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Sorcerer Changes Brainstorming


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Madness's force management is completely based on where you are and how much you can free cast. There is no hang of it.


Of course you can get the hang of it, over time you should be able to anticipate when your force is going to drop dangerously low, of course if that is too hard you could always play the hybrid, that does make force management easier to a certain degree, I only dropped down low when i wasn't paying attention to it. Personally I just think Sorc dps in both trees could use some changes before they affect force management, either something to increase their damage output or if they could keep it more or less the same and just give us some raid utility.

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Madness's force management is completely based on where you are and how much you can free cast. There is no hang of it.


Stop being bad. Madness isn't about free casting or any other nonsense. People run it in both PvP and PvE perfectly fine. You do get a hang of it since you actually have to think about managing your force unlike the other two specs.


Stop being bad.

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Fixing the health cost on consumption is one way to do it through pvp gear...why not just add it in the talent tree with the 30% on self heal?


Say you do it through pvp gear, this would create another question...would this be too big of a buff to madness? This would also mean not picking up self heal talents intended for giving back health using consumption as a filler in the rotation and putting them elsewhere.


It's free. Even if it's not, you use your bubble. L2P Issue here.

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No...the force is the resource. Health is the pool from which you recharge the resource. Are you not aware of this?


you shouldn't be relying on your health to keep your force up, obviously you are doing something wrong if that is the case, sure use it if you have to but don't use your health as a pool.

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It's free. Even if it's not, you use your bubble. L2P Issue here.


You missed the whole point, but ok if you think so. Probably anything works on your server considering it's probably dead.


The fact that sorcs have to sacrifice their own health pool as the ONLY means of force regeneration after giving up 50-60% of their health pool just playing catch up against cleaves popping every cd at the start is what's wrong with the healing tree.


Fixing consumption won't address the main problem with sorc healing...which being able to compete against op healers who make up the majority of comps for their versatility and utilities. Doing a change to consumption would create too much of an imbalance and to big of a step for BW to take considering they have to think about how it affects raids/pve/talents/set pieces/ect.


So, what is the problem that sorcs healers have that I'm trying to address? Not being able to recover at all from cleave comps on their own Sorcs are designed to be more support roles. The disc priest of wow, the Lux of LoL, the Canadians in the Iraqi war. Until they're given some kind of balance for their squeamishness and lack of hps on multiple moving targets. There will always be an imbalance unless BW will do the unspeakable and actually nerf op resource management.


My ideal 4 piece set bonus for sorc healer- Innervate gives x amount back per critical tick. This would fix the problem of other specs trying to pick up the set bonus. Along with not being a boost for PVE healing since many say they don't have force regen problems and would have to sacrifice main stat as well.

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No...the force is the resource. Health is the pool from which you recharge the resource. Are you not aware of this?


Pool = your resource. Aka Resource pool. Resource and pool are the same thing. Either way, Health is -not- the problem. Resource management is -not- the problem. It is DPS. Yes, sorcs need some defensive cool downs or something. But they -need- dps more. I would rather take a sorc who doesn't have more CDs if they did the same dps as a marauder or merc or w/e.


I beg of the devs and all in this thread. Please, do not listen to the majority here who are not able to play their class (it seems). Madness sorcs who can't manage their force. Healers who don't know how to use consumption. Who think that all sorcs need are defense buffs. (which are needed but that is a different story altogether.) Who think they don't need utility.


The DPS Sorc is broken. Not widely used and for -good- reason. It has almost no advantage over any other class. They can self cure. Super! So can a merc. A merc can also armour debuff, and do better dps.


I have listed some suggestions that I think will help sorcs.

  • Wrath, make it stack up to three times. Many times Wrath procs it procs after force lightning ends and you start channeling again.
  • Make Crushind Darkness and Lightning strike not respect the GCD for the previous stated reason.
  • Give sorcs an accuracy skill that both lines can access. As we need to use so many accuracy enhancements it's not even funny.
  • Give us a surge talent to help with the accuracy enhancements
  • Adjust the proc chance on the set 4 and increase its amount, to give us a higher apm.


I'm not saying all these changes would fix sorcs. I think some should be implemented. But the damage is a problem.


(this was all for PvE, as PvP is not my forte.)


