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Stealthers exploiting acid in arena


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I'm not paying 20 quid of my money to beat someone on your server to pay another 20 quid to return back. The challenge is there because of the smart a*se noob who thinks this is a L2P issue that clearly knows nothing about it but flaps his gums anyways. I dont know what server he plays or care, the offer is there if wants to dual me since he clearly "knows" and has more "skill" than me


i know i do because you're a solo queue baddie

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That's a decent idea but I don't think it'd fix the problem, sins can still win with shroud-grenade-overload/lacerate etc and phase walk away with the highest hp


Make the debuff stop those shroud and grenades so it boils down to who damages who. At that point the 4 should win against one as it should be.

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before i got the low rated solo queue heroes riled up, i already stated the fix


remove acid. add in buffs spread around the maps that appear at a certain time and allow the team to see through stealth. problem solved


Thus RNG nerfing stealth classes

Nah how about a real fix that doesn't affect balance, like just ending the game if its 1v4 and there is no combat for 30s. Or just giving the 4 the win at sudden death via player count.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Thus RNG nerfing stealth classes

Nah how about a real fix that doesn't affect balance, like just ending the game if its 1v4 and there is no combat for 30s


how is that nerfing when the stealther is just trying to hide and be a scrub?

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i know i do because you're a solo queue baddie


I play plenty of team arena and have beat DRAMA considered the best pvp guild at the moment on TOFN in more than 80% of the games I have played against them with my team. I have only seen this exploit in solo queue because at the moment not so many people play shadow or assassin in team. An exploit is an exploit and even if it is just solo queue it needs to be addressed. As for being a baddie feel free to duel me any time you wish

Edited by Zoraida
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how is that nerfing when the stealther is just trying to hide and be a scrub?


Are you saying these buffs only occur after sudden death? Because if you can pick these up at go it'd be a stealth nerf

Not to mention really RNG


The problem with this suggestion though is it would no longer guarantee an end to the game if it was still 4v4

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Are you saying these buffs only occur after sudden death? Because if you can pick these up at go it'd be a stealth nerf

Not to mention really RNG


The problem with this suggestion though is it would no longer guarantee an end to the game if it was still 4v4


yeah, they would appear at the 5 min mark or whenever bioware thought was a good time to end one round. and it would definitely end because they would provide the same arc of vision you normally have, or at least, you could get the sin/op out of stealth

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It's not a *********** l2p issue. You people need to pay attention.

Sins have shroud and phase walk. One prevents cc and force damage and the other is useable during cc. If I hit shroud, overload, and grenade, then phase walk away you are going to lose. Period.


Really? My force barrier begs to differ.

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Thus RNG nerfing stealth classes

Nah how about a real fix that doesn't affect balance, like just ending the game if its 1v4 and there is no combat for 30s. Or just giving the 4 the win at sudden death via player count.




A good solution is if the stealthy stays in stealth for more than 60 secs, a debuff that does not allow you to stealth again for 30 sec.


For anyone who is saying this is a L2P issue, its real, and I have seen stealth win with it 1v4, which is silly.


And for the 1v1 people, lol... Why the hell every time someone thinks he/she is good, they go "1v1"?! If that's the measure of skill will be all running deception sins.

Edited by Ottoattack
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A good solution is if the stealthy stays in stealth for more than 60 secs, a debuff that does not allow you to stealth again for 30 sec.


For anyone who is saying this is a L2P issue, its real, and I have seen stealth win with it 1v4, which is silly.


And for the 1v1 people, lol... Why the hell every time someone thinks he/she is good, they go "1v1"?! If that's the measure of skill will be all running deception sins.


I don't like that solution. If it is a 2 v 1 and I am a sin, I still have a chance to win, but I need to wait in stealth for my combat stealth to get off of CD. It's a simple strategy: stealth mezz one, attack the other, if he breaks, low slash target and WW the one you want out of the fight. Finish off main target, combat stealth, find a place to regain health and maybe wait for another combat stealth and finish off the last guy.


I don't think we should nerf a good strategy just because people don't know how to use entrench, hold the line, force barrier and AoE just before the acid surrounds them.

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Ok enough acting like the big he-man. You know as well as everyone, no one in america is coming to ToFN just to duel you. Aside from the cost, the burden of losing friends/ignores and guilds, there's also the lag issues. If you were truly serious you would offer to come to their servers-after all you are the one challenging so you should be more accommodating.


Anyway, if phase walk is causing some kind of glitch that is allowing him to live longer, then it needs to be fixed.


If you get pushed into the gas it is your fault and you deserve to lose because you were outplayed. If you had a sniper who didn't entrench or a merc who didn't use hold the line or a sorc who didn't bubble/use AoE, then you REALLY deserve to lose.


