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Economy ruined by slicers


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But when everyone's leveling and trying to keep their gear up to date is when I would expect demand for crafted goods to be highest.


Demand for low-medium level crafted goods will be highest when players have their first character at 50 with lots of credits, and start to outfit alts. They'll be looking for blue and purple reverse engineered kit.

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Slicing doesn't scale with inflation.




Slicing doesn't scale with inflation.


One more time with oomph:




tl,dr: When the value of a credit goes down, the value of slicing goes down, because it's fixed. Slicing is actually eating itself as we speak.


and your point is?

the price of ingame stuff is fixed. if you have made 1m credits with slicing you can pretty much buy absolutely anything you need as you level from vendors, stims, health,skills, gear upgrades, mounts, inventory slots...everything.

and when you are done and hit 50 you will have a hefty surplus of cash to level whatever "serious" craft you decide. You will have just wasted a few days for an insane cash advantage.


BioWare might aswell make everything ingame cost 1 credit anyway.



someone who decides to take a "serious" crafting profession is probably in the red 24/7, dont sell anything right now. and by the time he can do stuff worth a penny, all the slicers will have catch up with him anyway, since they can simpy sit on their asses and do missions nonstop without ever minding about cash problems..



I know everybody can take slicing, so it isnt like its a big problem. It just sounds extremly stuid to have a MUST HAVE crew skill when you start, and Im sure BioWare havent looked at this hard enough or else they would also realize its just moronic.


slicing: all advantages. no cons whatsoever except losing a few days in a game that supposedly your gonna play for years....

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Did you notice that Artificing sales went down after official launch? Mine have plummeted.



yeaaa very ... and ppl also get 400 like me so there is a lot of crystals and i need to low down my price... slicers dont need to do that... they just send on mission


profit ?


disappoitment... so much - for me waste of cash and time for now - no balance in crew no balance in pvp


just nice story and flashpoints.

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I admit my slicing alt has funded my main on a few occasions, but I don't think it's overpowered.


The game has only been formally released for 4 days. As such the economy has just started.


If you can get that 'killer epic' recipe for any other crew skill first you will make a fortune (I made over 100K on selling implants from biochem at level 29 - and still sell more each day).


People need to take a hard look at what is lacking in the game and add them to the GTN.



Synthweavers - If you have a Light Armour Custom (Orange) set of trousers (pants), make all you can and stick them up, you'll make a mint. Don't bother adding mods, just plain. On the same same theme look at all the items you have and use the dressing room, if you think it looks great someone else will (and will buy it). Currently on my server there are only 4 custom light armour pieces on the GTN.

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Considering how much quests and war zones yeild BW definitelly wanted players to earn money. But I don't see how that ruins economy. I have slicing so I buy mats for cybertech for credits. I generate demand for crafting materials, because I can't get them myself. That looks like something that is good for economy.


Other option is that everybody is getting their own mats and nobody can sell anything ... is that better ?

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To all those saying that it will only take "a few days time" to level another crafting skill after taking slicing until level 50, you are silly.


Unless you are also leveling a gathering skill and banking mats, you will have to level both the gathering skill either through missions or going out and about.


Then you have to level the actual crafting skill. THEN reverse engineer stuff to get the good stuff...


A person who is crafting the whole time will already have those recipes. The key to making money from crafting is being in before the flood. If you already have the recipe and have some up on the network for sale, you will make more money. You will start to make less as more people pick the FOTM crafting skill to get in the big moneyz!!!1111!!!@@!


I am thankful for slicing as there is finally a skill for us non crafters. I love the mission skills in general as being a person who does not enjoy crafting I have always been behind the power curve.


Dedicated crafters will make money in the long run. Slicing is like the dark side. It requires little effort, but the reward in the long run is not as much as the more difficult path.

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Slicing is pure gathering so I can see why it would yield money. I had it on my main as i was leveling up but dropped it to get my mission skill to help with cybernetics.