Edited because raiding and posting makes me say PvP is my forte o.O

Edited by Hockaday
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You missed the whole point, but ok if you think so. Probably anything works on your server considering it's probably dead.


The fact that sorcs have to sacrifice their own health pool as the ONLY means of force regeneration after giving up 50-60% of their health pool just playing catch up against cleaves popping every cd at the start is what's wrong with the healing tree.


Fixing consumption won't address the main problem with sorc healing...which being able to compete against op healers who make up the majority of comps for their versatility and utilities. Doing a change to consumption would create too much of an imbalance and to big of a step for BW to take considering they have to think about how it affects raids/pve/talents/set pieces/ect.


So, what is the problem that sorcs healers have that I'm trying to address? Not being able to recover at all from cleave comps on their own Sorcs are designed to be more support roles. The disc priest of wow, the Lux of LoL, the Canadians in the Iraqi war. Until they're given some kind of balance for their squeamishness and lack of hps on multiple moving targets. There will always be an imbalance unless BW will do the unspeakable and actually nerf op resource management.


My ideal 4 piece set bonus for sorc healer- Innervate gives x amount back per critical tick. This would fix the problem of other specs trying to pick up the set bonus. Along with not being a boost for PVE healing since many say they don't have force regen problems and would have to sacrifice main stat as well.


They're not designed to be MT healers. They're meant to be support heals, They're raid healers and padding healers. -That- is their role. That is why you don't go full derp and run two sorc healers. You always run Op or Merc with a sorc. Though, I do like Op and Merc combo more. But that is personal preference.


So stop stacking crit, use consumption (if you're going down to 40% of your health) you're playing -wrong- I can find people who can help you if you like. My raid healer is a sorc, he doesn't go down that low. The only time he ever has was when we pugged a healer who was doing everything wrong.


Healer force and dps force is fine. L2P.

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Pool = your resource. Aka Resource pool. Resource and pool are the same thing. Either way, Health is -not- the problem. Resource management is -not- the problem. It is DPS. Yes, sorcs need some defensive cool downs or something. But they -need- dps more. I would rather take a sorc who doesn't have more CDs if they did the same dps as a marauder or merc or w/e.


I beg of the devs and all in this thread. Please, do not listen to the majority here who are not able to play their class (it seems). Madness sorcs who can't manage their force. Healers who don't know how to use consumption. Who think that all sorcs need are defense buffs. (which are needed but that is a different story altogether.) Who think they don't need utility.


The DPS Sorc is broken. Not widely used and for -good- reason. It has almost no advantage over any other class. They can self cure. Super! So can a merc. A merc can also armour debuff, and do better dps.


I have listed some suggestions that I think will help sorcs.

  • Wrath, make it stack up to three times. Many times Wrath procs it procs after force lightning ends and you start channeling again.
  • Make Crushind Darkness and Lightning strike not respect the GCD for the previous stated reason.
  • Give sorcs an accuracy skill that both lines can access. As we need to use so many accuracy enhancements it's not even funny.
  • Give us a surge talent to help with the accuracy enhancements
  • Adjust the proc chance on the set 4 and increase its amount, to give us a higher apm.


I'm not saying all these changes would fix sorcs. I think some should be implemented. But the damage is a problem.


(this was all for PvE, as in PvP is my forte.


TBH sorcs got left in such a shambles after 1.2 that subsequent efforts to buff them (the somewhat short lived bubblestun hybrid, then 2.0 changes) created a Frankensteinian mess of mish-mosh.


PVE and PVP needs are wildly different, divergent, and not necessarily indicative of L2P issues.


PVE sorcs need a damage buff and raid utility. I don't argue against that, but neither do I spend most of my time PVEing.


PVP sorcs need better kiting kit to deal with root/slow inflation, some CC back, and yes they DO need consumption tweaks (which is why I argue for changing the PVP set bonus, in PVE consumption is a L2P issue, in PVP we often can't afford it due to being focus trained). More ways of dealing with interrupt trains would also be nice although I think that could be at least partly addressed by giving us some old CC back so we can buy space to cast.


