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GS-Why Can't You Use Your Own Ship?


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I apologize if this has already been addressed before, but why did Bioware-Austin make the decision to use 3-4 separate classes of ships rather than make your own ship upgradeable. I mean, don't get me wrong, it would be cool to have 3-4 other ships as skins, but why didn't they start with your very own ship? On the menu, you could just select different configurations (scout, fighter, gunship, etc.)


In the movies, the Millennium Falcon was both a transport ship and an attack ship. Shouldn't that have some significance in the design of GS?


Eric-If you can either post a quick response or simply address this in a later video blog, that would be much appreciated.

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I think that in GS you're actually not "your own character" (they don't even talk/bark like in on-rails missions) although you can get familiar co-pilots.


You're right that there'd be absolutely no point in getting into a small fighter and fight in it if you have your own ship that can hold its own and would be just as good for many space missions.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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You dont have 5 people all in the ship, only 2 you and the co pilot. Also, Current ground based pvp is way out of the storyline, why would you someone who has saved millions of people be playing hutball 20 times or doing Hypergate or fighting for points on alderaan, or voidstar, doing all of these things over and over. For most of the ships It seems they can fit a co pilot, the only ones that wouldnt would have to be the sting and flashfire.
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From what I've seen on various sites, we'll be able to unlock the current player ships...probably through the CM.


Yup. In think they mentioned that in the SF/EA Cantina tour stop.


Guys, look, this is the first implementation of this and we are getting early access. No need to nitpick just yet. You we will know more shortly. Keep in mind that the what is being tested on the PTS doesn't include all of the hooks into the larger game either. We only have a couple of weeks to go IF everything goes as planned.

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Also all the of the player ships are supposed to be very heavy compared to what we have in GS, so not as fast and especially not as nimble. Also not as specialized. Wouldn't be very interesting or credible to have space battles with only that class of ship involved.
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They can't sell you custom skins and ship unlocks for CC if you use your own ship, so they'd be limiting their potential revenue stream. The depth of the game would also suffer. GS in its current iteration looks quite complex, a single ship wouldn't handle all those roles (mass, acceleration, handling sound like they are very different between the various ships).
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Imagine how upset players would be if they were then "locked" into the ship for their main class.

While many of us do run several alts, there are those who only level a few toons at best.

QQing because they can't use a Mantis with their JK??


No thanks. This is a much better solution.

Plus it lets you start pvp earlier in the game than even ground pvp!

And you don't have to wait to get your ship in your storyline before you can fly one!


I am sure they will eventually unlock it.

While I would like it to be a level unlock (say a reward for completing chapter 3 of your storyline or even a lvl 55 perk) I am not going to be surprised when it turns out to be connected to the CM.

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i thought the same. it would be the much wanted housing system when you could start flying your starter ship and able to buy new ones, upgrade them and do some customation inside too.


it would be cool to see the hangar everytime you travel around with your customized personal starship and not THAT fury thousand other ones fly too.


looking forward to it, but still, they missed an opportunity here, a great one.

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Your ship is not agile enough for many of the tasks that are needed in the missions. In Movies (and Clone Wars animated series), many characters are using a smaller fighters for engaging enemies, but they use larger ship to travel around the galaxy.


Not to mention, having only your ship would severely limit progression, which would be pretty sad.

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Would be good if the put a hanger in the class ships big enough for one fighter it could then diplay the current fighter or last used fighter from pvp. (I'm sure that the twilight in CW had a hanger)


They could then add pve missions where it's the same mechanics but we use our class ships to get about and launch the fighter when needed.

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