But I am picking it back up on my ALT to get patterns and cash. It has its uses but that alone is only going to get you so far

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yeaaa very ... and ppl also get 400 like me so there is a lot of crystals and i need to low down my price... slicers dont need to do that... they just send on mission


profit ?


disappoitment... so much - for me waste of cash and time for now - no balance in crew no balance in pvp


just nice story and flashpoints.


I figured it would follow supply/demand principles. But I'm still the only one really putting crystals up. Still can't sell them.

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The crafting system imo is set up very very well.



If you picked the riht crafting skills you can almost spend no money at all and still lvl very easy.



If your just going to sit and grind then yes its likely you will run into this. But if you do it as part of your lvling then you shouldnt have money issues with your crew skills.



Aside from armor and weapon smithing cause people think they are broke or usless but the rest seems to do pretty good on there own.

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Everyone keeps talking about lock boxes, slicing, treasure hunting, etc... and how much money they make. So I decided to try it out and I didn't care for it. Granted, I am only in my teens level-wise, but I just wasn't seeing profits that were that great--in some cases I was losing money. Maybe I was doing it wrong, but I went to diplomacy to go with Biochem and Bioanalysis.


It just seems like I can make more money killing a few mobs (pure profit, no investment) and I don't have to worry about failing to loot a mob. I don't make as much money as a slicer can potentially make, but there is also no risk (mobs are pure profit--no risk of a failed mission). Granted, I suppose you could farm mobs and slice at the same time, but part of the fast killing of mobs is having my pet there.


Maybe slicing changes later on at higher levels, but right now, just stepping out of my way and looting everything and selling vendor trash seems pretty good (last night I wasn't even trying to farm credits and I made close to 4K just going from level 13-15). I don't have as much money as splicers, but I am not that far behind for my level and I figure I will get their money later when they buy the stuff I make :D .


On the plus side, since so many people I know are slicing, they are giving me the recipes for diplomacy :)

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As a level 21 slicer (at 275) I can say that I'm not rolling in the credits and unless it gets massively better you I probably won't. It really helps my cybertech crafting though and the lockbox money just about covers the cost of my skill training.


PvP is a much better source of credits and you also get commendations and xp. Even questing almost matches slicing in credit output, also gives gear and xp and oh, yeah, a cool story.


While you might get a bunch of credits at slicing 400, you also fail many missions which cost a FORTUNE to start. If you have a particularly lucky streak you're still only making slightly more credits than you would with PvP or questing, but without the extra benefits.


OP should pick up slicing and see how it actually works before declaring a 3 day old economy, with lots of pre-built credit sinks ruined.

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Well apparently Bioware just wanted to have people auto generate money..



Slicing at 400 i am told yeilds 6-10k credits...



people that are in their 20's are up to a million creds


Synthweaving i have to compete against drops, vendors , token gear.


No ones buying my junk i'm basicly losing money trying to level the skill..


Everyone take slicing make tons then switch to a real profession if you just don't wanna just you know buy it all with your mountain of cash.



Fail system Bioware.


I have multiple characters with sliving, and you really need to ignore rumors or false statements. If you google swtor slicing spreadsheets you will see that multiple people are documenting what profit there is with slicing. I make the most money on my other crew skills selling the schematics. Don't complain to BW for people buying my schmatics at high prices. Why don't you roll a character and do slicing and find out yourself before complaining about something you have no idea about.

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As people are writing, when you level up, crafting professions started to give you money. I am investing in amrmormech, I make and sel lvl17-20 blue-purple at the moment. I still constantly pay 300-500 for sending one companion to underworld trading and have 45k at lvl23.


Then again, if I knew I could find enough mats on auction for those items I would drop underworld trading and get slicing but I'll have material problem then.