I won't complain if we get straight-up defense, even though I believe the QQ related thereto to be somewhat misdirected, but as a PVPer I always viewed sorc defense as mobility+CC. I'm kinda meh on just blindly throwing us DCDs, but mobility hasn't kept up with expansion of roots (exception: healers with fadeout) and our CC has been repeatedly nerfed.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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TBH sorcs got left in such a shambles after 1.2 that subsequent efforts to buff them (the somewhat short lived bubblestun hybrid, then 2.0 changes) created a Frankensteinian mess of mish-mosh.


PVE and PVP needs are wildly different, divergent, and not necessarily indicative of L2P issues.


PVE sorcs need a damage buff and raid utility. I don't argue against that, but neither do I spend most of my time PVEing.


PVP sorcs need better kiting kit to deal with root/slow inflation, some CC back, and yes they DO need consumption tweaks (which is why I argue for changing the PVP set bonus, in PVE consumption is a L2P issue, in PVP we often can't afford it due to being focus trained). More ways of dealing with interrupt trains would also be nice although I think that could be at least partly addressed by giving us some old CC back so we can buy space to cast.


I won't complain if we get straight-up defense, even though I believe the QQ related thereto to be somewhat misdirected, but as a PVPer I always viewed sorc defense as mobility+CC. I'm kinda meh on just blindly throwing us DCDs, but mobility hasn't kept up with expansion of roots (exception: healers with fadeout) and our CC has been repeatedly nerfed.


While I disagree that consumption needs tweaks, I'll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable than I for pvp. For PvE it is fine though.


As for DCDs, I think they could use one or two. But they could add it as utility or something. I don't really have an exact answer. I know they need utility of some sort -and- increased dps. DCDs is a topic I'm not too familiar with for them. As in PvE slows are useless. Force barrier is pretty bad, as it's a major dps loss. and Bubble is either weaker than the healer's, or isn't enough. So they need -something-.

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While I disagree that consumption needs tweaks, I'll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable than I for pvp. For PvE it is fine though.


As for DCDs, I think they could use one or two. But they could add it as utility or something. I don't really have an exact answer. I know they need utility of some sort -and- increased dps. DCDs is a topic I'm not too familiar with for them. As in PvE slows are useless. Force barrier is pretty bad, as it's a major dps loss. and Bubble is either weaker than the healer's, or isn't enough. So they need -something-.


From the PVE POV, consumption is fine.


From a PVP POV, we of course are very squishy so everyone else enjoys getting 10k crits on us. This means we are always focused, zerged, and tunneled. In arena practically the only way to not immediately get focused, regardless of spec, is to stack sorcs so some other sorc can draw initial aggro and get off-healed while kiting. If you're the only sorc on your team, you're probably gimping your team. Under the kind of focus fire we receive in PVP, having to spend any amount of health to get resource back is simply not workable, especially considering that by the time we can get away from the focus train, LOS, consume, H2F, we must use all 3 consumption stacks and then spend more globals to heal back up. (To say nothing of madness, which does NOT have those stacks to remove degeneration debuff AND increased Force cost to H2F, good luck getting full channels of FL off, with all the interrupts you don't get enough ticks to regenerate Force either.) That's 4-5 GCDs in a row we're doing nothing else but consuming and healing back to full, and it's a recipe for falling behind.


That is why I am so adamant about fixing consumption by changing the 4-piece PVP set bonus. It places the fix precisely where needed without making PVE Force management laughably easy.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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From the PVE POV, consumption is fine.


From a PVP POV, we of course are very squishy so everyone else enjoys getting 10k crits on us. This means we are always focused, zerged, and tunneled. In arena practically the only way to not immediately get focused, regardless of spec, is to stack sorcs so some other sorc can draw initial aggro and get off-healed while kiting. If you're the only sorc on your team, you're probably gimping your team. Under the kind of focus fire we receive in PVP, having to spend any amount of health to get resource back is simply not workable, especially considering that by the time we can get away from the focus train, LOS, consume, H2F, we must use all 3 consumption stacks and then spend more globals to heal back up. (To say nothing of madness, which does NOT have those stacks to remove degeneration debuff AND increased Force cost to H2F, good luck getting full channels of FL off, with all the interrupts you don't get enough ticks to regenerate Force either.) That's 4-5 GCDs in a row we're doing nothing else but consuming and healing back to full, and it's a recipe for falling behind.


