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Economy ruined by slicers


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Slicing is really starting to irritate me.


I went BioAnalysis, BioChem, and Diplomacy with the intent to make stims for my guild's flashpoints.


However, since I don't get to sell anything I get from missions, and the lower-level crafted stims are worth nearly nothing - I lose money constantly with this crew skill. I'm struggling to keep 15k in my inventory for the last 3-4 levels, and I'm almost at my speeder. At this rate I will be far below the 40K for the skill, not to mention the rest of my level 25 skills.


A guild-mate has slicing, and is level 21. He's got over 100k already. Slicing is absolutely silly! It's to the point where tonight I plan on dropping my lowest crew skill and going slicing just so I don't have to keep having money issues.


Slicing is 100% ruining the economy, it should not be giving 1/2 what rewards it does.


I think the part that you aren't considering is that your guildmate is accumulating wealth largely because he's not spending it to level. It doesn't make sense to compare Slicing to a crafting skill, because it doesn't craft anything. You need to compare it to a gathering skill, and even then you have to compare it to a gathering skill where you only sell the things that you gathered instead of using them to level another skill. They can't "nerf slicing" too much, because it wouldn't serve any purpose if it didn't at least break even.


Put another way, you might have over 100K too if you took your gathering mats and just sold them, or at the very least if you didn't spend money on missions. The only slicers who are getting wealthy at a disproportionate rate are the ones who aren't spending their credits. That shouldn't surprise anyone.

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I made bout 70K credits leveling from 30 to 31 just doing quests and not buying anything.


Taking that into account if you hit level 40 with no crafting skill and no slicing I think having about 300K+ in credits is not unreasonable, just from quest rewards alone. The thing that is giving no craft skill slicers money isn't slicing, it's not blowing money on grinding a crafting skill.

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When i played EQ2 there was none of this low level token BS .. i had lines and people that would be buying full sets of armor from me every teir because crafting was actually useful before the AH floods..


Still i guess you should just tell every new player... take slicing level and store your other gathering professions then make the switch when you have a big bank account..


and you won't have to ever struggle to buy skills or your speeder or anything.



Set up the printing press.


And you had to walk up hill both ways to the bank, and in the snow, and it was also lightning snow blizzard storm with three hills and people still bought your gear! Than you relized it's 2011 and not 1999

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Ideally, crafting should be something that is enjoyable throughout a character's journey and not solely a max level pursuit. There's something wrong when more and more people are considering amassing massive amounts of credits and materials for a Level 50 crafting splurge. However, that said, perhaps instead of nerfing Slicing, the other skills could be tweaked.


I hesitate to reference other MMOs, but really, there's no other way around it. As another post above mentioned, EQ2 had a great system where every tier of crafting (it's been a while, but I think it was every 10 levels) had great gear that was highly sought out. I don't think borrowing a bit of that philosophy would be a bad thing.


Let the slicers keep their credits. It's a cool idea that has a place in the game. It would just be nice for crafters to actually make the sort of gear that would appeal to all these rich slicers at multiple points in the game and not just level 50. Don't nerf slicing, boost crafts =D!

Edited by Kemmer
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Why do people not understand this very simple concept: The game is 3 days old. The economy is 3 days old. There is very little money in circulation right now compared a month, two months, six months from now.


Slicing DOES NOT SCALE with the inflation it is creating. When everyone has a billion credits in the future, they will buy YOUR crafted items for more, yet the income from Slicing will not rise. The relative value of the credits you make from each slicing mission goes DOWN with every day that passes.


Slicing is literally nerfing itself as time passes.



This man speaks truth and yet... its falling on deaf ears. I only hope that BW understands this simple fact enough to ignore the whiney people. At max level slicing I'm making less on slicing missions than I do on "quest" missions, and that's just in the mid 30's. "Quest" missions at level 50 will be much more lucrative than slicing anyways so in the end, I'll have to dump it because even though its still cashflow, it will be a small pittance compared to all other forms of income. Inflation will kill slicing plenty, its just very good for the moment before the economy gets rolling.

