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Merc's role 56-72 and up


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I've got a merc I like to both heal and do dps with. Is a merc viable for endgame ops for dps or healing or do the snipers and ops just take their spots. I'm assuming they are not viable for rateds and can only slug through warzones. I am closing in on 50 and am wondering if I should just wait till their help comes around.
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I've got a merc I like to both heal and do dps with. Is a merc viable for endgame ops for dps or healing or do the snipers and ops just take their spots. I'm assuming they are not viable for rateds and can only slug through warzones. I am closing in on 50 and am wondering if I should just wait till their help comes around.


Mercs are viable as dps'rs for end game, though snipers and mara's will pull ahead. Also, i find dps'n on my merc incredibly boring, at least arsenal. Preference though, I suppose.


As for Healing - I have all three healers and all are geared enough for the new HM ops. Merc, is definitely doable as heals - but in 8 man your healing partner may feel more taxed at times when all 8 players are low on health and your hitting your supercharged gas and scanning away only to hit 4-5 in a row that don't crit.


See...merc healing has nothing that increases crit chance and the healing style revolves around it, heavily. My reasoning why this is 'bad', and why Merc healers seem less viable - or slightly more gimped, is because every heal aside from emergency scan and rapid shots requires you to stand, cast for x amount of time and a heal goes off.


Now, on my operative and sorc - a lot of the heals are channeled, heals over x amount of time. This means each TICK has x amount of chance to crit. Anything we have that tick's...are small, basic heals (rapid shots, pro-active medicine..**** is that my operative? I get confused).


At any rate....Supercharged gas needs to increase the crit chance of on of the heals, or make emergency scan an insta crit. Power Surge etc needs to act like recklessness as well - giving x-amount of crit. There's nothing more annoying in that "Oh sh*t" moment, hitting your power surge etc for your instant no heat heal and it does not crit...ug.

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Well, it's doable...but like i said above, can be a bit more taxing on the other healer as opposed to if you were on a sorc or operative. For instance, on Dread Master Brontes (last boss of DF) during the transition into the last phase when the 2 hands and six fingers pop up. There is a lot of raid damage going out. My merc, i stand on my finger trying to single target heal people while trying to toss my kolto bomb when people arent grouped up...


It's just so much easier on my operative - the aoe heal just picks out people, the HoT's....

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No matter what mode you are in, 8man or 16man and HM/NiM, merc healers can do well. The reasons merc bodyguards sometimes have trouble is either because the people they are with take too much "avoidable damage" or the merc healer doesn't know how to pump out max heals between vent heats. If any merc healer needs help with increasing their healing ability, I'm always open to questions.
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