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Sorcerer Changes Brainstorming


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LS could take a hit in its damage to compensate. Honestly, it shouldn't have been buffed with 2.0 instead of TB.


Both were buffed in their own way.


Issue is you then create a damage loss in madness, which cast LS sparingly but still.


Before 2,0, many people asked for a buff to it since it seemed lackluster, and I think it was.


You currently have a spec that is in a roughly fine place in PvE damage wise. It could use a slight boost, but not onthe magnitude you are proposing. PvP have many issues, but I don't believe the issues would happens as much if you had tool to be more free to cast as it is.


There is the reflexion path we should take for PvP imo.


PvE issues right now are just slight QoL and pushback issues, and a big utility one.


For damage, if you add a slight armor pen to LS, I think Lightning falls in a nice place.


Understand me, I want to see my primary spec get love lime you, but I don't want to see it be overbuffed and nerfed back into the ground in 2 months 1,2 style.

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I'm fairly certain you're overestimating how much DPS would change with instant TB. It will take a global, so that reduces the effective cast time to 1.5s, shaving off only half a second. You'd be getting an extra LS every third TB, which wouldn't be a huge increase overall. On a crit, let's say 4-5k (not sure what it comes out to be in full pve gear, space that out over 33 seconds. It's probably about as much as a DPS improvement as would be needed in pve.


Numbers could be slightly off as I'm thinking about this during a wipe. With further thought, keeping the CD at 9s would give the extra LS every 27 seconds, which still isn't a huge increase. Increasing the cost to compensate would be a better choice, or at the very least dropping the cast to somewhere around .5 to 1s instead of that monster 2s.


Last edit for coherence. Don't post tired, folks.

Edited by psybernetic
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I'm fairly certain you're overestimating how much DPS would change with instant TB. It will take a global, so that reduces the effective cast time to 1.5s, shaving off only half a second. You'd be getting an extra LS every third TB, which wouldn't be a huge increase overall. On a crit, let's say 4-5k (not sure what it comes out to be in full pve gear, space that out over 33 seconds. It's probably about as much as a DPS improvement as would be needed in pve.


Numbers could be slightly off as I'm thinking about this during a wipe. With further thought, keeping the CD at 9s would have give the extra LS every 27 seconds, which still isn't a huge increase. Increasing the cost to compensate would be a better choice, or at the very least dropping the cast to somewhere around .5 to 1s instead of that monster 2s.


If you are to lower the cast to 1,5, you might as well make it instant with an increased cooldown, at that point we could reach a pvp issue. However both scenario do not lie, TB would be in average superior to Heatseekers by a massive margin. I've argued on a thread specifically about it with someone, and the "slight superiority" of HM right now would be 1/10th of the superiority of changing TB to 1,5 sec cast or instant due to the autocrit and massive crit damage bonus, and the proc chance.


I'm not an hardcore theorycrafter, but it does appear to me you'd create a significant dps increase, and I'd estimate the damage nerf needed to keep it around its actual values to roughly 20%.


There are many ways you could go around adjusting it but assuming they want to keep it in line with arsenal thats the values you get.


If we figure we want a slight buff to it, instant and at 83-84% of its current damage is what you could look for, on an 9,5 seconds cooldown. Its mostly a mobility buff that way, and doesn't tweak pve too much.


Otherwise, you can go by the philsophy sorc = squishier therefore needs to out dps arsenal a bit. But imo you risk quite an uproar from that community, and possibly a nerf eventually.


I'm not against the change itself if you are wondering. I merely wish people to acknowledge there is a cost that would most likely come with that demand.



Edit : 1 extra LS/27 seconds is roughly 100 to 150 more dps depending on gear. Its a % based on mine currently, and i haven't parsed in a while but I believe I'm around 2650 right now, so around 5%.

Edited by verfallen
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Let me jump in with my opinions about a few possible improvements, that would require some more fundamental changes to the class, than the ones I came up with before. Disclaimer: I'm talking about dps in the forst place, because that's what I'm playing most of the time, and that is what I have experience and insight with.