That is why I am so adamant about fixing consumption by changing the 4-piece PVP set bonus. It places the fix precisely where needed without making PVE Force management laughably easy.


My god, you're probably the first PvPrs who understands class balance. Are you sure you're not a PvEr? lol. Sounds ok to me. Though, this change alone still makes sorcs rather pointless. But it'd make their QOL better.

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Hello all! I see a lot of good propositions and I especially like one which says to give us a ops wide utility (polarity shift ops wide buff). My proposition is well to be honest a minor one I would say, maybe it was overlooked or it wasn't consider at all so here it is:


  • Increase force pool after combat resurrection for sorcerer healers


Why do I say about that? because compared to other healing classes we (sorcerers) are in great disadvantage, we get 10% of our pool and to get to 50% (which is needed for stable healing and some reserve in case of incoming damage spike) is quite hard, because our absence, doesn't matter for how long, created a small gap in healing which you have to fill in by healing harder, basically you are falling behind in healing more and more and having only 10% as a sorcerer doesn't help at all also consumption eats global cool downs like a hungry wombat (so we won't get to 50% any time soon) and we don't have any great ability like vent heat (mercenary) or adrenaline probe (operative) which with only 1 GCD brings them to stable amount of resource!


Thanks for reading that's my few words :).

Yours Morakir


PS. Fix sorcerers damage per second :D

Edited by Morakir
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My god, you're probably the first PvPrs who understands class balance. Are you sure you're not a PvEr? lol. Sounds ok to me. Though, this change alone still makes sorcs rather pointless. But it'd make their QOL better.


Technically when the game released I was a PVEr though by the time of 1.3 or so my guild shrank to the point we could no longer consistently field 8 people for raids on raid night, so I drifted more towards PVP because it's just a bit easier to find 1-3 guildies on than 7. So I'm definitely not up on the mechanics of the latest PVE content but I am still capable of understanding PVE class balance concerns, which as I've said before are wildly different for PVE sorcs than PVP sorcs.


Probably defensive cooldowns are the only real overlap but again the needs of PVErs and PVPers are completely different. PVP sorcs could probably get away with baseline fadeout and having some of the CC nerfs reverted; then their defenses would be based on mobility and CC and comport with the class design philosophy the devs tried to convey (however poorly) in the class Q&A. (And considering how much they get tunneled--unlike PVE where a tank can reliably take aggro off them--changing PVP set bonus to make consumption not cost health would be a huge and needed QoL buff for corruption/madness.) For PVP adding another DCD would be a rather blunt instrument to deal with a shortcoming that the class is meant to overcome with finesse. I wouldn't turn it down, but I feel PVP sorcs could make do without more DCDs if they were buffed in other areas. But in PVE none of that will address the issue of taking 34k hits from boss mechanics that we can only ever hope to mitigate once every three minutes (and that at the cost of stopping everything else), nor does CC for PVP address our lack of raid utility compared to other DPS, not when bosses are obviously immune to CC. And offhealing as raid utility? LOL even though I haven't progression raided in about 18 months, I still remember the DPS race to beat the enrage on Karagga HM so yeah I get that DPS doesn't have the time to offheal LOL.


PVE sorcs do need another DCD to deal with heavy damage/unavoidable boss mechanics, or they need the mechanics that hit for 30k+ changed to go by percentage of health so they hit classes equally (the latter would really bone tanks though). Going from 100% to 2% health in a single boss attack, when no other class sustains that much damage, definitely puts an undue strain on healers that has the raid wondering "why bring sorc DPS, when other classes do it better and with less strain on the healers?" But in PVP I'm already hard enough to kill in warzones and I'm not stupid enough to run full corruption in arena, so I could already hear the cries of "nerf sorcs! nerf sorcs!" on my server if my main Andreus ever did got his hands on another defensive cooldown.:D


Another tension between PVP and PVE is that in PVP our damage is acceptable when left alone but we never get the chance to apply it because we're so reliant on casting (get interrupted a lot) and have to move...which means we're not applying damage. In PVE there's literally no reason to take a DPS sorc over a sniper who has a raid-wide shield and does more DPS with less effort, especially when as mentioned above the healers will find it harder to heal the sorc than the sniper. But straight damage buffs for PVE might end up making us the new smashers in PVP, especially if our ability to apply that damage gets buffed (like making thundering blast uninterruptable, for example).


