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Commando and Arenas (Rated)


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Srl i don't get it. I can't stand the 90% of the fights. I am not new in this class i play Commando till Beta and i never truly had problem like that. I queue solo rated games and i am always the first target of the enemy team, why? because i am easy kill, no serious defense CD's that they will truly keep me alive, most of the time i have a Mara and Assassin or powertech one me all the time when i activate my defense CD's then that's it i am dead meat! I try to heal push them back shield my self but never never work's i only survive 5 more sec. If i am lucky by mistake and they don't focus me then yea i can be deadly. But what kind of game is that? who can be happy with that. All the hardcore players tell me all the time "you suck because you died!" or "quit playing commando and play an other class" and yea ofc i do because all the freaking time i am focused by three brutal dps classes and cant stay more than 10 sec, specially when they group doesn't have healer or tank to help me out. So Bioware made a class for PVE only, because if we say to play healer there is the biggest joke of all, COMMANDO HEALER IS CRAP! assault maybe well yea maybe you do something but not truly anything. Gunnery from the other side is good spec for pvp, but the class is weak. When enemy team see commando ofc they will attack him first for 2 reason. 1. he is weak to stay up in press more than 10-20 sec and if the CC is good coordinated then he is dead in 5 sec for sure. 2. if by any chance they let him alone they will die from his lethal dps. So is this a strategy plan to play this class? is this balance? is this fun for people they chose to play commandos? In this post i really need someone from Bioware to give me a straight answer.
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I am sorry English is not my birth language. I try to explain as much as i can that is not fair for a player specially one that is subscriber for the beginning of this game, not to be able to play the class that he loves in one new content like arenas. They must consider next time before they get up with something new, to fix and balance also all the classes.
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I am sorry English is not my birth language. I try to explain as much as i can that is not fair for a player specially one that is subscriber for the beginning of this game, not to be able to play the class that he loves in one new content like arenas. They must consider next time before they get up with something new, to fix and balance also all the classes.


The devs are just short-sighted and seem to not understand that all of the random factors in Solo queue make it even less competitive than Reg WZs. Its a joke, and I would personally recommend Mercs/Commandos to avoid Solo Queue, unless you are a masochist. Find 3 other players you can work with and do Group Arenas.

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PLACK motf


Salut, je viens tous juste de lire ton post. Bon je suis d'accord avec toi le commando artillerie prend très cher en bg normaux / arènes mais bon en même temps l'artillerie n'est vraiment pas faite pour du PVP trop de sort en incante et le cd est naz ..... donc tu te fais cc / bump / cut ta Zéro dps qui sort de ton canon puis tes casi mort OK. Apres tu as la spé assaut alors la tu te régales beaucoup moins d'incantes et un vrais cd. puis tu peux dps en bougeant. Mais après un cac fait plus de dégâts qu'un distant normal, toi ton rôle c de le tenir a distance avec ton filet et ton bump et ton cc.


Je ne panse pas que les devs changerons beaucoup de choses pour le commando car il a 1 spé pour le PVE 1 pour le PVP.


Vous êtes distant pas des CAC.;)

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This is because of topics like these that I'm not coming back to SWTOR, I took a break a few months ago and just when I feel nostalgic of my BH merc character, BAM, I see this topic.

I have no idea why it's taking so long for Bioware, do they need another massive wave of unsubscribing pple in order to wake up?

Oh well, back to PoE.

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Commando isnt built for Solo Ranked. You can do fine in Group Ranked tho.



And I hope that Bioware is able to pick through the brainstorming thread and see the few good ideas that have been presented. That thread is filled with so much nonsense.....


The group ratings for commandos are even worse than the solo ratings tbh....

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First commando sucks like class in Arenas OK we told that before and we still waiting for BW to do something.

I am not hiding that already i play WoW again. I quit WoW before 2 maybe 3 years now i got back in game i wasn't so happy but i m doing that while i am waiting for Wildstar. When i was in WoW i show something in there PvP system that was super ! and i was wondering why BioWare doesn't do the same?