Spell pushback: It needs to go. It is that simple. At the moment there are 8 classes in the game, all can specialize into damage dealing. Out of the 8 classes, there are at least 3 (that I kow of) capable of possibly gaining DPS while taking damage (mara, jugg, pt). I realize they are all meele classes, I'm not asking for anything similar for sorcerers. BUT out of the 8 classes there are only 2 actually losing dps while taking damage, the merc and the sorc. Now I understand the idea, that glass cannon classes need to be kept in line by certain mechanics, however needing spell pushback to lower their damage dealt would assume if they are not taking damage, they are leading the pack in dps. At the moment this is not true. Marauders (gaining dps from damage taken) and snipers (unaffected by damage taken) lead the pack, and the spell pushback mechanic is merely putting the other 2 ranged classes further behind snipers.


Pushback is mostly an issue for Lightning, Madness does'nt suffer too much because of it. Regardless in my opinion the pushback immunity talents of both specs for both classes should either be changed to 100% or at least 90% for dders, if the mechanic needs to stay at any cost, thus removing/decreasing one of the main issues the ranged classes are struggling for. Oh, and even though it was mentioned before several times (even by me), I will just say it again: grant pushback protection to lightning on crushing darkness and lightning barrage. It is needed.


As for healing, I won't go into spell pushback, since reducing or removing it could possibly make healing overpowered in pvp, but it may be doable anyway. I will just let all the smarter people pick this part of the problem apart.



Force management: There is no force management for sorcerers, and it is intended by design. The sorc is the one class, not meant to be resource limited on damage dealing. This works perfectly on lightning, the same should be said about madness too. Multidotting, aoeing, using shock while kiting should all be doable without ever having to worry about resource. Offhealing should definitely make the dpses force starved, but other than that pretty much nothing else. I won't even go into what mechanics should be used to achieve this, there are numerous possibilities, but it just needs to be changed. In pvp Madness can't afford to channel force lightning 50% of the time to regen, not even mentioning the lackluster and costly aoe of the spec, and since the class was'nt meant to be resource limited, it has no tools to deal with oom situations. (No free attack, no force regen cd, and don't even mention consumption to me, as it was clearly designed exclusively for Corruption.) I know the guys at Bioware did'nt ask about Madness, but they also won't be able to fix it with uncleansable dots alone.



Execute: I feel like Lightning has both the sustained dps and the burst to be perfectly viable wihtout an execute (I'd sure be happy to get one, but don't think it's needed), Madness however lacks in both regards. According to maths and dummy parses others have spent a lot of time documenting Madness is way behind lightning (and pretty much every other spec) in sustained dps, and unsurprisingly faces issues when it somes to finishing off any player, but especially healers in pvp. I believe an execute talent high up in the tree would possibly solve both issues by increasing dot damage under 30% of target's health.



Mobility: Madness has great mobility, so that is not a concern, on the other hand Ligthning suffers greatly due to any kind of movement, and this is specifically painful in pvp, where it is extremely easy to completely shut down a lightning sorc, knowing they can't deal any significant damage while kiting. The only fix i can imagine for this is giving the spec more abilites to instacast. Because making more abilities instant by deafult would change the spec completely, and possibly make it overpowered, I don't think this should happen. A better fix could be in my eyes if for example thundering blast were to make the next (possibly more than 1) lightning strike(s) instant cast. It should also be a 100% chance to be procced, otherwise it could end up like chain lightning: it gives a nice mobility tool in the hands of sorceres, but it's completely unreliable, thus not very useful, since it can only be procced by casting and not guaranteed.



That's it for now. I may be back later with more pointless and stupid ideas.

Edited by colemanron
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I still feel that in general a sorc's dps is too reliant on procs and critical hits, which can screw you over somewhat if you get unlucky, on one of my parse attempts in madness I went for roughly 40 seconds without a single wrath proc. In lightning I find my chain lightning proc shows up at a decent enough pace, though if I don't get a crit I'd be lucky to get a 2-3k hit out.


and I know this doesn't seem to be the popular opinion on this thread right now, but I still feel as if sorc dps needs more love in pve.

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I think I am all ideaed out here slowly losing interest in this game. These devs take far to long to see things been talking about these same spec problems for lightning from PTS pre 2.0 . They then go and disrespect the community with l2p h2f only to turn around and say the spec needs some love. These people don't listen at all.


