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Ideas For How To Make The Commando Healer Better


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Duran'del Here:

The Commando is considered a "Support Class" because we can both heal and deal a decent amount of DPS. However, Operatives/Scoundrels and Sages/Sorcs can also do this. They can actually be better at support than us. So, this is my ideas for a more supportive Commando:

-Less Cast Time, Please: The Commando should be more mobile than any of the other healing classes in the game(It may seem like it's just me QQ, but listen to me). So, we should get more heals with less activation time.

-More Reactive Healing: Trauma probe is great. Not only can we smack this on a teammate and it heals them for a good/decent amount, we don't have to cast it. It's instant, and it heals when they take damage. It's the perfect Anti-AS/Pyro(Then again, that spec sucks). The Commando should get more heals like this.

-Supply Beacon/Cache(New Ability): Recovers a small amount of resources(vents heat, builds up focus/rage, restores force, energy, and Energy cells) over several seconds to nearby teammates and is placed like a kolto bomb.

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Do you realize these comments are supposed to be constructive? Saying 0/10 means NOTHING. At least explain WHY its a 0/10. If you can't provide anything constructive, don't say anything.


I have a hard time believing that you can be oblivious enough to not understand the reaction you got. Complaining about healing times? Really? Commandos already have some of the fastest heals around. Commandos suffer from three big problems.


1) Energy management. In long battles, you will surely run out of energy and your HPS will collapse. Trying to stay above 60 cells in a long battle a joke. A scoundrel stays above 60 energy almost effortlessly though.


2) That stupid, giant light house beam that lets everyone on the other team know exactly where you are and that you need to die. Once you start firing off your free heals from your gun to give your energy a breath to recover, you're painted a giant target on your back in the worst way possible. No one will miss where that healing came from and it lets even the worst PVPers know that they have a clear target.


3) Lack of reliable escapes. After #2 lets everyone know that you have to die, you have no reliable method to escape. Knocking everyone back buys you two seconds of life. Turning on the old boots so you're immune to slows and roots doesn't really help you escape. If you're being gunned down, the tiny speed boost isn't going to get you far enough to avoid being killed. Force speed and cloaking screen are so much better in every way.

Edited by HaoZhao
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I have a hard time believing that you can be oblivious enough to not understand the reaction you got. Complaining about healing times? Really? Commandos already have some of the fastest heals around. Commandos suffer from three big problems.


1) Energy management. In long battles, you will surely run out of energy and your HPS will collapse. Trying to stay above 60 cells in a long battle a joke. A scoundrel stays above 60 energy almost effortlessly though.


2) That stupid, giant light house beam that lets everyone on the other team know exactly where you are and that you need to die. Once you start firing off your free heals from your gun to give your energy a breath to recover, you're painted a giant target on your back in the worst way possible. No one will miss where that healing came from and it lets even the worst PVPers know that they have a clear target.


3) Lack of reliable escapes. After #2 lets everyone know that you have to die, you have no reliable method to escape. Knocking everyone back buys you two seconds of life. Turning on the old boots so you're immune to slows and roots doesn't really help you escape. If you're being gunned down, the tiny speed boost isn't going to get you far enough to avoid being killed. Force speed and cloaking screen are so much better in every way.


I understand people may not like my suggestions, but he was doing nothing to tell me how this thread was a bad idea. all he did was post 2 numbers.

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commando healers in PVE are perfect and in certain scenarios are OP, no other healer can burst heal as well as a mando, and their sustained raid healing is on par with sages.


i highly recommend reading my guide to commando healing, because if you are underperforming in PVE its not the class its you, sorry if you take offence to that.



and here is proof ViA torparse.


