guildies online and with their main spec either on my new proposed column or in current game Members Note or Officer note.. but imagine 20 all mDPS or rDPS.. when in reallity taking in account the alts we could see that online are human players able to log in 5 tanks, 4 healers for example.. this would save a lot a lot of time in guild chat / team speak trying to figure out what alts exist for online guildies.


I guess the issue is two fold for me..


As both an Ops leader and a GM, I can already tell you who has what kind of alt when it comes to my regular raiders.. And really, you only need a few people with alts to manage an 8 man op..


My other issue is that knowing someone's alt seems a little invasive.. Just because someone has a toon that can heal doesn't mean they want to heal with that character or any character.. I have a Saga, Scoundrel, and Commando.. But I do not heal.. You ask anyone.. I suck at healing and I know it.. I either Tank or DPS.. Besides, if I need something, we can pug.. Pugging is a great way to recruit new people and to check out their skills.. If a guildie is going to let a raid spot be pugged because they don't want to play on an alt.. That is their choice.. They don't need to be hassled about it..

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MajikMyst, seems all your points are getting perceived from a wrong perspective.

I only suggest sharing of information [period] what GM, RL or Officers do with the information its up to them.


So i dont think you cleared your mind enough to feel the core of my suggestions. Sorry to say but you only provided imature example on what can one do with the new information fields - shall community and Bioware would find interesting this sharing of already existent information.



1. knowing crafting skill is obvious, whoever needs something could easy know.

2. raid xp based in achievements information of bosses down: I imagined myself as a way to do exactly the opposite of what you said.. for me it would extremely usefull and save a lot and a lot of time knowing in advance the fights each one done or not, so i could mix and help less experienced raiders to raid. And not imagining the information would be to filter out non experienced guildies as you mention.

3. I can feel your call to attention that sometimes information can be used in wrong way.. but that its out of the scope of my suggestions here. Again we only providing/sharing existent information to guild window and nothing else.


In the end of the day, its all about the maturity level, guild organization and guild strategy to help all guildies or not evolve and enjoy more the game.



Maybe you can *also* propose suggestions and ideas non the behalf of this thread.. then everybody would help grow up some ideas. If you have many years of experience as GM, RL and Officer great, let us know what features would be nice to develop, and/or improve existent features on the context of Guild Management ofc.


Everyone is a bit different from everyone ofc, me for example also got many years as GM, RL and Officers with mature guilds, and despite all this years of raiding more or less hard core, i love all the social side of helping guildies catching flowers, running with them Flashpoints so i can explain tactics, bring them to TS to check if they are playing well their rotation, if they are aware of the gear stats caps and even like doing and content quest chains and so on. BUT there are also RL that think on the narrowed principle in just raiding with only 8 or 12 most closed mates and dont care about all the others 200 or 300 guildies. and etc..


So, instead of suggesting bad uses for the displaying of information in guild windows, lets try to hear from all experienced RL, Officers and GM what things they would like to see changed.. im sure each one have 1 or 2 ideas im sure.



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MajikMyst, seems all your points are getting perceived from a wrong perspective.

I only suggest sharing of information [period] what GM, RL or Officers do with the information its up to them.


Actually, I am not the one looking at this from the wrong perspective.. You are suggesting to share information, but you don't seem to care about how this shared information might effect gameplay or guilds in general.. So again.. I am not the one looking at this incorrectly.. If you are going to make a suggestion it would be wise to give some thought on how this suggestion might effect the game.. Not just blow it off and say it is up to them..


I can certainly agree with the ability to see crew skills.. Beyond that, I think there are some real issues and possibilities for negative outcomes..


I just wish you would look at things from the correct perspective and be aware of the effects that your ideas might bring.. After all.. The true measure of an idea, isn't the idea itself.. It is the outcome the idea brings.. You might want to pay attention to that.. :)

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Features for a Guild or GM???


Right now the biggest feature a guild needs is simply an in game Calendar and the ability to schedule events in game with in game reminders.. That would be the one greatest improvement they could make to guilds and the game in general..


So there is my suggestion.. :)

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Actually, I am not the one looking at this from the wrong perspective.. You are suggesting to share information, but you don't seem to care about how this shared information might effect gameplay or guilds in general.. So again.. I am not the one looking at this incorrectly.. If you are going to make a suggestion it would be wise to give some thought on how this suggestion might effect the game.. Not just blow it off and say it is up to them..


I can certainly agree with the ability to see crew skills.. Beyond that, I think there are some real issues and possibilities for negative outcomes..


I just wish you would look at things from the correct perspective and be aware of the effects that your ideas might bring.. After all.. The true measure of an idea, isn't the idea itself.. It is the outcome the idea brings.. You might want to pay attention to that.. :)


Yes, I see some wisdom in your message.. i guess its important to fully evalutate all uses some feature can bring.. good or bad as you mention.. I know social interaction via chat, voice is important, so whoever is interested always popup socially asking questions and things/events eventually happen with time.

Care must be taken to not provide management tools ubber featured, as this can kill the much needed social interaction.


Merging both feelings of yours and mine, I think a nice workaround could be to bioware open little api and support development of addons that would access existing information. Im surely would be happy to develop a guild management addon and a raid addon so i can stop taking notes in paper when trying to fill in spots for raids, gear of people, knowledge of people.. etc.



Features for a Guild or GM???


Right now the biggest feature a guild needs is simply an in game Calendar and the ability to schedule events in game with in game reminders.. That would be the one greatest improvement they could make to guilds and the game in general..


So there is my suggestion.. :)


Yes, a calendar is withoudoubt the first feature needed.. something simple enough but with enough management features to help guild management.

"Event type"= (datacron+10, ops DF 8 hm, guild event, etc..)

"spec" = tank, healer, mDPS, rDPS (and combinations: respecing of same char and/or use of alts)

"notification"= send email notifications to create event in my google calendar for example.





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Features for a Guild or GM???


Right now the biggest feature a guild needs is simply an in game Calendar and the ability to schedule events in game with in game reminders.. That would be the one greatest improvement they could make to guilds and the game in general..


So there is my suggestion.. :)


I agree with this.


I like suggestions 1 and 2 in the OP though, but not the raiding one.


I'm a guild officer and my guild used to raid regularly. I manually gathered the raid information mentioned in the OP (role, previous experience/gear, if they have alts in different specs, etc) on our guild forum. It's not that hard and I think it actually helps build a sense of community if guild members have to communicate about what they can do/what they want to do instead of just having the window display it for them.


But being able to display role and crew skill would be a nice visual cue. I'd rather see general UI upgrades to guild management + calendar and additional guild perks though.

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