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Merc hybrid 2/28/16


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Greetings all. I've done some research and tried searching around for anyone actually playing with a setup similar. I hadn't found anything but I've been finding this effective. Please let me know what you think, as I haven't done any DPS parsing so I don't know the viability.



(some skills feel wasted as they are required to get to the needed skills Prototype Particle Accelerator and Barrage)


Opening Salvo:

IM , TM, TM, Unload (barrage proc or not), Rail shot <only if proc'd > PS if not, repeat PS to proc Rail Shot.


So the build works this way. I start with the IM to get the target burning so after I have my 4 stacks heat signature on my target I can trigger an Unload. I have the class spec'd so that I have a chance to also have the Unload start or continue a burning effect due to superheated gas. The Tracers have the chance to proc a Unload with Barrage and I'm spec'd in the way that any Rail that hits a burning target will reduce current heat by 8 to help with heat management. Once I have two TM's fire off with tracer lock putting 4 heat signatures onto the target I will shoot a RS if it has proc'd. In the case that it hasn't I'll pump PS until I get an RS to proc. Sometimes this can be bad for heat so I might sprinkle some Rapid shots into the mix. I've also been unlucky at times and had a full six seconds pass on the Unload and it proc's again. More often than not the first Unload procs a RS and I can immediately reduce heat and start tagging my target with TM again.


During 8 and 16 man ops I have found that heat is never a problem because often times there is a pyro merc or a pyrotech in our ops group. Since they are applying a burn effect for elemental DOT's I completely ignore having to reapply Incendaries since the burn effect is constant. The only other issue I've encountered in the ops is that when I forget to drop a Rapid every now and then I'll build my heat too much. Even at max heat I'll avoid using my vent heat because I'll end up having an Unload come out of cooldown (usually causing a burn effect because of superheated gas) and proc a new RS for me venting 8 heat. This only lasts for 1 or 2 cycles until I will have to vent.


For reference I've been playing since beta but when I got to level for raiding after release I had to take a hiatius due to work and school. That means I don't have any of the original raiding gear and have never had a set bonus apply for my heat managment.



chance to ignore 30% of targets armor <Advanced Targeting>

75% chance to finish cooldown of Rail Shot and make it free <Prototype Particle Accelerator>

critical damage increased by 30% <Target Tracking>

increased damage by 33% <Riddle>

chance to increase damage by 25% <Barrage>


Power Shot

45% chance to finish cooldown of Rail Shot and make it free <Prototype Particle Accelerator>

45% chance to finish cooldown of Unload <Barrage>

6% damage increase <Mandalorian Iron Warheads>


Rail Shot

ignores 30% of the targets armor <Superheated Rail>

chance to ignore 30% of targets armor <Advanced Targeting>

vent 8 heat if target is burning

damage increase by 6% (nearly always 4 stacks, 24% increase) <Tracer Lock>


Tracer Missile

applies 2 stacks <Tracer Lock>

6% damage increase <Mandalorian Iron Warheads>

45% chance to finish cooldown of Unload <Barrage>



Thanks everyone in advance for looking and if you have any suggestions or have tried this already please let me know.


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hmm interesting build ... definitely must try it..... it could go nice to boost the damage of Rail Shoot with Increased critical fro PvP Eliminator set armor bonus..b u lack of defensive abilities... can spell doom in PvP Edited by Nebdar
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I hadn't noticed the less crit, but haven't played strictly pyro tree in awhile. I'll see if the same problem replicates for me.


Besides the issue with criticals on RS was the play in that config working well? Any suggestions on what could be improved? I did not really like many of the mandatory point skill that I had to take to get to the next tier. In a PvP configuration I'd probably have taken Pinning Fire for the reduced movement speed vice something like Torque Boosters.


Thanks for trying it out!


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I hadn't noticed the less crit, but haven't played strictly pyro tree in awhile. I'll see if the same problem replicates for me.


Besides the issue with criticals on RS was the play in that config working well? Any suggestions on what could be improved? I did not really like many of the mandatory point skill that I had to take to get to the next tier. In a PvP configuration I'd probably have taken Pinning Fire for the reduced movement speed vice something like Torque Boosters.


Thanks for trying it out!



The main issue with any hybrid build that includes Tracer Missile is exactly that: You have to waste so many points to get to it that you end up gimping yourself. Add to that that there is more often an Armor Debuff than there is another merc (meaning Tracer Missile becomes redundant) it just doesn't seem to work. Basically you're adding to the already proc dependent specs and making them more proc dependent since you're now also relying on resetting the CD on Unload AND Rail Shot. It gets a bit tough to manage. If you get procs to line up I could see it being pretty insane since increasd armor pen on Unload, increased armor pen on Rail Shot and resetting both CDs is a cool idea but there is so much dependeny on procs for my taste.

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Interestingly, I was just discussing this very spec with a couple friends of mine this weekend. Now, I have a relatively new commando and my gear is far from optimal (only have PvE 2-set), but i found this spec kind of fun...but ultimately underwhelming. I was able to get the damage up close to that of full pyro spec, but though it took more concentration. I do start slightly differently than you using instead:


IM > RS > PS (til PPA procs) > TM > RS > PS > Unload (barrage)/PS > RS etc


Despite the barrage proc I found overall that using unload as filler between PPA procs seemed to work out better. Overall the heat management didn't seem as good as either arsenal or full pyro, though by rotating TSO > Unload and vent heat (with the occasional rapid shot when procs hate you) i didn't have much issues with heat overall. One of the biggest annoyances in this spec is fishing for that barrage proc that arsenal mercs are so aware of.

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