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Nerf operative healers


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OP energy management isn't ****ed because of kolto probe.


OP energy management looks ****ed in pvp because thanks to the ludicrous amounts of interrupting there is little to no casting and energy costs are very polarized for operatives.


Recuperative nanotech - 2/3rds our effective energy bar


Kolto probe - neutral at top tier


Surgical probe - small heal, energy management tool. Free.


Kolto injection - Best single target hps tool we have available, costs half our energy pool. We only get to use this against bads.


Kolto infusion - 2/3rds our effective energy pool. Best heal per gcd tool we have available. We very rarely get to use this against anything but bads.


We don't look like we spend energy on healing because the only abilities we get to cast in pvp are our energy neutral management tools. EVERYTHING else get's interrupted.


If this game was balanced on the premise that healers actually get casts off not only would operatives not be in the spotlight but mercs and sorcs would be considerably more practical choices for arena than they are now.


U should right away stop making sense!;)

Edited by runiez
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not exactly sure what should or should'nt be done about heals in pvp.. but i reckon something should be done to tanking + heals.. guard is probably the most ridiculous thing they ever come up with.. it should require a bit more skill to protect your healer and it should probably be a bit more rewarding than as it is now.. slap a guard on em and toss a few taunts and stuns around.


and yeah i see alot saying that op heals are fine.. yeah i kind of agree with that but i'm not sure buffing the other 2 healers is the right way to go.. they need to be usefull but not in the same way if you get where i'm getting at?

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Operative healers shouldn't be nerfed.


Instead, mercs and sorcs should be buffed up to operative level.


>Join WZ

>2 healers for each team

> 0 kills for both teams at the end of the WZ.


This is what's going to happen if sorcs and mercs are buffed to OP level.

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>Join WZ

>2 healers for each team

> 0 kills for both teams at the end of the WZ.


This is what's going to happen if sorcs and mercs are buffed to OP level.


Y'all got some bad deepz.


and yeah i see alot saying that op heals are fine.. yeah i kind of agree with that but i'm not sure buffing the other 2 healers is the right way to go.. they need to be usefull but not in the same way if you get where i'm getting at?


Well I'd have thought it clear that they don't mean it literally. We can't just throw more instants at sorcs and mercs and call it a day. Frankly I'd be miffed if they just gave them my shtick. However if from time to time a sorc gets to have a smash mara throw his keyboard out the window in inpotent frustration then that would be nice too.

Edited by CaptainApop
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i kinda like how they do healing in AoC, where an instant big heal puts a debuff on the target and cannot be big-healed but that healer-class type until that debuff wears off (think its 30 secs, dont remember). So for example if an op big heals a jugg, the jugg gets a 30 sec debuff and cannot receive an OP big heal for 30 seconds, but can get big-healed by a sorc or merc. sorc -big heals jugg, a sorc-big-heal debuff is put on jugg for 30 secs, etc..


This prevents spam healing a target, forcing the healer to use other heals to keep targets up, and also forces the tank/dps to manage their own defensive cd's better to stay alive. and everyone needs to learn to kite better. And people can actually die. make all heal spells instant, and put a debuff on target when healed with a big heal so they cannot receive another big heal from that type until it wears off (but can receive big heal from other healers, and small heals from everyone).



But in this game, that would cause QQ of epic proportions i imagine...

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But why should they do this? Besides some tweaking merc and sorc healers, I think they should address the op energy management which is simply broken. I mean, when you can spam your main HoT like crazy and still have 90% of energy, so there is something wrong. There is no CD, no debuff like bubble one. The second thing is that this class has why to many utilities (2 stuns, stealth, roll).


PvP in this game don't need more healing, coz healing was buffed, and WZ with 2-3 healers can be unbearable. Some classes need nerf (rage-mara and op healer) really badly.


The energy management is far from broken in ranked 4s. If the other team is not forcing an operative to cast, then they're doing something wrong. Roll and kolto injection both cost 1/4th of an operative's energy. Two cast, a cast and a roll or two rolls puts you in the slower energy regen (which is significantly slower) and causes you to use diagnostic scan to replenish. Diagnostic scan will not save someone from focus, even with kolto probe on em. You clearly do not understand operative healing at the level you need to to be making claims.


