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Why are smugglers so darn inaccurate?


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Why is it that when i shoot my gun half the time the shots fly randomly around the target and miss a lot. I've had times where my toon literally fires blindly into the sky its hilarious but utterly stupid. It would be nice if some people who new why this was could explain or make this funny problem become more realistic. Thank you in advance. Edited by LordCamTheGreat
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1) if you're a Gunslinger, your mainhand has a base 90% chance to hit with ranged attacks and 60% with offhand attacks. you're going to see a lot of misses forever


2) all class's mainhand autoattack has a base 80% chance to hit, and Gunslinger offhand autoattacks have a base 50% chance to hit


3) if you're fighting enemies significantly higher level than you or getting debuffs like Pacify or Diversion while leveling, you're going to miss a lot of attacks

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why is it that when i shoot my gun half the time the shots fly randomly around the target and miss a lot. I've had times where my toon literally fires blindly into the sky its hilarious but utterly stupid. It would be nice if some people who new why this was could explain or make this funny problem become more realistic. Thank you in advance.


Because some where in your family tree there was a Stormtrooper. (I'm talking about one of the ones in the movies, not here where they are actually kinda awesome)

Edited by Paneth
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  • 2 weeks later...
I find it amusing at times after a fight, one of the guns will go off when putting it back in the holster... LOL


Thanks, just back to the game after playing during beta. I was wondering if there was a lag glitch somewhere in my machine.. :D


I sometimes get both of them going off. Afraid my gunslinger is going to shoot his own toes off at time. Rememeber, it is draw then fire.

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