I can't say I really know what the answer to that tension is but I can say Bioware got to that point by neglecting class balance for that long as sorcs have still never recovered from 1.2.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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My main from the start of the game has been a sorc healer. It's still my main and that says something but I do have a few gripes I'd like to see addressed.


The main issue I have I call lack of flow.


The sorc healer is about Static Barrier and Revivification mostly and innervate is the best sort of direct heal that you have. Resurgence is handy in theory but it causes issues because it's best to cast it before any of your bigger heals like innervate and dark heal. Still, the first thing to do is cast Static Barrier since that is the quickest anti-spike skill I have. It doesn't heal for squat but it prevents an ongoing spike from killing the tank hopefully after which you can then start healing.


Well, Static Barrier triggers the GCD. So whenever I do this I cast SB, wait for GCD to cast resurgence and then innervate preferably. As far as I know that's the best combination of skills to heal a tank. The problem here is that I find myself constantly having to wait. Dark Heal is a strong heal by itself but cost 2.4 seconds to cast. An operative can cast their big heal in 1.4 seconds.


My point is that a dark heal can be too late. A tank can die in 2 seconds. So what would help me out? Well remove Static Barrier from GCD. It costs a fair bit of force to cast as it is and there is the debuff already, why would it need a GCD trigger?


I am speaking for PvE, but aside from the fact that I don't think it's wise to have an exact same skill set for PvE and PvP, I am not even sure how it would impact PvP if this was done. Let's be honest, healing in PvP is already nerfed for all heal classes because otherwise they are too overpowered apparently. So be it, but I am not so happy with limitations that are put on PvE because of PvP issues or the reverse for that matter.


Static Barrier triggers the GCD and it stops my flow during combat. Then I cast resurgence and I believe that triggers it again and then Innervate. It's like start-stop-start-stop-start. I'm not even talking about whether or not a sorc should get buffed or nerfed. This is just for playing enjoyment and being able to have a flow.


Since Innervate is so much better than Dark Heal I find myself not wanting to use Dark Heal but the CD on Innervate is quite high with 9 seconds, 7.5 if you have the set bonus. So there I also encounter a lack of flow. What happens a lot? Well when I do cast Dark Heal the target is often already healed up before my heal is executed because other healer classes are faster. The smaller 3k heal is a lot faster but it doesn't heal for much in comparison and costs a lot more force in comparison. However, if I need to spike heal a tank, spamming that one after an alacrity boost is sometimes all I can do, but it costs me my force entirely if I do that.


This brings me to my second gripe: Energy or Force Management.


So we can use Consumption to gain back Force. The problem with this is the health loss. Why is it a problem because other people will make mistakes and when I get aggro (think of adds for the second boss in DF) that can't be fixed by an aggro dump, I take too much damage to be able to use Consumption. You do need health and with untauntable mobs an such it puts the possibility of Force Management in the hands of other players. I don't like that feeling. Mistakes will happen but this is just a step too far. Something needs to be done about Force Management, again, mostly for the enjoyment of playing the class. For myself either the amount of health lost should be reduced more via the skill tree but perhaps removing the GCD from SB will make it easier to deal with such things already as it will be easier to cast on yourself without having to wait on the GCD to cast on a tank who needs it suddenly.


Bottom line: SB should not trigger a GCD and something needs to be done about Consumption as Force Management because of the Health loss. Perhaps removing the GCD from SB could address the Consumption issue.


All in all the flow of combat can make a class enjoyable to play. DPS get rotations that flow, I want that for my sorc too. That means less pauses by GCD or maybe you want to reduce the casting time of Dark Heal, because to be honest, I'd rather have that than a crit bonus, especially with the new crit relics.


My point really is to make the sorc more fun to play. If it needs to be balanced for being overpowered I get that but I just want a bit more flow in the rotations without being too late...Having to use constant alacrity buffs shouldn't be an answer to that.

