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Pyro PvE-builds


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I have been using this build for few days:



I haven´t seen too many guides for Pyro dps so I would preciate comments on this setup. I feel that I am doing OK with it and in certain situations I am out-dps´ing Arsenal spec with ease, especially when there is only single target dps going on.

I would like to see what other people are using, and if possible explanation why their spec is better as overall.

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Here is what I'm using for boss fights:




For dummy parsing I move the points in Stabilizers to Hired Muscle, but in actual fights pushback is such a huge pain that I feel Stabilizers is needed. There are some fights where it can be skipped, but most it's a boon. I am unsure wether Upgraded Arsenal or Hired Muscle is best though. But I'm leaning towards Upgraded Arsenal. A majority of your damage comes from Rail Shot and Power Shot, which are both ranged, so boosting crit chance on those more I think is better.


As for the pyro tree itself, the one thing that may seem odd is the 0 points in Systems Calibration. I've found those points of alacrity actually messes with the PPA proc, delaying it by one GCD more often. So having less alacrity actually increases my dps.


There are a lot of points in Pyro that are placed just to get higher in the tree and that an be moved around freely.

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You will need stabilizers in PvE. Off the top of my head I can think of the following that would kill your dps without stabilizers:


Larvae in Bestia.

Dispatchers in Draxus.

Affliction from Tyrans.

Raid wide DoT from Nefra.

Pipe smash in Grob'Thok, even by using hydraulic overrides so it doesn't interrupt your cast, it would still push back.

Slow ticking AoE + adds in Calphayus.

Adds in Corruptor Zero.

Raid Wide AoE in Raptus.

Orbs in Brontes.


There are a few more instances as well.


I would say if you are going full pyro that 0/10/36 would be your best bet, for parses, 2/8/36.

Edited by LordKantner
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I don't use stabilizers and I have no problems, and I do HM ops fairly regularly. As far as the build itself, some of them just aren't needed for us. The first one, omg is Volatile Warhead. Missile Blast should not be in your rotation. It does to little for far too much. The second is Chaff Flare. You should not need it, going through solo pve you should have no problem killing things in seconds, and in an op, your tank/tanks should have aggro at all times, so you shouldn't need it. The other one is Suit FOE. Any heals or cures is up to your healers, not you. Your job is to kill things, nothing more.


As far what to do with the other 10 points is really up to you, but I find stabilizers pointless, so I prefer the added endurance instead.

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Thanks for the input guys, very good points in there.

This is what I will try tonight;



I will miss the Improved Vents but getting Stabilizers should give me few gray hairs less during boss fights. What comes for Suit FOE, curing myself during certain points in Oricon ops is needed and added reduction to dot´s is something our healers benefit from in many situations.

Degauss is basically filler skill in this build but there are some situations where roots may annoy me and as it is part of my opening rotation in boss fights, I think I might just as well boost it a bit.


Volatile Warheads is just useless imho because I never use Missile Blast.


Jet Rebounder... bah. I have no idea why this poor excuse of skill even is in our talent tree, especially that high in there.

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I don't use stabilizers and I have no problems, and I do HM ops fairly regularly. As far as the build itself, some of them just aren't needed for us. The first one, omg is Volatile Warhead. Missile Blast should not be in your rotation. It does to little for far too much. The second is Chaff Flare. You should not need it, going through solo pve you should have no problem killing things in seconds, and in an op, your tank/tanks should have aggro at all times, so you shouldn't need it. The other one is Suit FOE. Any heals or cures is up to your healers, not you. Your job is to kill things, nothing more.


As far what to do with the other 10 points is really up to you, but I find stabilizers pointless, so I prefer the added endurance instead.


Volatile Warhead is the only way to control CGC, there are certainly times where you would use it in the rotation, especially when the boss is sub 30%. The DoT from CGC does more damage than Incendiary Missile and the DoT from Thermal Detonator, so I'm not sure what you are talking about.


As far as Chaff Flare, you should be using a threat debuff consistently, I won't go into how obvious that is. As far as points in Degauss, it gives you more defense percentage than a tank would, so it's a very nice defensive cooldown.


Suit FOE is also very important. There are several things your healers cannot cleanse, where Suit FOE could save your life. You yourself cannot cleanse anything force as well, and Suit FOE will still reduce the damage you recieve even though you are not able to cleanse the DoT. Periodic Damage that cannot be cleansed could be:


Affliction DoT in Tyrans HM.

Withering Terror DoT from Kel'sara HM or NiM.

Nanites in Kephess the Undying.

Damage from the AoE in Calphayus HM.

The Stacking Debuff at the end of HM Dread Masters.


And while the main job of DPS is to kill things, anything you can do to survive would help out your entire team. I'd rather be lessening the burden on my healers rather than adding to their job, but maybe that is just me Kaiser.

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Volatile Warhead is the only way to control CGC, there are certainly times where you would use it in the rotation, especially when the boss is sub 30%. The DoT from CGC does more damage than Incendiary Missile and the DoT from Thermal Detonator, so I'm not sure what you are talking about.


As far as Chaff Flare, you should be using a threat debuff consistently, I won't go into how obvious that is. As far as points in Degauss, it gives you more defense percentage than a tank would, so it's a very nice defensive cooldown.


Suit FOE is also very important. There are several things your healers cannot cleanse, where Suit FOE could save your life. You yourself cannot cleanse anything force as well, and Suit FOE will still reduce the damage you recieve even though you are not able to cleanse the DoT. Periodic Damage that cannot be cleansed could be:


Affliction DoT in Tyrans HM.

Withering Terror DoT from Kel'sara HM or NiM.

Nanites in Kephess the Undying.

Damage from the AoE in Calphayus HM.

The Stacking Debuff at the end of HM Dread Masters.


And while the main job of DPS is to kill things, anything you can do to survive would help out your entire team. I'd rather be lessening the burden on my healers rather than adding to their job, but maybe that is just me Kaiser.


I'm not trying to discredit you, for all I know you may be topping leaderboards, I'm just saying what I was told. From what I was told, missile blast does too little damage for the heat it uses, which it does use a good bit of heat. As far as burn damage, I wasn't told there was a difference between MB, IM, and TD.


As for Chaff Flare, I have never needed it. My guild's tanks never lose aggro, so I never need to lose threat. The defense is nice, but since I never need to use it, the defense doesn't help me.


I never really need to cleanse myself, so I don't use Suit FOE. I see where its good, but I am usually in the back dpsing from a distance, and since my tanks never lose aggro, I don't really get attacked too much unless there are adds.


I am always ready to learn how to play my Merc better, and this is how others have helped me with it.

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I personally run 1/12/33 rather than full Pyro:




The extra crit bonus on Unload does a pretty good job of offsetting the loss of Thermal Detonator, while also simplifying the rotation. I personally parse as well with this build as I do with Arsenal, and sometimes better if I keep getting 5 or 6 Tracer Missiles without a Barrage proc. And I parse better than I do with full Pyro. Keep in mind I'm not saying it's for everyone, or that this is absolutely better than full Pyro, but it works better for me, and I recommend anyone give it a try, at least.


Also, if you find yourself in a raid situation where nobody else has an armor debuff to apply (i.e. no Snipers or Juggs in your group), you can substitute the one point in the Bodyguard tree and take Tracer Missile instead. Just use it once every 45 seconds and forget about it.

Edited by Mastershroom
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