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I agree with the OP, slicing needs to be nerfed. I know, Im a 400slicer. If done right, you can round up 20k+ in 1 hour off 3 companions. 1hour = 20k not huge? to me, thats insane, lol (i've always been broke in MMOs)


Right now, my main is sitting pretty at 370k, im only level 28. I can buy anything and everything I want for my level, I even spent 50k last night buying matts to level up my Synthweaving to 210 (i would of spent more but there was nothing else to buy on my server that would increase it further)


at max level, dont do max tier lockboxes unless they have rich or bountiful on them, thats a waste of your companions time. Work smarter not harder, Uncle Scrooge McDuck once said to his nephews =P Check the next tier for those Rich and Bountiful boxes

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--- Truth about Slicing ---


1. At max level slicing, you can only have one crew search for max level boxes, a SMALL chance you can do a second. In most cases you have to drop to lower level lockbox missions in order to Q multiple lockbox's at once. In order to "clean your missions" you need to run 1-2 augment quests so you can Q multiple lockboxes.


2. People who say they are making tons of credits, are outright lying. Sorry, but maybe at the 30-40 level range (like 300 slicing level) with a 11-16 min Q, and the ability to Q 2-3 boxes at once... perhaps can yield a profit if you stand around a not level and just slice. (This is actually the best tatic for credit making, not the max level missions)


I have personally been testing max level slicing. Its not that awesome. I make, on AVERAGE, 15k every hour depending on if the mission is successful. This is with 3 crew members, one with + to slicing (mako)


People forget the costs to start the mission!!!!


It takes an moderate investment + time for these missions. I believe its 36mins + 1.7k credits for max level slicing mission. Sometimes, and alot of times, it yields about 2.3-3.5k in returns..... I have a rate of failure about 25% maybe higher. Sometimes I get goodies back, but its rarely..



The truth is, I have slicing... it has been great for leveling, HOWEVER now im am practically broke, and staring at a Q for my crew so I can get more credits, to Q for more slicing, which sometimes just freaking fail.

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On a side note


I have found the other gathering professions MUCH more profitable. I play on Shadow Hand.. which currently is a high pop server.


When I dropped scavenging, for cybertech (im so stupid for this), I lost my real form of income. I was out gathering while questing, Q'ing for missions, and I was making some serious freaking money. Most of the lower mats go for 100-200 credits per. Making a single mission worth atleast 1,000 credits (with a 200-300 credit investment). Also if I went out and just collected myself... 100% pure profit.


(These missions took 6mins, and yielded atleast 700 profit in credits) 700x10 = 7,000 credits per hour.... just for ONE gathering profession. That is with just one crew Q'ing. 21,000 per hour with 3 crew members. + w/e you gather yourself.


My advice, drop slicing, pick up one of the other gathering professions. Trust me.. in the long run.. much more profitable.

Edited by Bellaralo
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--- Truth about Slicing ---


1. At max level slicing, you can only have one crew search for max level boxes, a SMALL chance you can do a second. In most cases you have to drop to lower level lockbox missions in order to Q multiple lockbox's at once. In order to "clean your missions" you need to run 1-2 augment quests so you can Q multiple lockboxes.


2. People who say they are making tons of credits, are outright lying. Sorry, but maybe at the 30-40 level range (like 300 slicing level) with a 11-16 min Q, and the ability to Q 2-3 boxes at once... perhaps can yield a profit if you stand around a not level and just slice. (This is actually the best tatic for credit making, not the max level missions)


I have personally been testing max level slicing. Its not that awesome. I make, on AVERAGE, 15k every hour depending on if the mission is successful. This is with 3 crew members, one with + to slicing (mako)


People forget the costs to start the mission!!!!


