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Ranged vs Tech Stats: What's the Deal with That?


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Hi All,


A Gunnery here, wondering what stat view to go by when trying to increase things like Accuracy, Crit, etc. The Ranged view and the Tech view show different numbers for the same stat. Probably a noob question I know.

Going by good ole' Noxxic and Aim >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%) > Alacrity


Appreciate any clarification and advice.



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Hi All,


A Gunnery here, wondering what stat view to go by when trying to increase things like Accuracy, Crit, etc. The Ranged view and the Tech view show different numbers for the same stat. Probably a noob question I know.

Going by good ole' Noxxic and Aim >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%) > Alacrity


Appreciate any clarification and advice.




The ranged tab applies to things which deal ranged damage, the easy way to tell being those abilities which when they deal damage the numbers show up in white. These abilities include Hammer Shot, Full Auto, High Impact Bolt, Charged Bolts, and Hail of Bolts. These abilities will be modified by your weapon damage.


The tech tab applies to things which deal "tech" damage, as well as healing. These abilities show their damage as a yellow number and include Grav Round, Demo Round, Incendiary Roud, Explosive Round, Assault Plastique, the DoT from Plasma Cell, Mortar Volley, Sticky Grenade, Stock Strike, and Concussion Charge. These abilities will be modified by Tech Power.


All abilities, both tech and ranged, will have their respective accuracy, crit ratings, crit multiplier, and bonus damage, increased by the same exact amount by Accuracy Rating, Critical Rating, Surge, and Power respectively. Additionally, while Aim will add the same amount to both Ranged and Tech Bonus Damage and Crit rating, Cunning will add on to Tech Bonus Damage and Tech Crit rating only.


The other differences in numbers comes from the different starting points (and for Bonus Healing, the lower benefit this stat receives from power/aim). Ranged starts at a base of 90% accuracy while Tech starts from a base of 100%. Additionally, Tech Bonus damage is always higher because it's also taking into account the Tech Power found on your barrel and offhand armoring, whereas Ranged Bonus damage only takes into account power and aim. However ranged abilities also benefit from the base damage of your weapon. Because you have some native cunning, your Tech Crit chance will always be a little higher than your ranged crit chance. Your crit multiplier is the same for either.


Alacrity, it should be noted, affects any casted ability, including Full Auto and Charged Bolts, even though those abilities deal Ranged Damage.


Thus the ultimate effect this has on your gearing priorities is effectively nil, though you should certainly pursue Cunning Datacrons.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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When you mouse over your ranged bonus damage it should give a breakdown for each contributing stat. For example I push c, change the bottom left drop-down menu to ranged, mouse over bonus damage, and I see


Damage bonus: 1010.3
Bonus 1010.3
Aim (334): +668.0
Power (1279): +294.2
Skills/Buffs: +48.1


Something similar shows for the Tech tab, though you'll see that two more stats contribute to Tech Bonus damage: Cunning and Tech power. So in general your Tech Power bonus damage will be significantly higher than your Ranged Bonus Damage.


Your Ranged and Tech critical rates should only be a tiny bit different. For example both my ranged and tech critical mouseovers indicate I get


Aim (3340): +8.65
Critical rating (0): +0.00%
Skills/Buffs: +6.00%


The difference between my Ranged and Tech crit rates is 19.65% crit ranged vs 20.05% crit Tech because Tech critical rating also gets a bonus from Cunning: Cunning (124): +0.42%


Some abilities increase only Tech or Ranged crit rates, so don't worry if your Ranged and Tech crit rates are unbalanced because they'll almost never be balanced due to the unaccounted Cunning and specced bonuses you may gain.


Noxxic gives a pretty simple path and insists on telling people to attain crit% rather than ratings; it's simple, but it's wrong. If it bothers you as much as it bothers me, here's a slightly better gearing guide: get ranged accuracy to 100%, dump the rest of your enhancement budget into Surge, keep crit rating under 100, and aim is more valuable per point than power.

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