It is the only healer in the right place. The other two need help with interrupts and survivability, as well as energy management. If a mara can sustain its attack for the duration of a fight, healers should be able to sustain (by that i man have energy) their healing for the duration of a fight. In the end, someone does die because coordinated dps/cc will always overcome. This is why the best teams rarely go to the acid.

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This needs to be fixed because its killing pvp for everybody. :mad:


I have felt this way for over half a year now. Operative and Scoundrel healers all literally taunt you now, they just jump around healing everyone, not taking a scratch with four people pounding them. How is that fun for anyone but the operative/scoundrel??? So we should all play that one class if you like winning at pvp?


These forums are filled with people enjoying their operative/scoundrel character and rationalizing how its just wonderful and they should never be nerfed. Its so transparent I cant believe this is not being addressed by BW or EA.


It IS ruining pvp for everyone.

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Operative healers shouldn't be nerfed.


Instead, mercs and sorcs should be buffed up to operative level.


Do you all think hey let buff up the other to healing classes to the level of operative. Then you would have to buff all dps classes to compensate since no one would ever die a TTK would be way out of whack. SO like a genus idea Soon metric will show this class over performing then guess what will happen you will get the nerf bat not the buff bat for other classes.


CANT wait to here you all QQ

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>Join WZ

>2 healers for each team

> 0 kills for both teams at the end of the WZ.


This is what's going to happen if sorcs and mercs are buffed to OP level.


There fixed that for you since every time we talk about operative nerf they all quote OP Tank Guard mechanic


>2 healers for each team

> 0 tanks on either team with no gaurding

> 0 kills for both teams at the end of the WZ.

> Operative call for a guard nerf


This is what's going to happen if sorcs and mercs are buffed to OP level. There running low on excuses

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Of course Operatives and Scoundrels don't want to be nerfed. No one wants their favourite class to lose it's FOTM tag. But there is no question, they're too powerful. Not just in relation to other healing classes, but to the incoming dps. Buffing the other two heal classes to that level would be the worst idea possible.
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The problem is that PVP is the smallest part of the game in terms of content. If you nerf them, then that player is going to be screwed for the rest of the game. A better solution would be to boost Merc healers or fix the cue so each team has an equal amount of healers.


Also you need to gear up and play better. If you have a DPS character and aren't killing players in under 10 seconds you are doing something wrong especially healers who are pretty squishy.


screwed for the rest of the game? They could lose 50% of their healing potential and still be fine.


Really I think it would help the game. Many people claim even the hardest content is too easy and operatives are a part of the reason that it seems to easy.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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I know many teams that are avoiding Team Rated arena because they don't happen to have a scoundrel/operative healer. It's such a staple position that it really is hurting the game altogether.


Short story- Operative/Scoundrels need to be nerfed. Or the other healers need drastic buffs. (esp Merc/Commando)

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screwed for the rest of the game? They could lose 50% of their healing potential and still be fine.


Really I think it would help the game. Many people claim even the hardest content is too easy and operatives are a part of the reason that it seems to easy.


There is no class in this entire game that could lose half their output and not be considered a massive steaming pile of ****. DPS, tank or healer.

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Reading the comments in this thread, it's clear that it is, as always, a L2P issue. Spend half of the time you do on the forums QQ'ing actually researching how operative healers work and you'd be golden. Oh, and doing more than 1k dps would help as well.
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Reading the comments in this thread, it's clear that it is, as always, a L2P issue. Spend half of the time you do on the forums QQ'ing actually researching how operative healers work and you'd be golden. Oh, and doing more than 1k dps would help as well.


it does not even needs to be 1k DPS its enough if it is 1,5k every 3 sec to compensate the hots. ;) but 80+% of all DD´s are not even able to deliver that much dmg.

Edited by Tankqull
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I have a better idea. Let's nerf players with L2P issues...


Whenever a player queues for warzones, I propose a brief multiple choice quiz be implemented to test whether or not the player is worthy of PvP combat:


Q1: What is focus fire?:

A) A song by the Bee Gees.