What i show wasn't new but was improved. They have realms that connects 6-8 servers i don't know the number exactly but they are connected together in PvP also PvE Queues. That mean that when i was queue for arenas or normal battlegrounds the queue was super fast. The same from the Dungeon group finder. That is something that SWTOR doesn't have. The queue at my server in North America "The Bastion" is ridiculously too long specially at Rank Arenas and Dungeon Finder system. And because the arenas are not attractive to all players (poor reword system) when the queue pops you find all the time the same 8-10 people queue in Arenas.


That mean: First most of them they are in the same Guild and they queue the same time to farm rank points for the meaningless leader-board, usually they communicate throw Ventrilo or TS, and if by luck they get in the same group they have 90% win rate form the other team that they don't know each other and they don't have some strategy to win.( i speak for solo queue's).


Second lets say that it's a holiday and many people play this day so you get solo-arena queue's every 5-10 min (thats fast, at last in my server) and by luck or because of your "Skill", you have many wins, thing that give you rating, so what you win? No really someone tell me whats the meaning to be in the top 10 of leader-board that this leader-board is from all the servers worldwide but your queue is only from your server (stupid?...YES!) and in the end you don't win something like a super rare Title "Arena Master" or a super rear mount for the top 10 winners of season 1 lets say... and many other rewords that someone can name.


Bioware pass the arena system in game but seem those guys they didn't have and real plan how they gonna work it out, they just throw it to our face to blind as from there failure in the game. After that they come again in light-speed and they pass the GSF! wow bravo guys super... no really i like it, but there is no meaning there also expect the fun ofc.


I know, i know my English sucks and this post is boring to read and bla bla bla. What i wonna say here is "Bioware please wake up! you toke a super title the STAR WARS! a title that so many people love and follow, and your tried to make it MMO but it seems what you doing is not so cool as must be. When the players join this game they must feel that they are in the STAR WARS universe! and wow yea! they love to be there and play your game(where is that feeling?). I will not tell you how you gonna do that, that's your job that's what we pay you for. Also when you put something new in game like Arenas or new OP's or the GSF, make it to be addictive, make it so the players spend meaningful time to get some reword not just the pvp gear that really you can farm it in just one week!"....I will stop here i told too much and is late already :D. So guys post your opinions on those maters. I will love to read also what you think.

Edited by kistos
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You answered your own question in your first post. You do too much damage to leave alone (assault), or you will do no damage if we sit on you (gunnery). You also have the single most lethal ability in the game ATM (electro net). It is for this reason that you guys are focused more so than being easy kills. That and you don't have a massive DCD like barrier to delay the kill.
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Far easier said that done.


Yup. So true.


Never play mando on ToFN. Never. The entire imp side consist of madness sorcs (the hybrid version), marauders, pts and assassins... And ofc oper healers :D


So if you like the style of mando, roll merc. Then you'll at least have some FOTM classes to play with, as reps are healing sages with 27k hp, gunslingers that use their roll as a gapcloser and mandos that use their EN on a shrouded assassin.


Or, just stay away from ToFN. Might be better.

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I aint new to commando either, I have played for years on him. I never had such crushing defeats up until ranked, by that point people yelled at to me go **** myself and never pvp again, even got one of the top ranked players in solo ranked once, he cursed me out a lot and expected me to do as much as the operative. I did have some wins, especially on the first day I kept getting these 2 guys who together with me crushed the other teams healer with before that team could crush me, and we won, but after that, loss after loss, and that ranked player I mentioned earlier now uses my name to insult other people he thinks are bad :( but anyway though, I would like to see something done to make us better for ranked in terms of survivability, its not like I can instant heal to full as I scamper out of the smashers range...
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I aint new to commando either, I have played for years on him. I never had such crushing defeats up until ranked, by that point people yelled at to me go **** myself and never pvp again, even got one of the top ranked players in solo ranked once, he cursed me out a lot and expected me to do as much as the operative. I did have some wins, especially on the first day I kept getting these 2 guys who together with me crushed the other teams healer with before that team could crush me, and we won, but after that, loss after loss, and that ranked player I mentioned earlier now uses my name to insult other people he thinks are bad :( but anyway though, I would like to see something done to make us better for ranked in terms of survivability, its not like I can instant heal to full as I scamper out of the smashers range...


I know that feeling :( Ive stoped doing ranked because i just cant stand getting the blame 8/10 times we loose. And when i look at the scoreboard sometimes i dont blame ppl for yelling at me. 10k dmg/heal aint much :o

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