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Commando Proposition


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Ok, so after thinking ALOT about my Commando and what they really need I have finally come up with what I feel is THE answer and why. But first...


What I have: A level 55 Commando with full Obroan gear and fully Augmented in lvl 55 Augments.


The problem: I die way too fast or easily.


The Solution: A short term stealth similar to the marauder. OR an instant burst to stop a group of attackers for at least 4 seconds or more. OR making reactive shield actually shield 100% damage for 4 or more seconds would be great




1. It would give me a chance to escape direct battle and heal.

2. It actually makes more since that a Trooper being a member of the military would have access to stealth (cloaking device).



I use the gunnery tree. I have no issues with my resources and almost never run out of ammo. I do good dps. Ofcourse , no where near what I can do on my marauder, but Marauders have no heals so it seems fair. The problem I have listed above is the only problem I have encountered with my Commando that cannot be fixed by things such as changing rotation, spec, etc. The problem becomes huge when entering ranked warzones.


Let me know what you think?

Edited by Malckiah
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Lets look at ranked for a moment. Every match I play Commando is always the first dps class to get focused. if you get focused as a Commando, there is really nothing you can do, but die.

Sages can bubble.

Shadows can stealth.

Guardians can freeze them and use saber reflect, not to mention warding call as well

Sentinels have Guarded by the force and force Camouflage

Scoundrel has disappearing act and Dodge

Smuggler has Dodge and Flash Grenade

Vanguard has Neural Surge which doesn't hold for very long...but better than nothing.

Commando has....Nothing to stop a group from attacking for a short duration so he can get away!

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Fine... you want an explanation on why this is probably the worst idea I have ever read?


For starters, whatever logic you used to jump from "I die too fast" to "I need to go invisible!!!11!!" is mind bottling. There is no precedent for this class having any kind of stealth mechanic, and it makes absolutely zero sense based on the direction that was clearly intended for Commando. Not to mention that Commandos with stealth would be an insane violation of balance (stealth -> cryo-grenade opener -> GR -> DR -> HIB. that is more stealth alpha damage than an Operative, and people having been crying about that since launch).


Somehow you never running out of ammo and you doing "good" DPS, along with having maxed Obroan gear (great you grind a lot, good for you I guess?) is supposed to be some kind of qualifier as to why your suggestion should be taken seriously? I especially like the part where you say you do fine on your Mara.... Yeah do you know why? *Because you use the stupidly overpowered defensive cooldowns Mara has to cover your lack of skill*. Which only furthers the foundation of why you believe stealth should be added to Commando; Mara has it so Commando should have it to? LOL


You follow up with a post claiming that Commandos can do nothing but die under focus fire. Most classes/players are going to be dropped by very good focus fire; there is little you can do about a well timed target switch burst. But you list a load of skills that you consider to be the best at escaping combat (Im guessing?), most of which appear to be AOE in nature? Yet you leave out the fact that Commando has *the best* knockback in the game in Gunnery spec, as well as HtL (33% uptime btw) which is *fantastic* for escaping from trouble.


Commando survivability is the *least* of our problems. We have great off-healing, an awesome knockback, a root (Gunny spec), HtL (which seems to be vastly underrated by a lot of people), and our mobility is nowhere near as bad as it was pre 2.0. Not to mention we have great uptime on Reactive Shield in Gunny spec as well due to the active cooldown redux. If you are constantly dying quickly even in RWZ youre doing something wrong.



So what exactly am I supposed to be reading that makes me think that this is a good idea, even in the slightest? You assume you are good at Commando (first mistake), you assume you understand how to play it correctly (second mistake), and you assume that your perceived lack of skill and stature allows you some credibility in offering suggestions.



Oh, and the icing on the cake is telling me I lack wisdom regarding the game... Yes some witless buffoon that has no idea how to play was somehow elected by his peers to be the class representative........ /facepalm :rolleyes:

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Fine... you want an explanation on why this is probably the worst idea I have ever read?


For starters, whatever logic you used to jump from "I die too fast" to "I need to go invisible!!!11!!" is mind bottling. There is no precedent for this class having any kind of stealth mechanic, and it makes absolutely zero sense based on the direction that was clearly intended for Commando. Not to mention that Commandos with stealth would be an insane violation of balance (stealth -> cryo-grenade opener -> GR -> DR -> HIB. that is more stealth alpha damage than an Operative, and people having been crying about that since launch).


You can't handle it, then get out of the game!


Somehow you never running out of ammo and you doing "good" DPS, along with having maxed Obroan gear (great you grind a lot, good for you I guess?) is supposed to be some kind of qualifier as to why your suggestion should be taken seriously? I especially like the part where you say you do fine on your Mara.... Yeah do you know why? *Because you use the stupidly overpowered defensive cooldowns Mara has to cover your lack of skill*. Which only furthers the foundation of why you believe stealth should be added to Commando; Mara has it so Commando should have it to? LOL


Stealth is one option, group stun is another. Commando is THE ONLY class that does not have one or the other. I am sorry you are jealous!


