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Sorcerer Changes Brainstorming


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We dont need a melee ability and we are not meant to be a melee class, and that would certainly be a wasted developement venture so I sure hope they put more thought and effort into something else for us....just because others have it isnt always a valid reason for us to, lets not go down the road of making all classes the same with different names for abilities. Now a finish move, would benefit any class.


? You serious??????


Remember back on Korriban you got sabre strike and thrash as a neophyte inquisitor? The abilities are there, we are the only AC to have our main stat bonus to two of our basic moves REMOVED, the moment you pick the AC.


It is an absolutely horrible decision that makes no sense at all - even more so they didn't replace it with a free ranged attack.

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That spec needs to come back just to put sorcerer in line with mara/pt/sin PvP wise...


Make it a weekend event titled "pre 1.2 nerf MADNESS". Time to bring out your hybrid spec'd, battle master gear wearin Sorc/Sage, along with your Adrenal popping, scoundrel scrapper with a 6 second CD on BackBlast for some fun filled, Extremely over powered 3 hitter quitter PVP matches that'll get you belly laughing till your insides hurt!!

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? You serious??????


Remember back on Korriban you got sabre strike and thrash as a neophyte inquisitor? The abilities are there, we are the only AC to have our main stat bonus to two of our basic moves REMOVED, the moment you pick the AC.


It is an absolutely horrible decision that makes no sense at all - even more so they didn't replace it with a free ranged attack.


We are talking about advanced class mechanics here bud, this is the Sorcerer forums and a Sorcerer changes thread, I dont give two flying pickles what the no longer used base abilities were for non advanced class.


Assassin are meant to use melee, sorcerer are not.

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We are talking about advanced class mechanics here bud, this is the Sorcerer forums and a Sorcerer changes thread, I dont give two flying pickles what the no longer used base abilities were for non advanced class.


Assassin are meant to use melee, sorcerer are not.


I do, and it annoys me no end. Force users still use the lightsaber afterall, it's stupid it's not boosted at all, and that more isn't made of it, it shoudl at least give you a knock back on use a small 5 m knock back or something.


Sorcs would love a dispatch ability too

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We are talking about advanced class mechanics here bud, this is the Sorcerer forums and a Sorcerer changes thread, I dont give two flying pickles what the no longer used base abilities were for non advanced class.


Assassin are meant to use melee, sorcerer are not.


So mercs aren't supposed to use rocket punch ans snipers aren't supposed to use shiv coz they are a ranged dps and those are melee moves?


Never mind they are core to the INQUISITOR class - and thus supposed to be used by both.


And as pointed, out ya know, Sith - lightsaber...

Edited by Chemic_al
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So mercs aren't supposed to use rocket punch ans snipers aren't supposed to use shiv coz they are a ranged dps and those are melee moves?


Never mind they are core to the INQUISITOR class - and thus supposed to be used by both.


And as pointed, out ya know, Sith - lightsaber...


They even get talents that improve their melee abilities; root on rocket punch and 50% speed boost on shiv for example.


I wouldn't mind having Tumult again, if possible without restrictions :p

Edited by ceazare
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With regards to giving us some sort of decent melee, I got to say, I don't see that much of a point. I kind of see it more as a gimmick than as practical. Between whatever melee move and your force powers you're going to use your force powers, and if you're in a situation you have to use melee to fight a melee you're going to die anyway because Sorcs have no mitigation; we practically aren't wearing armor out there. Though that's not to say that it wouldn't be fun to have a little decent melee,


How about this compromise. Since we don't ever use melee, thus have no use holding our lightsaber in our hands, why not give us some 5 minute or so duration ability that uses the Force makes our lightsaber hover around us and automatically attacks anyone in melee range. Maybe it can use the basic nonForce melee attack and a Thrash every 4 seconds or something. Buff our melee so it's affected by Willpower, and make the attacks non-avoidable. This wouldn't be overpowered since melee already has a pathetically large advantage over us. This could also allow for us to be given the choice of what kind of lightsaber we want to use. Since we don't use ours, letting us wield dual or double bladed sabers for this ability would look really cool. It would also kind of further add to us being masters of the Force.

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I am legit upset that my Sparkly BOOM Tickle Finisher has not been given sincere consideration and unanimous support of the community.


I expect full implementation mapping from devs soon on this.


That is all


Give me Give me Give me, Fix it Fix it Fix it

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The only class I play is a sorc so I'll try and lay out what I think is are a few areas of concern..I'm not great at offering fixes though but ill try my best.


