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Vital Shot animation delay


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Okay so can anyone explain this to me....my scoundrel using vital shot is fine BUT when i activate the ability on my gunslinger it straight up starts doing dmg, but there is a delay of about 0.5 sec or so THEN the animation plays out. its strange because dmg starts, then half a second later my slinger fires the shot.....its literally one of the most annoying things I have come across. anyone else have this issue?
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okay so oddly enough this only happens now and then, one minute my vital shot activates fine, then 20min later its back to this delay.....no one else getting this??? I feel like its been here a LONG time....and its ONLY vital shot...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


does the entire gunslinger community just assume this is normal???? when is a bloody fix coming?!?!?!

Umm, a huge number of abilities in the game have an activation delay, so you aren't alone in this.

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  • 1 month later...

But the delay of Vital Shot really sucks...


You run around, press the button for VS run around for another 1-2 seconds and then the shot goes off and you can use your next ability.


If BW wants VS to work like that they should give it a cast timer...

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