You follow up with a post claiming that Commandos can do nothing but die under focus fire. Most classes/players are going to be dropped by very good focus fire; there is little you can do about a well timed target switch burst. But you list a load of skills that you consider to be the best at escaping combat (Im guessing?), most of which appear to be AOE in nature? Yet you leave out the fact that Commando has *the best* knockback in the game in Gunnery spec, as well as HtL (33% uptime btw) which is *fantastic* for escaping from trouble.

All classes have their initial burst damage for the most part. Having a way to hold up for that short duration is vital to survival. All the other classes have a way to get past that initial burst, commando's do not. If Commando's are going to be valid in 4 man ranked they need something. Because once you die in ranked you are dead...simple as that. Take a great player that gets focused by 4 people and they die because they had no way to get away from it long enough to use SKILL (something you might need to look up).


Commando survivability is the *least* of our problems. We have great off-healing, an awesome knockback, a root (Gunny spec), HtL (which seems to be vastly underrated by a lot of people), and our mobility is nowhere near as bad as it was pre 2.0. Not to mention we have great uptime on Reactive Shield in Gunny spec as well due to the active cooldown redux. If you are constantly dying quickly even in RWZ youre doing something wrong.


An awesome knockback, a single target root, and off healing does little to help a 4 dps focus. Though with an ability as I have suggested it would allow for those things to work. When I say I am dying in warzones I am only referring to ranked.



So what exactly am I supposed to be reading that makes me think that this is a good idea, even in the slightest? You assume you are good at Commando (first mistake), you assume you understand how to play it correctly (second mistake), and you assume that your perceived lack of skill and stature allows you some credibility in offering suggestions.


You know nothing little man.



Oh, and the icing on the cake is telling me I lack wisdom regarding the game... Yes some witless buffoon that has no idea how to play was somehow elected by his peers to be the class representative........ /facepalm :rolleyes:


It is sad that you were elected for anything. At least you admit you are a witless buffoon....LOL!



You really are just a very rude person that lacks wisdom.

1. A knockback does not stop combat, it knocks people back. yes, it may interrupt, but if you are being focused it does little to help. Espescially if you are being focused by several ranged classes. lol, I am sure a knockback will help then.

2. I pretty much top out the leaderboard in nearly every match in both Medals and most of the time in dps so I am sure I am a good player. In a normal warzone I have no problems with my Commando and no need for any changes whatsoever. My issue arose when the ranked 4 man started. Since you like to ignore simple facts it is obviously mute to even type this.

3. My suggestion is either to go stealth (short term) OR have a group stun (short duration). The purpose is simply to have a way to stay alive when focused heavily all at once by several characters. Right now the Commando does not have anything for this....and a knockback does nothing to stop 3 or 4 ranged classes from dps'ing you.

4. I actually have 1 of each advanced class at lvl 55 and I play them all quite well. Would you like to talk trash about all the other classes too?

5. If you can't handle a Commando that has 1 more ability such as I have described then you can't handle a Commando right now. I would tear you apart.

Edited by Malckiah
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You really are just a very rude person that lacks wisdom.

1. A knockback does not stop combat, it knocks people back. yes, it may interrupt, but if you are being focused it does little to help. Espescially if you are being focused by several ranged classes. lol, I am sure a knockback will help then.

2. I pretty much top out the leaderboard in nearly every match in both Medals and most of the time in dps so I am sure I am a good player. In a normal warzone I have no problems with my Commando and no need for any changes whatsoever. My issue arose when the ranked 4 man started. Since you like to ignore simple facts it is obviously mute to even type this.

3. My suggestion is either to go stealth (short term) OR have a group stun (short duration). The purpose is simply to have a way to stay alive when focused heavily all at once by several characters. Right now the Commando does not have anything for this....and a knockback does nothing to stop 3 or 4 ranged classes from dps'ing you.

4. I actually have 1 of each advanced class at lvl 55 and I play them all quite well. Would you like to talk trash about all the other classes too?

5. If you can't handle a Commando that has 1 more ability such as I have described then you can't handle a Commando right now. I would tear you apart.



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the problem is not that we are first focused, that's the norm for pretty much any healing class and the good dps classes, we are not going to give stealth to a trooper because at that point its going to far, if you just keep moving, use that electronet on melee's, keep warzone medpacs and adrenals handy, and use your pushback, you can survive a full round. The trick is keep moving, use your hammer shot heal a lot while moving, only stop to do a cast, use advanced medical probe whenever possible, and while moving use kolto bomb its good too. If you are slowed use field aid to cleanse it off. It takes practice but you can get the hang of it, took me a while myself and I have played my commando for almost 2 years.
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