Eric when is 2.6 coming I am tired of waiting

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I think I am all ideaed out here slowly losing interest in this game. These devs take far to long to see things been talking about these same spec problems for lightning from PTS pre 2.0 . They then go and disrespect the community with l2p h2f only to turn around and say the spec needs some love. These people don't listen at all.


Eric when is 2.6 coming I am tired of waiting


That was quite a slap in the face yeh, however we should not have brought in marauder in the questions we sent. That just made dev tunnel vision on it, and the valid concern raised sounded like "I wanna be like a Marauder/sniper!"


I'm not justifying the answer we got, that was just plain ridiculous, but I believe the question could have been formulated better.



As far as FL procs goes, its long enough. Only time I risk the proc is delaying it hoping for also a CL one if recklessness is up. Otherwise in 10 seconds you have plenty of time to reapply CD and affliction then cast TB if needed before using it.


Its main issue is that proc gets hit particularly hard by pushback due to its short channel on one side, and the fact the spec has no PB protection on FL. Hence why I think that proc should be made immune to pushback.

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Few sorc changes mostly for heals.


Changed Sap strength to allow your static barrier to reduce damage to yourself by 5% when ever your static barrier is removed due to damage.


Force bending-Dark Infusion changed to reduce the cast time by 0.50 seconds(pretty sure this is how it used to be)


Fadeout should be basline for all Sorcerers and replaced with a new talent in the corruption tree called <Empowered Mind> that causes cloud mind to grant remove and grant immunity to snares and roots for 2secs


Conspiring Force switched with Shapless Spirit in the Madness tree.


this next one is kinda op imo


Courruted Barrier- now heals allies that are affected by your static barrier by 1% of your total hp and causes Force Barrier to heal allies within 10m by 1% of your total hp.


Reverse Corruption- now also takes Consumption off the gcd and reduces the health spent by 3%


Pve Mystic 2 piece set bonus that lowers the cd of Innervate by 1.5 should be baseline for Corruption.


New Pve Mystic 4 piece set bonus now increases Static barriers Absorb by 15%


Old Pve Mystic 4 piece set bonus is now the new 2 piece set bonus that adds 50 force.


Lastly combine sith defience and Will of the Sith and increase the damage reduction from Sith defience to 2.5/5% total.


Thats all I have for sorc heals.

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That was quite a slap in the face yeh, however we should not have brought in marauder in the questions we sent. That just made dev tunnel vision on it, and the valid concern raised sounded like "I wanna be like a Marauder/sniper!"


I'm not justifying the answer we got, that was just plain ridiculous, but I believe the question could have been formulated better.



As far as FL procs goes, its long enough. Only time I risk the proc is delaying it hoping for also a CL one if recklessness is up. Otherwise in 10 seconds you have plenty of time to reapply CD and affliction then cast TB if needed before using it.


Its main issue is that proc gets hit particularly hard by pushback due to its short channel on one side, and the fact the spec has no PB protection on FL. Hence why I think that proc should be made immune to pushback.


For rotational purposes ya 10 secs is ok but for when u want to use that ability as a slow/dmg. Example u drop crushing darkness then affil. U get leap to, u wait for your bubble to burst so u can force run out and TB. By the time u get into position get off the TB your proc may or may not be over especially if u have to heal in there somewhere or bubble back yourself or knockback. We take so much dmg and have to react so quickly to different situations that I have missed that proc several a times.

Edited by warstory
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And yes the questions were not good and a ton left out for lightning mainly cause I think the person who gave the questions doesn't understand lightning problems but Eric and his team should have combed through it before they submitted it to the devs to make sure the right intent was given.



The person who I quote early in this thread knows the class well. He used the word counter intuitive when describing our defenses it mimics what I said in the sage thread. I hope Eric reads that this time around

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I"m entirely sure this is the appropriate thread, but I am unexcited by tuning...although that is always ever changing and needed.


Thinking Outside the Box...


If we are not supposed to be the best damage dealers due to our ability to heal, then make us the best support class.