One thing that really gets under my skin comparing to other classes, Is that the sorc force barrier while longer lasting the other slimier CD's. Is that you cant attack or move, as where other classes that have as I call them an " oh s**t " skill can do both.. and still retain full damage.


The madness tree has more mobility while slightly lacking in damage, while the lighting tree is flipped. I understand the concept of not having the best of both worlds. I just feel the that the sorc is so darn squishy and easy to control so its hard for the specs to function as they should. This is why lots of sorcs go with a hybrid build, cause no one tree can shine in PVP.


Also what I feel is lacking ( only compared to other classes) is the higher end crits. Now I don't think the answer is to buff the damage. More so to balance other classes damage. The sorc doesn't bring anything to the table that another DPS class doesn't bring better. Sorcs Also lack in cool downs compared to others, we just need that spice, which I have no idea what it could be.


The healing tree is just so messed up compared to the ops tree, the major factor being the group AOE heal. I feel the force regen is in a good place. I say that cause you have to make the choice of what to use your force surge on. I think the HOT needs to be reworked.. Or make the group heal work the same way as the ops.


I'm not a very mathematical and analytical person, so its hard for me to say what to actually do to the class to make them viable. so these are all low thought sorta spit ball ideas. Make the bubble absorb more. make lighting barrage have 2 stacks again. a talent for force speed to last .5 longer. I think the damage on chain lighting and lighting strike need to be re worked. Allowing for a little bit bigger crits. Almost as if they should be switched, or have a talents for something like that, to make for higher single target DPS... Some ways to give the player the choice of doing a high single target hit, or a more medium target AOE hit. I feel we need more Cd's to burn, just a flat dmg % increase for a time, just something. You need make the stun range longer.... we are a ranged class after all. I find myself force sprinting into to range to stun people, Which I shouldn't have to do honestly. I think the HOT needs to a reworked, keeping the proc but... give it a slightly smaller CD, maybe a Higher crit rate, or crit multiplier, or just a flat increase, or heal longer. You have small options to buff it without breaking the game, where adding just a little bit of something to it would greatly increase healing for the sorc. I like " corrupted barrier" but you have to think that its going to be taken off very swiftly, I think a 2% would help. or have it add an HOT so it heals "x" percent no matter what.


What I really trying to say in all this is you don't have to go over board with the sorc, they are a great class, they just don't have the power and CC of other classes. They just need a little buff. You need to look at the different trees as separate.



Please anyone bare with my, is that English is not my native speaking or writing language, I know there has to be a lot of typos so I greatly apologize for that.

Edited by Mercediz
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Honestly as a pvper I've all but given up on the class and this game.


Yes we've all heard about the amazing "sorc pros" that prove the class is fine but honestly I just don't see it. I just don't care anymore, I'm tired of beating baddies with my sorc who have all the tools they need to defeat me. It's really not that hard to counter a sorc if you know what you are doing and the fact that I'm going to have to wait 7 months just for a new huttball map is plain depressing. Thats nothing, nothing at all when it comes to pvp content.


So I'm done, best of luck to you who still play. I hope your pve experience is better than my pvp one.

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Honestly as a pvper I've all but given up on the class and this game.


Yes we've all heard about the amazing "sorc pros" that prove the class is fine but honestly I just don't see it. I just don't care anymore, I'm tired of beating baddies with my sorc who have all the tools they need to defeat me. It's really not that hard to counter a sorc if you know what you are doing and the fact that I'm going to have to wait 7 months just for a new huttball map is plain depressing. Thats nothing, nothing at all when it comes to pvp content.


So I'm done, best of luck to you who still play. I hope your pve experience is better than my pvp one.


Dude.. Sorry to hear that you're leaving. I've debated leaving my Sorc/sage as well. The one person who says the Sorc is viable in PVP/arenas must have great teammates, because it's very easy to shut one down if you have the slightest idea what they're capable of. I've even seen a Sorc fill his entire cast bar with nothing but

Iightning strike and force barrier. While it was very amusing to watch his team still dominate in ranked PVP, this just confirms that alone, the Sorc lacks defensive capabilities.


Best of luck to you as well, and thanks for all the advice and tips you've given for playing the Sorc to the fullest.



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Yeah, I'm in the same boat as some of you other folks, canceled my sub for what will probably be the last time. I don't want to say I'll never come back, but it will take some serious love for the sorcs to make me re-sub.


Makes me sad, since I've been playing this game for 2.5 years now, but oh well, there's a limit to my masochism.


Gonna miss a lot of ya. :)

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Yeah, I'm in the same boat as some of you other folks, canceled my sub for what will probably be the last time. I don't want to say I'll never come back, but it will take some serious love for the sorcs to make me re-sub.