Although it's annoying stealthing until the end is pretty much a predictable outcome of such a game design-if it surprised anyone, I don't know what else to say-and while douchy in unranked is 100% fair game in ranked.


Bolded text above is exactly right. If you are complaining this is an exploit you are not even close to correct. There are counters to everything you are complaining about. A true exploit would have no counters at all.

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Really? My force barrier begs to differ.


Assuming you hit your force barrier before the sin does damage (difficult), you'd still be at a 50/50 toss up on which team bioware chooses to win when you and the sin die at the same time and your 3 teammates are dead.

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Assuming you hit your force barrier before the sin does damage (difficult), you'd still be at a 50/50 toss up on which team bioware chooses to win when you and the sin die at the same time and your 3 teammates are dead.


Nah, I am healing specced, bubbled, and standing in a healing puddle. While in force barrier, I will recover whatever damage you managed to do in 1 GCD. You'd be raped by 3 DPS if you try for more. I have instant heals and 3 teammates who will be working to stop you. I know when you're coming because you have to move ahead of the acid.


In the 300+ ranked matches I've played, I have yet to lose in this scenario. It's never even been close.


You will die first.

Edited by KamujinKravshera
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Bolded text above is exactly right. If you are complaining this is an exploit you are not even close to correct. There are counters to everything you are complaining about. A true exploit would have no counters at all.


You people are so dense it's unbelievable.

IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE PUSHES YOU INTO THE ACID OR NOT. he's going to do a small bit of damage to every enemy during his shroud via aoe and then phase walk behind Los and you wont know he's there. You will have likely done no damage to him at all via shroud and he won't be there long enough anyways. More importantly there will be at least one guy on your team (Mara, jugg, operative, cool downs not available etc) who can't avoid being knocked back.

If anything bunching up in the middle just makes it easier to grenade and overload your entire team and the ones who aren't there die anyways.

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Nah, I am healing specced, bubbled, and standing in a healing puddle. While in force barrier, I will recover whatever damage you managed to do in 1 GCD. You'd be raped by 3 DPS if you try for more. I have instant heals and 3 teammates who will be working to stop you. I know when you're coming because you have to move ahead of the acid.


You will die first.


You can't heal through acid and bubble doesn't prevent acid damage learn how it works pls

Also lol @ having sorcs in rated to begin with you aren't fooling anyone :D


Regardless you won't do damage to him and he will do damage to you and you'll most likely be stunned with your barrier on cd

Also, lol at beating 4 sins all doing this to your team


STOP ACTING LIKE *******. You will lose to 4 sins every game and ill *********** laugh at how retarded you people are for thinking this is fine

Edited by JP_Legatus
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You people are so dense it's unbelievable.

IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE PUSHES YOU INTO THE ACID OR NOT. he's going to do a small bit of damage to every enemy during his shroud via aoe and then phase walk behind Los and you wont know he's there. You will have likely done no damage to him at all via shroud and he won't be there long enough anyways. More importantly there will be at least one guy on your team (Mara, jugg, operative, cool downs not available etc) who can't avoid being knocked back.

If anything bunching up in the middle just makes it easier to grenade and overload your entire team and the ones who aren't there die anyways.


Shroud doesn't blocks white damage. You know this right?


Also, the 4 man owns mid and can just AoE / stealth detect to prevent this. Ironically, when this does happen in the games I've been in, the sin is the one who gets pushed into the acid.


Finally, I, sorc heals, will top my health off and force barrier before the acid lands. Bye bye.

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Shroud doesn't blocks white damage. You know this right?


Also, the 4 man owns mid and can just AoE / stealth detect to prevent this. Ironically, when this does happen in the games I've been in, the sin is the one who gets pushed into the acid.


Finally, I, sorc heals, will top my health off and force barrier before the acid lands. Bye bye.


You have literally got to be mentally deficient to not understand this is the simplest concept in the world


4 sins. 4 shrouds. 4 deflections and 4 sets of tank gear (which they will be wearing when this happens).

4 phase walks and 4 sources of aoe damage/ knock backs right when the acid hits mid.




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You can't heal through acid and bubble doesn't prevent acid damage learn how it works pls

Also lol @ having sorcs in rated to begin with you aren't fooling anyone :D


Regardless you won't do damage to him and he will do damage to you and you'll most likely be stunned with your barrier on cd

Also, lol at beating 4 sins all doing this to your team


STOP ACTING LIKE *******. You will lose to 4 sins every game and ill *********** laugh at how retarded you people are for thinking this is fine


1) Bubble absorbs his feeble attempt at damage. Doesn't need to heal damage. Just means I go into barrier at full health. AoE heal adds to this. As does unnatural preservation.