Battle Meditation - Damage

Put us in a trance that heightened the rest of the raid's dps by a set amount where the formula of the heightened damage raid output of the remaining 3 dps raiders (or whatever minus the battle meditating sorc) cumulative during the 20 seconds of a 2 minute cooldown would be a good chunk (20% to 30%) higher then the normal dps of the 4 dps with Sorc simply outputting dps.


So say the 4 dps averaged 2600 dps each ...over 20 seconds they would do normally do 208000 damage. If Battle Meditation did Double Damage, the 3 dps (4th dps is the sorc Channeling Battle Meditation) would then do 312000 damage over 20 seconds. That is pretty reasonable considering how much health boss fights have.


Tradeoffs, the sorc no longer would get to compete with the highest dps numbers BUT at least would would be asked on raids as a compliment to the Maurader and Sniper damage and actually be asked to come.


Battle Trance - Resource Refill

Thinking of what a healer would benefit from a battle meditation. Since one of the things that makes a sorc more of a labored experience as a healer than playing the Operative of infinite resources is the fact we have to constantly consume. What if we had moments where we would want the entire raid to burst their dps and needed their resources to be refilled. Give the sorc a Battle Trance to channel a couple seconds (maybe 8 to 10) that would refil all resources, including rage. Again 2 minute cooldown.


Just 2 ideas outside the box.


I do NOT want to diminish the importance of the class balance and fine tuning discussions because I believe those are important...I just find those not as exciting.

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I only get aggravated by this game's balancing because they take over half a year to produce a balancing patch that is often lackluster and doesn't reflect what the community wants.


2.5's changes won't be enough to fix this game's pvp balancing and I don't really feel like waiting till 2.6 just so "maybe" see some changes. Lord knows they love pushing back any content involved with pvp.

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They should just give baseline fadeout to everyone and fix madness energy regen.


While healing sorcs are a mess, dps sorcs are okay. The problem is that classes like PT and warrior (and, to some extent, assasin) are completely dumbed down.


Give QoL changes to DPS sorcs, maybe a mild PvE buff and they would be fine.


The problem of this game is that melee classes are completely dumbed down. Im not saying they do too much damage. Damage is legit. Im not saying they have too many defensives, they are melee, they need defensives. Altho 45 sec UR was retarded, they do need some defensive CDs.


The problem with melee in this game is:

- Why does force crush hits full conq / obroan people for 4k rolling ticks?

- Why does every warrior skill has roots / slows baked into it?

- Why a class that has access to two charges, 30m slows and ranged roots has attacks that rape you from 10m range, including a ranged execute?

- Why does a PT can snare people with auto attacks?

- Why does smash spec doesnt have a proper rotation and has no ramp up time like every spec in the game?

- Why does warriors get instant AoE mezzes with lower cooldowns than poor man's force lift?


Sorc dps is (kind of) fine. Heals are a mess. But the problem with this game is melee. Everything melee does is automatic and has multiple snares baked into it. They dont have or need to setup anything to do overwhelming frontload damage. I understand that some classes are naturally more straightfoward than others but Bioware has gone too far with it.


Melee are suposed to think too. And to play defensevely when they allow themselves to drift to bad spots.


And the awnser to Bioware is giving Veng another baked in YOLO root. While they keep balancing with this mentality, PvP will be lacking.


I would think that removing this "automatization" for melee would normalize the game. Sorc dps wouldnt need extreme buffs (or no buff at all) and the comps would be more diverse at the different skills levels. Making caveman melee harder to play would also make way to concealment or even madness sins, who knows.


Even if they give sorcs obscene amounts of buffs, the game will still be lopsided because melee specs are what they are.


Smash spec does awesome burst since 1.0. And it is legit, to some extent. The problem is that they received a myriad of slows and roots and a completely unecessary force crush buff.


The truth is while the game was far from perfect, the balance between straighfowardness / skill cap between melee and ranged was much better at 1.1.5, with tracer spammers being the notable exception.


Good marauders trashed sorcs in 1.1.5, bad ones cryed on the forums. Thats the way its suposed to be.

Edited by Laforet
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They should just give baseline fadeout to everyone and fix madness energy regen.


While healing sorcs are a mess, dps sorcs are okay. The problem is that classes like PT and warrior (and, to some extent, assasin) are completely dumbed down.


Give QoL changes to DPS sorcs, maybe a mild PvE buff and they would be fine.