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I have multiple characters with sliving, and you really need to ignore rumors or false statements. If you google swtor slicing spreadsheets you will see that multiple people are documenting what profit there is with slicing. I make the most money on my other crew skills selling the schematics. Don't complain to BW for people buying my schmatics at high prices. Why don't you roll a character and do slicing and find out yourself before complaining about something you have no idea about.


Rare schematics are coming from your slicing. Did you not understand that?

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Why do people not understand this very simple concept: The game is 3 days old. The economy is 3 days old. There is very little money in circulation right now compared a month, two months, six months from now.


Slicing DOES NOT SCALE with the inflation it is creating. When everyone has a billion credits in the future, they will buy YOUR crafted items for more, yet the income from Slicing will not rise. The relative value of the credits you make from each slicing mission goes DOWN with every day that passes.


Slicing is literally nerfing itself as time passes.

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Why do people not understand this very simple concept: The game is 3 days old. The economy is 3 days old. There is very little money in circulation right now compared a month, two months, six months from now.


Slicing DOES NOT SCALE with the inflation it is creating. When everyone has a billion credits in the future, they will buy YOUR crafted items for more, yet the income from Slicing will not rise. The relative value of the credits you make from each slicing mission goes DOWN with every day that passes.


Slicing is literally nerfing itself as time passes.


You are EXACTLY right. Glad someone has a head for economics. I wonder tho, will the developers incrementally increase quest rewards to counter inflation?

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When i played EQ2 there was none of this low level token BS .. i had lines and people that would be buying full sets of armor from me every teir because crafting was actually useful before the AH floods..


Still i guess you should just tell every new player... take slicing level and store your other gathering professions then make the switch when you have a big bank account..


and you won't have to ever struggle to buy skills or your speeder or anything.



Set up the printing press.



why would i buy from you, as i level, when i can send my companions to do missions/craft for me, as i level, plus pick up mats from scavenging/arch/bio as i wander the planets... and make my own stuff?


as i did my dromund kaas missions, by lvl 13, i had leveled up my armormech from world mat spawns. didn't cost me a cent, other than to learn new schematics. plus, i RE'd for blues/purps, and vendored lots of armour.


you really don't actually have to go anywhere special to craft in this game, you do it AS you're doing your normal quests (especially after you get your second companion around lvl 14-16).



this isn't eq, eq2, gw, wow, eve, ac, or any of those games. i'm not tied to a crafting table yet (thankfully), and my companions are more than happy to go crafting FOR ME, so i don't have to stand there and do nothing BUT craft, when i'm "crafting".


pretty sure i'm going to make a crapload more profit from my lvl 43+ purple ship items, than i'll get from my high level slicing. just sayin'

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Where are all these rich slicers who should be buying my crafted goods ?


THey aren't buying crafted goods cause they just spend commendations on gear or get them from Flashpoints. There is literally very little demand for crafted goods, and I don't see there being much in the future, save for a few modifiable pieces (though BioWare has already said Operation/PvP gear will be better than crafting).

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Slicing is nerfing every crew skill along with it, and those other skills are at a huge disparity already. Credit value doesn't just affect the people raking in cash.


Actually, no, it isn't. Crew skills that return actual items are being buffed. Why? Because the money you earn from those mats/crafted items/schematics goes UP.

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Slicing is really starting to irritate me.


I went BioAnalysis, BioChem, and Diplomacy with the intent to make stims for my guild's flashpoints.


However, since I don't get to sell anything I get from missions, and the lower-level crafted stims are worth nearly nothing - I lose money constantly with this crew skill. I'm struggling to keep 15k in my inventory for the last 3-4 levels, and I'm almost at my speeder. At this rate I will be far below the 40K for the skill, not to mention the rest of my level 25 skills.


A guild-mate has slicing, and is level 21. He's got over 100k already. Slicing is absolutely silly! It's to the point where tonight I plan on dropping my lowest crew skill and going slicing just so I don't have to keep having money issues.


Slicing is 100% ruining the economy, it should not be giving 1/2 what rewards it does.

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