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Mercenary Pyrotech pvping


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Hello there, I am an returning player, and started level 55 content now.


As for pvping I like to use a pyrotech build and currently use this one:



If you have suggestions on the talent build, I would love to hear them, and why the changes etc.



Other than that: With the new bolster system. is it better to use Conquerer items as soon as possible.

Or use the pve items untill you have more than 1650 expertise on your pvp gear? (seeing that pvp items do not get bolstered and with the bolster buff you get automaticly 1650 expertise.)


My current pvp rotation would be:

(Rapid shot whenever it fixes)

#1 Incendary missile

#2 Thermal detonator

#3 Rail shot

#4 Rapid shot(for heat)

#5 Unload

#6 rapid shot

#7 power shot,


From there on reapply the dots whenever needed, railshot proc and unload whenever it is available. rest rapid shots/explosive missile/death from above/power shots to fill in the other time depending on the situation.



Hope to hear from you.

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For PvP, throw the idea of having a core rotation out the window. You should have your burst rotation of 3-4 abilities and then every other instance you react based on the situation.


When I play Pyro this is my Burst rotation: Apply DoT (doesnt matter if its CGC or IM) -> ED -> TD -> Power Shot -> Rail Shot. The damage from TD's main blast, Power Shot and Rail Shot all apply within split-seconds of each other. 3 lucky crits are you are looking at close to 20k damage applied in an instant.


Unload for Pyro is quite weak IMO. Its best use it to stop-cast it to try to proc a Rail Shot rest while on the move (the proc comes at the start of the channel, so as soon as you see the proc start moving again and stop the channel).


Outside of bursting, you want to be aware of your surroundings. Are you in a safe spot to cast? Are there a bunch of enemies clustered together? (If yes to that, use ED -> Thermal Sensor Override + Fusion Missiles -> DFA. Its a huge AOE burst). etc etc. The more you play the better understanding you will have of what to do when.



As far as gearing, IMO get as much Conq gear as you can quickly. Get to 2018 expertise as fast as possible, then work on upgrading to Obroan. I dont think you can have less than ~1600 expertise in PvP, so I would add Conq pieces as soon as you get them. You will just be increasing that above that ~1600 bottom threshold.

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I think most people using Merc Pyro will have their 36 points in the Pyro tree arranged fairly similarly to yours. The only question here is Volatile Warheads. Here's the thing about Volatile Warheads. They are only useful if you use Missile Blast regularly. And if you do, the only reliably good use for that ability is to maintain CGC on a secondary target. This tends to push up your heat thresh hold considerably, enough so that I think it is worth putting a single point into Improved Vents.


I also question putting 2 points into Stabilizers. From a pvp perspective, the Merc Pyro useage of Concussion Missile is negligible. You are a DoT class. Just conceptually, the opportunities you have to use a mezz given that your target is probably DoTed is low. So what are you really getting for those two skill pts? Reduced pushback on PS and UL?! Any time you are in traffic or under attack, no reputable opponent is going to let you get that cast past their interrupt anyway. I'd rather have those two points in Improved Vents and Med Tech. I heal people a lot as a Merc dps. You'd be surprised how often it can stymie the enemy team.

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The build I use for arenas is as follows:



As for "rotation" etc. I do basically the same thing Cash does. Except I use fusion Missile whenever possible over powershot. Apply a dot, TD, Fusion Missile, Rail Shot, Unload (full duration if possible, if not then a check to see if I can refresh Rail Shot. That's pretty much my "burst" but generally I'm doing a run 'n gun kiting etc.


In Arenas I found that increased stealth detection and defense is better than applying a crappy elemental damage on energy shield. Also having the added health + bonus healing done to me helps my healer keep me alive just a little bit longer.

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Strange for some reason the link says pyro mercs have the automated defensive buff which makes kolto overload give 30% DR while active....:confused:. Isn't that a pyro powertech ability?


Yeah its a powertech talent. Torhead is bugged or something and doesnt show the right Merc talent in that spot (which is the active cd redux of Jet Boost)

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to this day i used this configuration



After i have seen yours skill tree i have moved points from Volatile Warhead to 2% more endurance, because in all my WZ matches i can remember i haven't used my Missile Blast not even once.. so i will try this config



My PvP Rotation is

Power Surge + Thermal Override + Fusion Missile whenever is available and there is 3 or more ppl in tight group


1. Thermal Detonator

2. Incidentary Missile

3. Explosive Dart

4. Rail Shot

5. Unload

6. Rail Shot

And ofc Rapid Shots and Unload when you can.......

if the 1-5 combination will have good hit with Crit it can reduce HP to 50-30%.... time for stun or electro net. Our main goal is to push the foes HP below 30% when Burnout phase starts.. at this point you just need to keep those DoTs burning

I Recently discovered :p that Chaff Flare increases our defense for 6 sec.... nice to see dodge/miss/resist some times when i am focused.

Once i will get my full Oboran i plan to focus my stats on Crit (because we have no auto crit abilities and we need that Rail Shoot to Critically hit every time as possible),

Endurance cause the longer we are alive the more DoTs we an spread/plant ( i had few situations when fighting 1vs1 , that just before i died i manage to throw Thermal Detonator... and wait before clicking re spawn to see a nice death of my enemy "if i am going to die you will die with me!") Not to mention it is vital for your Kolto Overload

I still don't when augmenting to invest in Power or Aim.....