Makes me sad, since I've been playing this game for 2.5 years now, but oh well, there's a limit to my masochism.



Yep. Sub runs out in a month (got gameplay cards stupidly cheap), and well, not renewing at this point - waiting on Wildstar now.


Cheers Admiral - learnt alot from you, sorry to see another valued advocate for the class go, but I understand completely.

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I don't know why you guys even bothered to post here.


This is clearly a troll thread as there have been tons of suggestions and solutions posted (which they allegedly all read and passed on) in this forum, prior to the opening of this thread. So why should we have to write them down again?


They just used this as another opportunity to spit in your face. It has been 4 months and no changes to sorcs have been made (those 2.6 changes are not worth talking about).


So be smart, don't get trolled again and just stop bothering. We have been waiting for a fix of our class since 1.2 that means for 2 years. If they can't manage to fix a class in 2 years they are either vicious, stupid, or ignorant. But either way it does not forebode anything good for our class.


So save yourself a lot of stress, stop bothering, and keep in mind that there are a lot of new MMOs coming out this year where things might be better.

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I don't know why you guys even bothered to post here.


This is clearly a troll thread as there have been tons of suggestions and solutions posted (which they allegedly all read and passed on) in this forum, prior to the opening of this thread. So why should we have to write them down again?


They just used this as another opportunity to spit in your face. It has been 4 months and no changes to sorcs have been made (those 2.6 changes are not worth talking about).


So be smart, don't get trolled again and just stop bothering. We have been waiting for a fix of our class since 1.2 that means for 2 years. If they can't manage to fix a class in 2 years they are either vicious, stupid, or ignorant. But either way it does not forebode anything good for our class.


So save yourself a lot of stress, stop bothering, and keep in mind that there are a lot of new MMOs coming out this year where things might be better.


Sad, but true, i used to be a sorc since beta and Easrly access, i like the class, my comps, my story, my powers, all. But like all nice things it wont lasts for ever, time for us to cast apart, and roll a mara, to be extremely competitive in both pve and pvp. Having a class like dps sins viable for pvp but useless for pve makes no sense, iff all sorcs users will roll maras, devs's failure will be complete, so sad, when eso come out swtor will be more desert than tatooine itself.

Ps: sorry for my english, but its not my main language, hope u guys can read easily my 2 cents :p

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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And I'm back!


Just to clear up any confusion, I am not saying that this means we are going to "re-nerf" Operatives/Scoundrels. It is just that I know quite a bit of the forums (PvP especially) are talking about the current state of Ops/Scoundrels and I wanted to assure you that we are tracking the conversation and passing it on to Combat appropriately.


We will be tracking not only player feedback, but more importantly combat data surrounding these changes before we would do anything else. Again, just wanted to clarify, no incoming nerfs, just passing on feedback





Just found this in the thread "Operatives are Now Ridiculous" since 2.6. Apparently there are a few whiney posts, and supposed unsubs. This above ^ was the immediate response from Eric... The thread should've been titled, " This thread is now Ridiculous!" Take a look if you haven't already. What surprises me is how quickly a Eric responded after such silly, non-constructive posts.


This thread is full of the opposite. There are real examples of where the Sorc/sage class falls short and needs improvement. Just some simple fine tuning that can really make the class enjoyable (not overpowered), instead of disappointing during... (Warning : incoming broken record)


1. An ops boss burn phase, <30%

2. Rng on polarity shift/mental alacrity

3. Madness/balance force issues.

4. Pushback on mind crush/crushing darkness

5. Force potency ( why not a guaranteed auto crit) tk and lightning suffer from this flaw

6. Useless light saber

7. A legit escape that can break/ have immunity to all roots. We're very easy to shut down, stun, interrupt, cc, root once an opponent is in melee range (for PVP).

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Just found this in the thread "Operatives are Now Ridiculous" since 2.6. Apparently there are a few whiney posts, and supposed unsubs. This above ^ was the immediate response from Eric... The thread should've been titled, " This thread is now Ridiculous!" Take a look if you haven't already. What surprises me is how quickly a Eric responded after such silly, non-constructive posts.


This thread is full of the opposite. There are real examples of where the Sorc/sage class falls short and needs improvement. Just some simple fine tuning that can really make the class enjoyable (not overpowered)


That is because all the fotm rollers have left the class 2 years ago, and the remaining crowd is either fairly sensible, or simply wants to play a sorc anyway because its cool/fun, so no one is around to QQ and bch about on full volume.

Edited by colemanron
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