The problem of this game is that melee classes are completely dumbed down. Im not saying they do too much damage. Damage is legit. Im not saying they have too many defensives, they are melee, they need defensives. Altho 45 sec UR was retarded, they do need some defensive CDs.


The problem with melee in this game is:

- Why does force crush hits full conq / obroan people for 4k rolling ticks?

- Why does every warrior skill has roots / slows baked into it?

- Why a class that has access to two charges, 30m slows and ranged roots has attacks that rape you from 10m range, including a ranged execute?

- Why does a PT can snare people with auto attacks?

- Why does smash spec doesnt have a proper rotation and has no ramp up time like every spec in the game?

- Why does warriors get instant AoE mezzes with lower cooldowns than poor man's force lift?


Sorc dps is (kind of) fine. Heals are a mess. But the problem with this game is melee. Everything melee does is automatic and has multiple snares baked into it. They dont have or need to setup anything to do overwhelming frontload damage. I understand that some classes are naturally more straightfoward than others but Bioware has gone too far with it.


Melee are suposed to think too. And to play defensevely when they allow themselves to drift to bad spots.


And the awnser to Bioware is giving Veng another baked in YOLO root. While they keep balancing with this mentality, PvP will be lacking.


I would think that removing this "automatization" for melee would normalize the game. Sorc dps wouldnt need extreme buffs (or no buff at all) and the comps would be more diverse at the different skills levels. Making caveman melee harder to play would also make way to concealment or even madness sins, who knows.


Even if they give sorcs obscene amounts of buffs, the game will still be lopsided because melee specs are what they are.


Smash spec does awesome burst since 1.0. And it is legit, to some extent. The problem is that they received a myriad of slows and roots and a completely unecessary force crush buff.


The truth is while the game was far from perfect, the balance between straighfowardness / skill cap between melee and ranged was much better at 1.1.5, with tracer spammers being the notable exception.


Good marauders trashed sorcs in 1.1.5, bad ones cryed on the forums. Thats the way its suposed to be.


personally I think they need more than a mild buff but that is just me, and I am pretty sure there will be a time and place for those other classes, we are meant to be focusing on sorcs here.

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Believer makes good points, as always. My level 43 marauder is pretty brainless, even as Carnage where I'm watching for procs to line up my burst, which given how little I play it, is taking me a while to really get down. I know that my damage output is much higher than my sorc's was at that level, way back in 1.3. Taking into consideration that now I'm more familiar with gearing and the game's mechanics, that would make sense, but the mara is much, much easier to play, period.


My juggernaut, regardless of where I take her, be it raids or warzones, is derpy as hell. Enrage, charge, smash, crush, obliterate, vicious slash to get smash off cd, smash. In mostly partisan gear, she does stupid amounts of damage for next to no effort. In raids, all I look for is ravage and vicious throw procs and the scream autocrit buff. I've always felt like I did more damage on her, even back when EC was endgame. There's no challenge to mid-range gameplay as jugg dps, and it's boring. I play the sorc because of the challenge, the intensity and enjoyment that being a squishy ranged class provides. I love Lightning, but since I only raid on occasion and primarily yolo queue, I can't play it and expect to contribute except against really bad teams or the occasional reg queue I do.


We all hate comparing SWTOR to WoW, but when it comes down to class balance, especially pvp, it's necessary. Ranged casters in WoW are highly competitive, as the Blizzcon streams demonstrated and as memory serves from years ago. Melee are powerful and can be devastating, but they don't dominate the game as they do here. Ranged classes have no real means of keeping melee away; we have tools to get them off us, but nothing to really keep them off, while gap closers are rampant. Warriors with their leaps, roots and snares, operatives with their stuns and rolls (weakest but fully irritating), assassins with their snare, sprint and massive burst, bounty hunters with hydraulic overrides, powertechs with pulls, all of them are extremely capable of getting a target into melee and keeping it there. What to ranged have? Sorcs have a bad knockback with an optional weak root, weak mezzes, roots that are only available through high-tier talents, a generally useless sprint under focus from melee. Mercs have a nice knockback and hydraulic overrides with a couple half-decent defensive cds. Snipers have a fair amount of ranged control, but can't counter smashers effectively.