the above is a 16M Hm Raptus kill from my own commando healer's perspective

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I agree Commandos can send a tank from 10% to 100% in a a instant. The real issue i think that we have is the fact that we cant do many aoes. We can spam the healing nade but tasking that on top of using probes an Hammer shotting (Green healing lazer) can be challenging if the whole group is getting hit hard. Plus on top of that if you are a lone healer with no support it can be a pain. Commandos are very great healers though, they can keep up in OPS well and can be better than sages or scoundrels if the player is good enough. If you dont believe me look into it. I know for a fact my commando can run any OPS and heal without a issue. Js.
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I agree Commandos can send a tank from 10% to 100% in a a instant. The real issue i think that we have is the fact that we cant do many aoes. We can spam the healing nade but tasking that on top of using probes an Hammer shotting (Green healing lazer) can be challenging if the whole group is getting hit hard. Plus on top of that if you are a lone healer with no support it can be a pain. Commandos are very great healers though, they can keep up in OPS well and can be better than sages or scoundrels if the player is good enough. If you dont believe me look into it. I know for a fact my commando can run any OPS and heal without a issue. Js.


likethe evidence i posted above, that is a group log so you can see what the other healers were doing, another healer i know was in there is a sage healer named rialus and a scoundrel named reaven.


on the lack of AOE i emplore you to check out that parse, the VAST majority of my healing came from koltobomb, people seem to forget that its still roughly a 5K heal to a single person if it crits.

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on the lack of AOE i emplore you to check out that parse, the VAST majority of my healing came from koltobomb, people seem to forget that its still roughly a 5K heal to a single person if it crits.


Its amazing how many people don't use Kolto bomb enough, its imo one of best healing abilitys.

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likethe evidence i posted above, that is a group log so you can see what the other healers were doing, another healer i know was in there is a sage healer named rialus and a scoundrel named reaven.


on the lack of AOE i emplore you to check out that parse, the VAST majority of my healing came from koltobomb, people seem to forget that its still roughly a 5K heal to a single person if it crits.


Don't forget the bonus healing ticks. I like getting a 10-18k heal bomb every 5s + 1k-2k bonus tick puddle per player that is a bit larger than the bomb itself 8m I think (16m end to end).


BTW thanks for the guide. It has made my healing capacity jump immensely, I used to have power outage issues, because I would spam the long cast heal and just drain my power.


Now if we could only change the love beam to match the crystal color, I would be in happy land.


If I had any ideas for improvement, I would like some ability to heal on the run, maybe while activating hold the line or your shield. I would prefer that to the single use no energy skill.




Have a resource generating cloud. Have the kolto bomb change based on the cell used.

CS: no change

Armor Piercing Cell: yellow energy pool gain for 10%

Plasma Cell: boosts the damage of dots by 10%

Would make mando a very important class to have around your slingers, balance consulars, and watchman sents. It would be easy to fill in the rotation to throw down a bomb every cd without affecting dps. It would then be a choice between heals, energy generation, or dot boost.

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Back when i Played Commando i used Green Heal beam on allies while on the move, also Kolo boom i could use on myself and others and would often use that if i was running from a tough mob.


the problem with Commandos heals in PVP is they are all big beacons to the Commando, it always got me in trouble so i switched to DPS, I kinda think if the Probes were invisible to the enemy it wouldn't attract so much attention, same green healbeam

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On 8 man is good enough that it's a shame some ppl don't use as often as they should. On 16, that kolto bomb is just absurdly good, since those ticks from kolto pads don't have a limit on how many people they affect.


Not to mention supercharged cell gives the 5% reduction to everyone the residue heals also. You can have in a perfect world 5% less damage being dealt out to your whole ops group in one spell. With near 100% up time.


Things like this are what make the commando/merc so strong in my opinion. Its not a huge amount of defense but the longer the fight goes the more effective health you have added ops wide all around. I love the ability and really think its sad how many people don't see it as one of the best heals in game.

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2) That stupid, giant light house beam that lets everyone on the other team know exactly where you are and that you need to die. Once you start firing off your free heals from your gun to give your energy a breath to recover, you're painted a giant target on your back in the worst way possible. No one will miss where that healing came from and it lets even the worst PVPers know that they have a clear target..


the biggest mistery about Mando Heals and a completeley Fail to not Use Hammershot.

Bad Players don´t interesting what you do, no matte if you use hammershot or not. And Good Players will mark you as healer within the first 10 Seconds of a Match, after you have thrown your first Colto Bomb or Cast the first heal.


I like the Animation, and i use Hammershot as Filler between Casts and Kolto Bomb and to not fall with my HPS, when a Cast is not needed.

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