It takes an moderate investment + time for these missions. I believe its 36mins + 1.7k credits for max level slicing mission. Sometimes, and alot of times, it yields about 2.3-3.5k in returns..... I have a rate of failure about 25% maybe higher. Sometimes I get goodies back, but its rarely..



The truth is, I have slicing... it has been great for leveling, HOWEVER now im am practically broke, and staring at a Q for my crew so I can get more credits, to Q for more slicing, which sometimes just freaking fail.



I don't see how you can fail that many missions. I fail maybe 1 out of every 15 try. And the yield you talk about? 2.3-3.5k ? Sounds wrong. A lot of cases I get rewarded from 5k - 8k. So sometimes a total yield of almost 6k for one mission that lasts maybe 36 minutes.


I'm level 400 in slicing, and my yield are about 15-20k pr hour when doing 3 crew missions (only doing Rich and Bountiful missions).


So I can only join the choir of other top slicers who claim that this is indeed beneficial and you get stinking rich.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention; how about all the biometric boxes and safe you run across when you drive around? Around 1k pr box.

Edited by unrectifiable
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The point that everyone seems to be missing is that before very long goes by, eveyone is going to have millions of credits to spend and those purple mastercrafts are going to be going for multiple millions each, because that is the price that the market will bear. Getting 8k every half hour is still going to be a very small amount in comparison when even the basic purple crafted mods will sell for 100k or more.


Slicing is the non-crafter skill and is self balancing over time. Yes it's spiking right now when almost everyone is broke but in a couple months it's going to come in dead last for profits.

Edited by DaveYanakov
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Slicing got nerfed, atleast it has since I leveled it from 0-400 in the past 48 hours. I do not yield these massive ammounts people are talking about, maybe if a blue quality lockbox drops it MAY have 4k in it... but not the white or green ones...


just my experience here.

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--- Truth about Slicing ---


1. At max level slicing, you can only have one crew search for max level boxes, a SMALL chance you can do a second. In most cases you have to drop to lower level lockbox missions in order to Q multiple lockbox's at once. In order to "clean your missions" you need to run 1-2 augment quests so you can Q multiple lockboxes.


2. People who say they are making tons of credits, are outright lying. Sorry, but maybe at the 30-40 level range (like 300 slicing level) with a 11-16 min Q, and the ability to Q 2-3 boxes at once... perhaps can yield a profit if you stand around a not level and just slice. (This is actually the best tatic for credit making, not the max level missions)


I have personally been testing max level slicing. Its not that awesome. I make, on AVERAGE, 15k every hour depending on if the mission is successful. This is with 3 crew members, one with + to slicing (mako)


People forget the costs to start the mission!!!!


It takes an moderate investment + time for these missions. I believe its 36mins + 1.7k credits for max level slicing mission. Sometimes, and alot of times, it yields about 2.3-3.5k in returns..... I have a rate of failure about 25% maybe higher. Sometimes I get goodies back, but its rarely..



The truth is, I have slicing... it has been great for leveling, HOWEVER now im am practically broke, and staring at a Q for my crew so I can get more credits, to Q for more slicing, which sometimes just freaking fail.


I'm starting to believe there's a slicing mafia on these forums spreading lies about it not being all that great when it is clearly OP, and yes I use slicing.


Slicing got nerfed, atleast it has since I leveled it from 0-400 in the past 48 hours. I do not yield these massive ammounts people are talking about, maybe if a blue quality lockbox drops it MAY have 4k in it... but not the white or green ones...


just my experience here.


You do realize that running "moderate" quality missions is horrible right? If you run the high quality ones you get a profit every single time.

Edited by pezit
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From all the posts it seems that the problem isn't slicing but rather crafting professions not being useful while leveling. So fix the crafting professions not make slicing useless.

I dont know why anyone would want to make crew skills useless. Best solution increase the stats on crafted gear across the board by like 1-2 stats or something. Though Leveling is kind of a joke on how easy it is so not sure if that'd increase demand for low level gear.

Edited by Nirosu
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