While wanting to be a different game from the other notable MMOs out there makes sense and is understandable, the one thing that BioWare hasn't been doing is learning from them. Class balance overall, and I mean that very vaguely, is alright. For everyone under NiM content, it's almost perfect. For those in regular pvp, it's fine. Skilled players will wipe the floor with the unskilled. However, the balance issues become glaring at higher levels of play. Pvp shouldn't require skill levels on par with Mudclot, Xenobia, Thurinlore, Seaney, Glory, Mathrim, Razbot et al. to make a class viable. I've been told I'm good, but I know I'm not great, in part due to equipment and in larger part due to not being a top-tier player like those mentioned. Despite that fact, surviving in solo queues is supremely challenging; often I have the highest amount of damage taken thanks to being tunneled by melee, and I'd assume the same is true for many other sorcs out there. We need changes, and BioWare's slowly acknowledging it, but they need to redesign melee as well.


When I played WoW, I had two mains over the years: a warlock and a death knight. The lock had relatively few defenses, most notable stamina stacking, but it had a spammable cc. Controlling and bursting an opponent wasn't terribly difficult if you knew what you were doing, and it also was fairly squishy outside of the broken SL/SL spec. The death knight was a hybrid class; it could be either tank or dps and had a relatively spammable self heal in death strike. It had a couple snares and roots, as well as a pull, but wasn't really overpowered after a couple balance patches. All of this was years into the game's existence when the balance team had a good amount of experience under their collective belt, but again, this was years before SWTOR existed. Warriors had a slow and a charge, but were very gear-dependent for their effectiveness.


The question I have to ask is why hasn't the team (or guy) in Austin been able to pick up on the flaws in their (his) design when other games out there aren't making the same mistakes? I get that it's not an easy job, especially for a small team or moreso for a single person, to balance eight classes in both pve and pvp, but the disparity we're seeing is atrocious. Anecdotal evidence here: over the weekend my very casual guild got a sm tfb queue and I'd decided to heal it on my embarrassingly badly geared operative. Our other healer was a pvp-geared sorc. We had no healing issues at all. Yes, it was sm, but an operative shouldn't be able to raid heal without problems in a mishmash of 50, partisan and crafted 50+ gear, particularly at a mediocre skill level as I esteem myself in that role. The only stressful fights were a couple sloppy trash pulls and the final boss, again largely due to sloppiness.


Bottom line, we need better escape tools. Melee need fewer gap closers and less control. In no rational circumstance should a highly survivable melee have superior damage, gap closers and control to a low-survivability ranged. We are glass cannons without the boom. Never should a class be so utterly reliant on the skill level of its teammates on top of the skill level of its player. I find my sorc to be highly enjoyable, I do. It's just incredibly disheartening to look at an enemy team and immediately say, "focus the sorc," while simultaneously playing one.


TL;DR - buff sorc escape mechanisms and possibly oomf, nerf melee gap closers and fix your damned game, BioWare.

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Anyone get the feeling/vibe that Bioware isn't particularly listening? Two weeks and no updates as to what the Combat Team may and may not be considering (so of course we can't refine our feedback). Ranked gets reset in a few hours and we still have not even the slightest conceptual idea of where our class might be headed, other than H2F of course. It's like they forgot about their own thread. How sad.
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Anyone get the feeling/vibe that Bioware isn't particularly listening? Two weeks and no updates as to what the Combat Team may and may not be considering (so of course we can't refine our feedback). Ranked gets reset in a few hours and we still have not even the slightest conceptual idea of where our class might be headed, other than H2F of course. It's like they forgot about their own thread. How sad.


Is it wrong of me to hope that they aren't listening (at least to some of these anyway, I have seen some good points brought up, even if they are focused more focused at pvp). Unless they decided they weren't going to respond here, my guess is that whoever was meant to be monitoring this forgot, and as sad as it makes me to say this, I am kind of glad I ended up leveling a sniper to replace my main, I spent nearly two years on my sorcerer, trying my best to make it in raids, in the end though I was more useful as a sniper.

