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Gunnery PvP Build


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I would not use Quick Thinking, but would put 2 points to Charged Barrier.


I am contemplating between using Weapon Calibration and Parralactic Combat Stims which gives 4% alacrity increase permanently and 8 energy cell whenever i have some movement hindering effect (which is like always)


What you say Reflexive Shield and Decoy, which gives you 1 absorb of a force/tech attack and 3sec CD reduction of your shield every GCD when you are being damaged (the base CD is 90 sec so you would need to sustain a lot of damage to gain meaningful reduction. I think it is better for 1v1 than arena and 8v8)

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I have been testing this build for a couple weeks now with very good results




Before that one I used the same thing but 2 points in Soldier's Endurance instead of First Responder. I think you have to find one build that acomodates to your play style after all.


For PvP you should take concussive force with no exceptions, and one point in cover fire.

That SS root is exceptional for kiting melee and the increased KB range is a godsend.


For max raw dps output it would be better to put one point in first responder and the other in Weapons calibrations, although given the stop-and-go nature of PvP I would say that it would be better just to have both points in Weapons Calibrations

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Thanks for all the help. Last Mando noob question what is the best rotation?





Burst sequence:

grav>grav>demo>HiB>FA (if your target already has a grav vortex on them and you have 4 stacks of charged barrel, skip the first two gravs)

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IMO you shouldnt really have a rotation so to speak in PvP.


For the best burst, get the 30% HiB buff and get a Grav debuff on your target

A good burst combo is Demo Round -> HiB -> Full Auto. You could possible lead that off with a Sticky Grenade as well.


My favorite thing to do is to get a Grav buff on an enemy healer, then switch to someone else to get a CoF proc and stack that HiB damage. Then when everything is buffed you can try to time when you unleash all that burst to coincide with your relic procs.

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Burst sequence:

grav>grav>demo>HiB>FA (if your target already has a grav vortex on them and you have 4 stacks of charged barrel, skip the first two gravs)

I try to do the 2 grav rounds then sticky grenade, then demo > Hib.

The grenade bursts about the same time the hib fires and getting that huge burst will either kill or panic the target into burning all their defensive cooldowns.


Plus all three can be done while running; so unless you're being focused you can usually pull all three off as a "rotation" Sometimes I'll rush them and kill with a stockstrike before capping the door.

Edited by Kerensk
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For PvP you should take concussive force with no exceptions, and one point in cover fire.

That SS root is exceptional for kiting melee and the increased KB range is a godsend.


For max raw dps output it would be better to put one point in first responder and the other in Weapons calibrations, although given the stop-and-go nature of PvP I would say that it would be better just to have both points in Weapons Calibrations


Long time ago I stopped adding points in Concussive Force and Cover Fire at the same time, when Stockstrike was nerfed if my memory is good, I dont miss any of them so far. I agree the root would be very useful though, I might try those later. As I said I had those two points of First Responder in Soldier Endurance, I have been playing with the alacrity stuff for around 3 weeks now and to be honest I haven't noticed any big difference in my dps output... I mean 2~3% alacrity, is that even noticeable in a cast? I don't know the math.


I try to do the 2 grav rounds then sticky grenade, then demo > Hib.

The grenade bursts about the same time the hib fires and getting that huge burst will either kill or panic the target into burning all their defensive cooldowns.


I think this is very important, and its like our big perk. I tend to do the same thing:

Open with [sticky Grenade - Gravity Round - Demolition Round], if you are fast enough all the damage will hit your target at the same time, and if DR crits you can take (in favorable conditions) from 1/3 to 1/2 of your target's HP, of course they panic, run and pop all the defensive stuff. This is a great way of keeping the enemy healer occupied fleeing and healing himself. If you cant kill him by yourself at least he isn't healing his team mates.

You can add HiB to that thing and there you have even more damage, but HiB hit will a moment after.


To maximize this "Big Burst" effect, whenever my ammo is full or Reserve Powercell is up I open:

[Plasma Grenade - Sticky Grenade - GR - DR]

If you are fast enough, while Plasma is casting spam Sticky Grenade and both will come out at the same, you will notice their path will 'draw' a bow figure while flying to your target, and BOOM! :)

Edited by RGimeldo
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I try to do the 2 grav rounds then sticky grenade, then demo > Hib.

The grenade bursts about the same time the hib fires and getting that huge burst will either kill or panic the target into burning all their defensive cooldowns.


Plus all three can be done while running; so unless you're being focused you can usually pull all three off as a "rotation" Sometimes I'll rush them and kill with a stockstrike before capping the door.


The problem with doing that is that your adding a gcd where you are not damaging a target, if there is a healer around you run a very strong risk of the healer bringing the person up, so generally I skip the sticky in favor of burst now.

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