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2.4 PvP Commando Class Guide


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2.4 PvP Commando Class Guide for new and returning players to Star Wars: The Old Republic


Click Below to watch the guide for Combat Medic ,Assault Specialist ,Gunnery Gear , Spec and Rotation!


2.4 PvP Commando Class Guide

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You should be taking 3 pts of Special Munitions in your Assault spec. You really only benefit from half of Steadied Aim in Assault Spec, and its not really necessary for PvP. 3pts in Special Munitions, and 2 points in Field Training. This nets you an overall increase of 8% Ranged and 2% Tech crit, vs your build that gives +3% Ranged and Tech crit.


Your AOE combo would be better if it went Sticky Grenade -> Plasma Grenade -> Mortar Volley. The detonation time SG combined with the travel time PG makes the damage all apply in a much smaller window. Overall the combo covers 4 GCD (6s), but the damage is all applied in the latter half. Its a much more bursty way to do it.


Other than that, seems solid. Definitely a good guide for newer/returning players.

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Definately good advice for specs. Might switch that up for sure. For that aoe rotation I guess it all depends. The reasoning I used plasma grenade first and sticky grenade second I thought it would "hide that burst earlier". Also landing that perfect plasma with the cast you need to do it first otherwise they all spread out by your 2nd global.
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Definately good advice for specs. Might switch that up for sure. For that aoe rotation I guess it all depends. The reasoning I used plasma grenade first and sticky grenade second I thought it would "hide that burst earlier". Also landing that perfect plasma with the cast you need to do it first otherwise they all spread out by your 2nd global.


Not sure if I follow what youre talking about, but this is what Im talking about


1. Sticky Grenade -> GCD -> GCD -> Boom

2. Plasma grenade -> cast -> travel -> Boom (slightly before SG)

3. Mortar volley -> xx -> xx -> Start channel


All 3 apply their first amounts of damage within the span of 1GCD for a more in-line burst set up.


If you do the PG first, the damage goes PG -> 1GCD later SG -> Mortar Volley. More spread out that way

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maybe its just preference. If i have to cast or use plasma instant i hate to miss that opportunity to hit 3+ enemies. Cant tell you how many times ill cast a stick and then a plasma and have that guy that was targeted run away.


That can happen, its all very dependent on the situation. I tend to avoid strict rotation in PvP b/c of how fluid each encounter tends to be.

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