B) All teammates attacking the same player, especially a healer.

C) The next book in the Hunger Games series.

D) I like pie.


90% of players, including most on these forums it seems, would fail this quiz. Thus weeding out the derps for those of us who understand this very basic concept.

Edited by TheronFett
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OP energy management isn't ****ed because of kolto probe.


OP energy management looks ****ed in pvp because thanks to the ludicrous amounts of interrupting there is little to no casting and energy costs are very polarized for operatives. Everything is either dirt cheap/free or costs almost our whole energy bar.


Recuperative nanotech - 2/3rds our effective energy bar


Kolto probe - neutral at top tier


Surgical probe - small heal, energy management tool. Free.


Kolto injection - Best single target hps tool we have available, costs half our energy pool. We only get to use this against bads.


Kolto infusion - 2/3rds our effective energy pool. Best heal per gcd tool we have available. We very rarely get to use this against anything but bads.


We don't look like we spend energy on healing because the only abilities we get to cast in pvp are our energy neutral management tools. EVERYTHING else get's interrupted.


If this game was balanced on the premise that healers actually get casts off not only would operatives not be in the spotlight but mercs and sorcs would be considerably more practical choices for arena than they are now.


Yep, I use my OP Healer as he is FUN to play and has a chance to survive longer than my Sorc Healer. Not PvP'd with him since Val 60. He is stun, stun and dead, rinse and repeat for the entire WZ. At least my OP has a chance for survival if the other team doesn't mark me or has poor dps. If I am focussed my option is cleanse, stealth and roll away. Even so, combat stealth has a long cool down so has to be used with care.


Perhaps I'm wrong for wanting it to be fun rather OMGWTFLOLPWNDU.:p

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No one ever likes to see a class get nerfed and we've all seen what happens to a class when it happens. They get destroyed and pummeled into the ground with a vengeance. Yes I do think op's are a little over the top but it's not just the op's healing potential that is the problem. It's when you add guard in that it becomes rediculous. Mercs and sages even when guarded with focused dps can be dropped relatively quickly. A good op with a good tank and they are damn near invincible.


Saw something rather commical earlier today in a nova coast match. Other team had 2 of the camps.. we had south and they only had a tank and op healer being sent to our node. I sat and watched 6 dps beating on this op healer for easily 2 mins straight before he finally dropped. Even watching the other pt try and pull the two apart did little to nothing as they were at each other's sides again immediately. I saw one cast attempt while targeting/watching the op get interupted and nothing else. Smart play on their part.. for sure. They knew how to use guard to the fullest. Even if all 6 players < which they surely were not > were keyboard turning monekys with no keybinds, there's no reason that op shouldn't of been obliterated.


Point I'm getting at is the fact they can still put up 1 mill in healing being beat on an entire match and you might see their cast bar go off a dozen times. That in itself is broken coupled with guard which honestly has no place in it's current form in pvp. Buffing other healers up to Op's level would just break pvp entirely unless guard was completely reworked where it had to be strategically used and not just by pressing one button and not worrying about it again until you or your healer dies. Then I could see sages and mercs getting buffed up a bit.


Either way it's a tricky subject. It's just about as broken as arenas atm where if you enter w/o a tank or healer and they have both.. you may as well /quit out.. Watching warzone pops, op's are always the dominant healing class. Seeing a merc healer in a warzone is like seeing Elvis again. Sages are a bit more common but nothing in comparison to ops and I don't blame any healer for not wanting to pvp unless they are an op. I pvp routinely with a couple op healers and they always laugh about how easy it is to heal.


I really don't believe op's need to be nerfed into the ground.. just perhaps their abilities reworked somewhat to be on par with other healers where omg.. they have a cast bar )

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Bottom line. Rogues ruined pvp for me in WoW, and EA BW is making the exact same mistake.


You'll all be glad to hear i will never play another pvp a match with an operative or scoundrel playing. Its basically an exploit, not skill. Its software thats all one-sided now, the players actually are not good players. They are just exploiting it.

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