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PVP matchups


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The point: Let's start some discussion on optimal strategies and scenarios against the ACs in pvp


I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to write a guide myself so I thought I'd start a discussion on it. For instance, if you are assault going up against a sniper who isn't dotting you. A viable strat would be to dot the crap out of him, LOS, heal to full and watch him cry. Against leapers As gunnery I find, netting > TO combo, SS CC > to usually be enough to put me in a position to win. HTL to avoid the second leap as necessary.


NOw this discussion exists in a weird space. That is these are not fleet duels, nor are they arenas (necessarily). They exist in that weird time when you find yourself (usefully) 1 v 1 in a wz. Maybe you are the last one alive at snow defending, maybe you are solo defending a door, Maybe you are attacking and there is only you vs that smasher who is gaurding and if you win you plant, if you lose they rebalance and you lose the opportunity.


1 v 1 with most CDs available what does a commando need to do to win. cheers


(ps anyone have any viable strates as gunnery against MM snipes? Good ones have been giving me a real rough go lately, I mean I could net them to do that extra dmg which is usually enough if they mistime evasion, but I feel like that;s a waste of a net)

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  • 1 month later...

When going up against a Sniper, the key is to get them out of cover; do that and they're dead meat. If they have Entrench active (visible by the medium-sized red screen around their cover), LoS and avoid them. They can stall you until it wears off, or they can give it up to come after you. If Entrench isn't active, Concussive Round them and charge in while they're knocked out; you'll want to stay at fairly close range. Keep yourself in close enough (use Hold the Line as needed) and you can Cryo Grenade or Concussion Charge them to pop them out of cover (again, if Entrench isn't active). This will shut them down quite nicely. Remember, Tech Override is your friend for CCing without being interrupted and for casting on the run.

The danger with Marksman is that they get a few seconds of Entrench after they roll. You can use Stockstrike to root them (if you took the Concussive Force talent) to stop them from rolling if you time it right, and of course Electro Net will do the job every time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now?


There is no way to win a 1 vs 1 as a Commando. Sad but true that Commando's are only viable when they can freecast meaning NO ONE is attacking them. The way the class is designed, EVERYTHING is a hard counter against a Commando.


That's the problem when you have a class as heavily reliant on casting with as much CC as there is in this game. We cannot attack and move at the same time. If we are interrupted, we can't attack. If we are stunned or mezzed, we can't attack. If we are knockback/knockdown/pushed/pulled/ect, we can't attack.


Due to pushback issues if we are attacked then we cannot finish the cast or channel and cannot attack.


All of this means that without being able to get our attacks off, we cannot win a 1 vs 1 because we must choose whether to run and kite people, or take our beating and hope we survive long enough to finish our attacks.


Until the issue of interrupts is solved, there is no 1 vs 1 victory for the Commando.

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