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So we can use Consumption to gain back Force. The problem with this is the health loss. Why is it a problem because other people will make mistakes and when I get aggro (think of adds for the second boss in DF) that can't be fixed by an aggro dump, I take too much damage to be able to use Consumption. You do need health and with untauntable mobs an such it puts the possibility of Force Management in the hands of other players. I don't like that feeling. Mistakes will happen but this is just a step too far. Something needs to be done about Force Management, again, mostly for the enjoyment of playing the class. For myself either the amount of health lost should be reduced more via the skill tree but perhaps removing the GCD from SB will make it easier to deal with such things already as it will be easier to cast on yourself without having to wait on the GCD to cast on a tank who needs it suddenly.


I've found the key to mitigating the loss of life for consumption is to keep a static barrier on yourself while you're consuming. As long as you're above 50% health with a static barrier on yourself, you'll be able to survive most damage spikes. Then drop your self heal (Unnatural Preservation) and you'll usually be back up around 80% while your static barrier keeps trickling up your health. Ideally align this at a time when there is little to no risk of unexpected damage (e.g., random raid member snipes). I see many PvE healing sorcerers not using static barrier on themselves as a means of health regeneration.


As to making static barrier off the GCD, from a purely PvE perspective, I think this would be extremely overpowered, despite the cost of the barrier. In raid-wide damage phases, part of the healing decision making process is to pick and choose your barriers, much like operatives have to pick and choose their free surgical probes on targets under 30%.


In PvP I imagine it would lead to mouse/key macros that would bubble the entire team on demand instantly.

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Whatever the fix it needs to happen fast. I stopped doing arenas on my sorc as he is target #1 and can do nothing to prevent it without the perfect team. I have no problems on my mara; focus me? So what, have fun while I continue dpsing. Sorcs suck because they don't have the tools to do their job. That they can do better in 8v8 is not a sign they are fine so much as it is a sign it is less likely they will be focused but when they are it is still game over. Edited by skarlson
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make wrath a passive skill that sorcerers can buy from the skill trainer, and make it's effect apply to all damage dealing skills with new effects being:



  • shock - 100% critical chance
  • force slow - increases amount of speed decrease or increase duration of slow
  • electrocute - adds a 2 second mezz that will break on damage at the end of the effect
  • overload - increase knockback distance by 5m, only affects 3 targets
  • lighting strike - deals +35% damage, cant proc lightning storm , instant cast , doesn't respect GCD
  • crushing darkness - lasts 50% longer,reduces cooldown by 2s , instant cast
  • chain lighting - damage increased by 10%, only affects 1 target , instant cast
  • thundering blast - can't proc lighting storm, reduces cooldown, instant cast
  • force storm - deals 50% of the damage in 3 seconds , no longer channeled ( works like the ability flyby from agents and smugglers) , no longer slows down or stun weaker mobs, adds a 5s cooldown.
  • death field - does not apply death mark nor triggers devour, but heals 10% health if hits a target ( regardless of how many hit )



I think these changes would make the sorcerer a more efficient and at the same time more tactical damage dealing class with the potential of dealing a great amount of damage but requiring more on the spot tactical decision on how to spend the wrath buff. If they seem to be too much I would like to see at least the changes applied to the abilities requiring casting.

Edited by tekhiun
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For Lightning Sorcs:


Change the Force-Master PvP set bonus to the PvE set bonus. The PvP one is useless if you're Lightning. The PvE one is very good.


For all Sorcs:


Make Static Barrier and Unnatural Preservation off the GCD when self-casted.



Those are the only changes we need, really.

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For Lightning Sorcs:


Change the Force-Master PvP set bonus to the PvE set bonus. The PvP one is useless if you're Lightning. The PvE one is very good.


For all Sorcs:


Make Static Barrier and Unnatural Preservation off the GCD when self-casted.



Those are the only changes we need, really.


No, just no, we need so much more than just what you have said there.

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Pretty much my thoughts exactly. I've started joking that they should just remove the class and give everyone a voucher for a level 55 with a full set of gear.


DPS is the "easy" issue to fix I think. Honestly, I think they need to just overhaull the class. Like they're doing with sin tanks. Yes, leave them basically the same but adjust a large mechanic. Perhaps how they stat, etc etc.


If only you were the sorc representative, we might not have had all those horrible questions! :/

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