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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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1. Name - A'rendra

2. Guild - The Sanctuary

3. Class - Sorc

4. Map - Ancient Hypergate

5. Stat - Biggest Heal - 11,106

6. Screenshot - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1387830529_11.1heal.jpg

((Someone posted a SS for me with Highest kills record with my permission if you could just change guild name from Project mayhem to The Sanctuary. TY ))

Edited by nilankh
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He queues solo with his guild. I never know when they do, either, so can't do much about it. He's not even a bad player, but still.


it's wicked early in the morning since they're all Aussies or something, but yeah I wont deny that he's a good player (even though he uses str augs as smash for some reason) and he hits hard, but yeah, dat group ranked rating...

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He queues solo with his guild. I never know when they do, either, so can't do much about it. He's not even a bad player, but still.


i spam /2 for poeple to que Ranked solo and usually get a turn out of 18-20 players republic side and a few imps, 3-4 times a week for the last few weeks, its been a regular thing with people logging on about 5pm AUs time so its nothing new, last few days the Imp side has been quing alot aswell while playing on my juggernaught you just gotta spam for people to que and you will get those pops.

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