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Is it wrong of me to hope that they aren't listening (at least to some of these anyway, I have seen some good points brought up, even if they are focused more focused at pvp). Unless they decided they weren't going to respond here, my guess is that whoever was meant to be monitoring this forgot, and as sad as it makes me to say this, I am kind of glad I ended up leveling a sniper to replace my main, I spent nearly two years on my sorcerer, trying my best to make it in raids, in the end though I was more useful as a sniper.


Blasphemy. Now I must Make You Pay. :p


Seriously though, I mainly PVP...and it's a horrible feeling when my guildies tell me to just level up that operative I haven't played in more than a year because full corruption gets instagibbed in arena and hybrid/bubblestun, while being far more survivable, simply doesn't have sufficient throughput when another player gets focused. I suppose I could get the sin 4-piece set bonus (recklessness) to wring out more burst HPS in hybrid spec, but I shouldn't have to get the OTHER AC'S set bonus to have a useful one!


The scoundrel at least gets to kick people in the nuts and can therefore be really fun to play (nutkick=the ultimate in Make Them Pay haha :D ) but I really, really don't want to be forced to go back to operative healing.

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Anyone get the feeling/vibe that Bioware isn't particularly listening? Two weeks and no updates as to what the Combat Team may and may not be considering (so of course we can't refine our feedback). Ranked gets reset in a few hours and we still have not even the slightest conceptual idea of where our class might be headed, other than H2F of course. It's like they forgot about their own thread. How sad.


I'm not sure what you were expecting. The class changes for 2.5 are already decided and publicized and there is no way we'll get solid information on 2.6 before 2.5 is released. Also you can't possibly think a dev will join us, and actually open a conversation about abilities, talents and how changing them would affect many other aspects of the game after you saw the format of the dev Q&A a few months back. FYI I'm not talking about the H2F answers, but the actual form of the Q&A: we get to ask 3 questions, and they give us 3 answers. They won't go into a lengthy discussion, because that would end up being a disaster due to lack of understanding from the bulk of the playerbase.

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This thread title says it all. Ideas. They probably have one already but figure some might as well pop from the playerbase they haven't think off.


Its not a wishlist, its a lets see if something interesting comes out thread, and also fills in the whole "dev must communicate with player base" role.

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Madness needs Increase Critical Damage on Death Field and Crushing Darkness to 50% crit bonus like Lightning spec has as well as per tick of each crit dot gain 1% Force . Increase dot damage a little it's very weak right now a little over 2k over 18 seconds? that should be the same damage but reduced to 12 seconds.


That would fix Madness


Lightning Make Thunderblast Instant cast when Lightning Storm procs and increase the damage slightly. Right now it's simply useless at a 2 second cast and dosen't hit hard at all for the time it takes to cast force lightning is a better option a base talent and this is Lightning's 36 point talent. It's simply terrible and has been for a long time.


That would help lightning a lot and give them more spike damage.


For Affliction


They need heals when they heal a target such as Dark Infusion on crit heals the caster 2% of their health over 10 seconds and more of a passive damage reduction when heal over time effects are present on caster. This helps with using Consumtion or heaven forbid we just get rid of consumtion and have good force regen.


Dark heal needs a bump in power as 4.5 k crits are about a non crit hit these days for most classes it's simply under powered and cost to much force to use it for any length of time.


Dark Infusion needs and instant cast feature like wrath (madness tree) when heal over time effects are present and have it's healing power increased by 20% and is free if effect is present. iI hard casted standard cost no bonus.


It takes far to long to cast and is easy to interupt this will help with Force issues and allow them to be a little more mobile in PVP/PVE Lastly Reduce force slightly on all healing spells. This can be tweaked if the above fixes force issues.


That would fix Affliction


Base Class Changes


Make Force Speed remove movement imparing effects class wide and immune during force speed this means immune to force leap etc anything that impaires my movement immune.


Sith Defiance needs a bump in reduction from 2% to 5% this would be attainable by all builds. 2 points for only 2% is low .


Corrupted flesh should include area of effect 15% reduction (lots of classes have passive 30% Area of effect reduction this would be equal to what they have 15+15 is 30) Possibly move this talent lower in the tree so it is attainable by other builds while keeping 36 talent points in there tree of choice.


I'd say that would just about do it.

Edited by Devinia-Hex
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