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Female officers are referred to as "Sir"

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Why? is it just a messup on BW's part that they just dont want to go back and re-voice over?


In the military you refer to a female ranking as Ma'am..not sir...i shake my head every time i hear it in SWTOR...such as on the black talon...when you are greeted by the female officers, at the end of the dialog she gives the soldiers an order and they shout SIR!

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As others have said, it's pretty common in Science Fiction/Fantasy to use "sir" for all genders, as in some universes (including SW) there are asexual genderless species.


In the Republic military, only Sir is used. The lore object on Ord Mantell explains this. And this isn't Earth, these militaries probably have species that don't reproduce sexually. Using a neutral honorific makes sense.


A) The Imperial Military uses Sir also. It's done in-game, and Theron calls a female Imp officer "Sir" when undercover in Annihilation.


B) This is the only Star Wars work where "Sir" is used exclusively. "Ma'am" is used in all others, while "SIr" is indeed used for females occasionally in other SW works, it is not exclusively like TOR.


c) There are only a handful of known asexual species in the galaxy. None of which I know serve in either military.

One hasn't even been discovered by this time, another which is S-Canon at best.


Simply put, it's Bioware being lazy and not wanting to do the voicework. There is no defense for it, they were lazy plain and simple, then threw in a shoddy in-game explanation for it. Just like ship droids calling females "Master".


So you're telling me some of the most advanced droids in the galaxy can't say "Mistress", but random droids that appear that appear throughout the game with female owners and voicework only recorded for that female owner can say "Mistress".


It's BW being lazy, plain and simple. While I can understand it somewhat in order to save some money and time, it's still laziness and cutting corners, just like the Engine and a lot of other stuff in this game.


Also I don't really know why this thread is in the PvE section of the forums. Probably belongs more in Gen Discussion or Story and Lore.

Edited by Stncold
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A) The Imperial Military uses Sir also. It's done in-game, and Theron calls a female Imp officer "Sir" when undercover in Annihilation.


B) This is the only Star Wars work where "Sir" is used exclusively. "Ma'am" is used in all others, while "SIr" is indeed used for females occasionally in other SW works, it is not exclusively like TOR.


c) There are only a handful of known asexual species in the galaxy. None of which I know serve in either military.

One hasn't even been discovered by this time, another which is S-Canon at best.


Simply put, it's Bioware being lazy and not wanting to do the voicework. There is no defense for it, they were lazy plain and simple, then threw in a shoddy in-game explanation for it. Just like ship droids calling females "Master".


So you're telling me some of the most advanced droids in the galaxy can't say "Mistress", but random droids that appear that appear throughout the game with female owners and voicework only recorded for that female owner can say "Mistress".


It's BW being lazy, plain and simple. While I can understand it somewhat in order to save some money and time, it's still laziness and cutting corners, just like the Engine and a lot of other stuff in this game.


Also I don't really know why this thread is in the PvE section of the forums. Probably belongs more in Gen Discussion or Story and Lore.




you understand that the money they spend to record voicework is money that someone has to pay right


if these video game characters call me 'sir' and i save $6/month that's fine with me

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A) The Imperial Military uses Sir also. It's done in-game, and Theron calls a female Imp officer "Sir" when undercover in Annihilation.


B) This is the only Star Wars work where "Sir" is used exclusively. "Ma'am" is used in all others, while "SIr" is indeed used for females occasionally in other SW works, it is not exclusively like TOR.


c) There are only a handful of known asexual species in the galaxy. None of which I know serve in either military.

One hasn't even been discovered by this time, another which is S-Canon at best.


Simply put, it's Bioware being lazy and not wanting to do the voicework. There is no defense for it, they were lazy plain and simple, then threw in a shoddy in-game explanation for it. Just like ship droids calling females "Master".


So you're telling me some of the most advanced droids in the galaxy can't say "Mistress", but random droids that appear that appear throughout the game with female owners and voicework only recorded for that female owner can say "Mistress".


It's BW being lazy, plain and simple. While I can understand it somewhat in order to save some money and time, it's still laziness and cutting corners, just like the Engine and a lot of other stuff in this game.


Also I don't really know why this thread is in the PvE section of the forums. Probably belongs more in Gen Discussion or Story and Lore.

Just like it's lazy that it's "Master" Satale Shan and not "Mistress" Satale Shan, or "Lord Ladypants" and not "Lady Ladypants", right?


Gender neutral titles are nothing new to the SW universe, buddy, but I'm sure you'll find a reason to whine about it.

Edited by DarkDisturbed
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Just like it's lazy that it's "Master" Satale Shan and not "Mistress" Satale Shan, or "Lord Ladypants" and not "Lady Ladypants", right?


Gender neutral titles are nothing new to the SW universe, buddy, but I'm sure you'll find a reason to whine about it.


I won't get into a linguistics discussion over the idea that masculine titles are gender neutral, but, honestly, I don't see it as much of an issue in the setting. We had an essay posted over in the SGRA thread on the topic of gendered language, actually, very interesting read, briefly covers gendering job titles, but if we assume that in-world, Lord, Sir, Master etc. are inherently gender neutral for the context in which they are applied, then there's no problem with referring to a superior officer as "Sir", regardless of their gender. If we were to re-dubb for female officers, what about those who are tertiary or a-gender? Will they be given an unique honourific or will they be referred to as "Sir" as well? Because, regardless of whether you believe a gender spectrum is applicable to the human species, it has been applied to many alien species that, at least in the Republic, one might encounter.


Also, this is a different military and naval system, some of their ranks don't seem to match up with existing Earth-world ones, so why must their honourific system adhere as well?

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This thread makes me think of how confused I was when, as a 12 year old, I saw Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan in the theater and both Kirk and Spock address Kirstie Alley's character as "Mr. Saavik."


That's because there is only ever one lady on a naval ship and that's the ship itself.

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