Edited by Nebdar
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to this day i used this configuration



After i have seen yours skill tree i have moved points from Volatile Warhead to 2% more endurance, because in all my WZ matches i can remember i haven't used my Missile Blast not even once.. so i will try this config



My PvP Rotation is

Power Surge + Thermal Override + Fusion Missile whenever is available and there is 3 or more ppl in tight group


1. Thermal Detonator

2. Incidentary Missile

3. Explosive Dart

4. Rail Shot

5. Unload

6. Rail Shot

And ofc Rapid Shots and Unload when you can.......

if the 1-5 combination will have good hit with Crit it can reduce HP to 50-30%.... time for stun or electro net. Our main goal is to push the foes HP below 30% when Burnout phase starts.. at this point you just need to keep those DoTs burning

I Recently discovered :p that Chaff Flare increases our defense for 6 sec.... nice to see dodge/miss/resist some times when i am focused.

Once i will get my full Oboran i plan to focus my stats on Crit (because we have no auto crit abilities and we need that Rail Shoot to Critically hit every time as possible),

Endurance cause the longer we are alive the more DoTs we an spread/plant ( i had few situations when fighting 1vs1 , that just before i died i manage to throw Thermal Detonator... and wait before clicking re spawn to see a nice death of my enemy "if i am going to die you will die with me!") Not to mention it is vital for your Kolto Overload

I still don't invest in Power or Aim.....


Ummmm... I don't even think I'm going to begin to try to respond to this lol

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An extra 2% crit chance will give you 1 extra crit out of 50 attacks so that's up to you to decide. In a 1 minute long Arena, its possible you may not see any additional crits from just 2%. I'm not saying to not take it, I'm just giving an alternate perspective. I switch my build around a lot, because 1 or 2 skill boxes won't make or break you. Sometimes I take points out of that skill box if there is something else I want to mess with for a day.


I think its a pretty standard skill box to take, but at the same time you won't be gimped without it, if you decide to try something else for a bit.




Different topic.....aren't you guys worried about people Cleansing your DoTs? Or do you find that it doesn't happen enough to be worried about?

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An extra 2% crit chance will give you 1 extra crit out of 50 attacks so that's up to you to decide. In a 1 minute long Arena, its possible you may not see any additional crits from just 2%. I'm not saying to not take it, I'm just giving an alternate perspective. I switch my build around a lot, because 1 or 2 skill boxes won't make or break you. Sometimes I take points out of that skill box if there is something else I want to mess with for a day.


I think its a pretty standard skill box to take, but at the same time you won't be gimped without it, if you decide to try something else for a bit.




Different topic.....aren't you guys worried about people Cleansing your DoTs? Or do you find that it doesn't happen enough to be worried about?


This is the build I use, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMcfZfIrrzodcfdz.3, gives me no problems what so ever, I get a 5% extra endurance for a nice little health bump, and its like that 2% never made a difference. I also never go above 40-50 heat.


On the subject of cleansing DoTs, it doesn't always happen, but even if it does, it doesn't take but half a second and very little heat to reinduce Incendiary Missile.

Edited by Hell_Kaiser_Fett
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Different topic.....aren't you guys worried about people Cleansing your DoTs? Or do you find that it doesn't happen enough to be worried about?


Way back in the 1.3 era, most healers had enough experience in fighting pyros (both Merc and PT) that they instinctively knew when to cleanse tech DoTs. But nowadays, that knowledge is mostly lost amongst the player base. Both pyro subclasses are virtually extinct and so are the Watchman/Annihil subclasses. So most healers are simply not in the habit of neutering DoTs.


Also from a positive standpoint, having an enemy healer cleanse your tech DoTs isn't as annoying now, since your longest tail DoT (IM) had its heat cost reduced. Back when IM cost 25 heat, getting that cleansed really did hurt. Now, not as much.

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This is the build I use, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMcfZfIrrzodcfdz.3, gives me no problems what so ever, I get a 5% extra endurance for a nice little health bump, and its like that 2% never made a difference. I also never go above 40-50 heat.


On the subject of cleansing DoTs, it doesn't always happen, but even if it does, it doesn't take but half a second and very little heat to reinduce Incendiary Missile.


Considering pyro now has three dots (or four if you count fusion missile) cleansing is far less of a impact because a healer can't cleanse fast enough.


On a side note, am I missing something? Every one of the build here doesn't take the pushback reduction, which I always figured was a given considering there is nothing more annoying than having my PS cast knocked back to the beginning because some body put a DoT on me

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Considering pyro now has three dots (or four if you count fusion missile) cleansing is far less of a impact because a healer can't cleanse fast enough.


On a side note, am I missing something? Every one of the build here doesn't take the pushback reduction, which I always figured was a given considering there is nothing more annoying than having my PS cast knocked back to the beginning because some body put a DoT on me


In Pyro you shouldnt really be casting unless youre able to free-cast. You can line up for a ED->TD->RS->Unload stop cast-> RS and do some decent burst basically without casting anything.

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Found some weird things yesterday, and did several "Duels' in order to test it out:


at first: Dot's dont seem to stick as long as they should:

I duelled a marauder and my IM stays on for about 5-6 seconds and it's gone. while the tooltip says it's 16 seconds.(Tried this several times, every time it just dissapeared after 5-6 seconds - he had no companion out to "cleanse" him)


also i feel that our damage is very low, that is: Facing a 1100 expertise 30.300 health marauder, (I had 1500 expertise, rest underworld pve gear).

it took me more than a minute to kill him, with the rotations found in this thread.

Also if he had his healer pet out it took me more than 3.5 minutes to kill him (yes really)


the talent spec was right, the rotation was right, I had 400 more expertise than him, and a lot higher aim than in full pvp gear. and it took me so long just to kill 1 guy that was just standing still.. I have really no idea what's going on...


is anyone else having these issues as pyromerc?



On a sidenote: Any suggestions for 1vs1 ing vs a melee-er (assasin/juggernaut/marauder/operative) and vs a sniper?


the only class I seem to be able to safely 1 vs 1 is a sorcerer.

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