2) Barrier prevents the acid damage if you use it before the acid starts ticking on you.


3) You don't ever see 4 sins in ranked. Because sins can't heal!


4) My barrier can be used while stunned.


5) My barrier is not on CD nor are any of my CD's because you ******* have been hiding in stealth! Remember the scenario?


6) I have a 2800+ rating in ranked as a sorc healer.

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1) Bubble absorbs his feeble attempt at damage. Doesn't need to heal damage. Just means I go into barrier at full health. AoE heal adds to this. As does unnatural preservation.


2) Barrier prevents the acid damage if you use it before the acid starts ticking on you.


3) You don't ever see 4 sins in ranked. Because sins can't heal!


4) My barrier can be used while stunned.


5) My barrier is not on CD nor are any of my CD's because you ******* have been hiding in stealth! Remember the scenario?


6) I have a 2800+ rating in ranked as a sorc healer.


I couldn't care less about your epeen rating where you fought the same team 400 times in a better group.

I have never heard of force barrier preventing acid damage, and if that's the case then it just means 4 healer sorcs will win every arena instead of 4 sins


NEWSFLASH doesn't change the issue at all

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1) Bubble absorbs his feeble attempt at damage. Doesn't need to heal damage. Just means I go into barrier at full health. AoE heal adds to this. As does unnatural preservation.


2) Barrier prevents the acid damage if you use it before the acid starts ticking on you.


3) You don't ever see 4 sins in ranked. Because sins can't heal!


4) My barrier can be used while stunned.


5) My barrier is not on CD nor are any of my CD's because you ******* have been hiding in stealth! Remember the scenario?


6) I have a 2800+ rating in ranked as a sorc healer.


don't bother with him. he's living in imagination land. he apparently fails at solo queue and definitely couldn't do anything in 4s. he doesn't even realize how good sorcs are or can be lol. nuf said


and once again bads, my suggestion is the best one for acid.


remove acid


see through stealth buffs appear at the 5 minute mark


no one can hide indefinitely





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I couldn't care less about your epeen rating where you fought the same team 400 times in a better group.

I have never heard of force barrier preventing acid damage, and if that's the case then it just means 4 healer sorcs will win every arena instead of 4 sins


NEWSFLASH doesn't change the issue at all


You questioned my participation in ranked matched. Sorry if my answer is inconvenient for you.


That said, it seems like it changes the issue quite a bit because 4 sorcs can't sit stealth the whole match.

Edited by KamujinKravshera
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You questioned my participation in ranked matched. Sorry if my answer is inconvenient for you.


That said, it seems like it changes the issue quite a bit because 4 sorcs can't sit stealth the whole match.


I never once asked or cared where you play. This is as much an issue in rated as it is in regs or solo.


The issue has changed from 4 sins abusing acid to 4 sorcs abusing acid. If that's somehow a success for you then you don't belong here debating amongst mostly objective players.


The issue is that classes can exploit acid to waste everyone's time and spend 5 minutes not fighting and then be guaranteed a win via acid. It's not going to change hen you decide to run 4 sorcs or 3 sorcs and a tank instead of 4 sins




You are definitely mentally deficient if you think any if this is balanced or ready remotely for ranked play

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You people are so dense it's unbelievable.

IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE PUSHES YOU INTO THE ACID OR NOT. he's going to do a small bit of damage to every enemy during his shroud via aoe and then phase walk behind Los and you wont know he's there. You will have likely done no damage to him at all via shroud and he won't be there long enough anyways. More importantly there will be at least one guy on your team (Mara, jugg, operative, cool downs not available etc) who can't avoid being knocked back.

If anything bunching up in the middle just makes it easier to grenade and overload your entire team and the ones who aren't there die anyways.


Keep thrashing, but I know you've lost. Later.

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Keep thrashing, but I know you've lost. Later.


Oh ya man I "lost"

Every team that doesn't have sorcs or sins loses automatically in ranked play. New fotm is 2 sin tank 2 sorc healer, never fight at all just run for 10m and win via acid at the end of every game


You're right man, this fixes everything because its not 4 STEALTHERS


Doesn't affect solo queue comps with 4 mercs vs one sin, 4 pts, 4 operatives, 4 juggs, 4 maras all still auto lose to one assassin. BUT IT'S COOL BECAUSE YOUR SORC MIGHT STILL WIN assuming of course it's not still 4v4, youre alive, and you have your barrier on cd


There simply is no reasoning with people like you. If they required an iq test to post here you would be denied the right

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