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Does anybody really do space missions?


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Lol, this dudes thread totally backfired on him.


I love the space missions, want to see more, Awsome BW.


If you don't like them, don't play them. And don't try and ruin other people's fun because you suck.


If you think this game Space Combat has any value or enjoyment? Compared to SWG's Space Combat, this game's Space Combat is Mario Bros level.


SWG had PvE combat/PvP Combat in space, PLUS(near the end), Air to Ground and Ground to Air PvP Combat.


Show me a game that has those features!

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Why do people insist a completely 100% optional part of a game needs to be removed?


If you don't like it don't play, it is that simple.


You loose nothing not doing it.


Myself I like extra easy exp in-between planets.


^lol this


I'm terrible at space missions, and I don't really like them.


So I forgot they were there until I saw this thread.

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I only do them on alts for awesome exp. I don't do them on my 50 though. Just never felt like it was worth it.


Unless the epic bag you can buy for 350+ fleet commendations is dropping all sorts of epics and stuff. Even still, I don't think I could bare to do them on anyone who isn't getting leveling exp off of them.

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I wish the entire game was made with those graphics! Space looks 10x better than the other gameplay. But yea just do the dailies once a day don't waste time doing them more. 14k xp in less than 15 minutes, yes please. If you get bored with them, buy the upgrades and try to do all of the bonuses.
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I love the space missions. Perfect break to mix things up after a few hours of questing. Not saying I wouldn't mind seeing Bioware flesh them out and the idea of guild capital ships, if more than just a guild hall, is enticing.


Only downside to them for me is that if I do too many I add to my already existing problem of leveling too fast, but I'm really liking the questing and tend to do all of them on each planet.

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I really enjoy space. Especially after a couple hours of adventuring, or between planets.


It's exactly what it was intended to be, which is a fun diversion. I can do several in a row and still enjoy them.


That said, I hope they expand the gameplay in the future.

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Space missions are an extra little shooter inside the game. It's not "the game" to me. They might improve them, they might not, it's so secondary!


It's like getting a gaming console as a little gift, when you buy a car. (Or a tamagochi when buying a Playstation)


Stop crying like a baby :)

Edited by Baudrillard
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I have all of the Xwing series installed on my computer rightnow, and was playing Xwin alliancve a little while ago.


I love the ingame Space missions here a great break from the regualar gamelay, and on a big screen tv and homeheater are nice visual eyecandy.


i especially love the music, but love hte complete change of pace from the button scramble that the regular gameplay offers.

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Why do people insist a completely 100% optional part of a game needs to be removed?


If you don't like it don't play, it is that simple.


You loose nothing not doing it.


Myself I like extra easy exp in-between planets.


Sorry because someone doesn't like it we must not have it.The choice thing is too difficult a concept.Please stop using that word someone could get hurt.

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I skipped two planets (minus the class quests of course) on my alt just doing the space missions when I was bored questing on my main. The allure wears off quick, but listening to tunes and blowing the crap outta stuff is alright from time to time.


What's it take to finish the dailies? 15 mins or so? Not really a big time sink either.


Plus, they will expand on it. Whether or not we'll get free space or just more missions remains to be seen.


EDIT: I read a post back there about selling ship parts (from Cybertech)... YES! I was buying them until I could make them on my alt. Now I'm makin' bank.

Edited by lucasomega
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I do all the available missions every day. Easy XP, and some decent cash, too.


As an example, on my recent Bounty Hunter character, she got her ship when she was about 2/3rds of the way through level 16. Just doing the space missions then bumped her up to well into level 17. I went to bed, and the next day started off doing her space missions again (since she was still on her ship), and when I stepped off the ship at Balmorra she was level 18.


That said, I look forward to them improving/expanding the space missions in the future.

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I really enjoy them. They also give a lot of xp and are a good way of making some credits fast if you find yourself short (more for those leveling on new characters than those with 50s who can make credits other ways).


Some of them are a bit long, and I'd like the option to be able to warp away early if all my objectives are already complete, but for the most part I think they are fun.

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I think they're great.


I quest on planets, and then as I head home to the fleet to regroup, I always do a few. It's like 'here comes another adventure!'.


People have to realise that the space battles are as much a part of Star Wars as lightsabres.


And I can't wait for the 'raid the Death Star-type thing' mission that's coming.



Cause you know that's gotta be in the works, right? :)

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