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Bioware's monday morning.


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and this:


you responded to a ralph koster quote with a quote from andryah. you may not have noticed this, but one of those people makes stuff up as a way to beg for attention....

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you responded to a ralph koster quote with a quote from andryah. you may not have noticed this, but one of those people makes stuff up as a way to beg for attention....


Which is irrelevant. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Nothing in what I quoted from her post is wrong or made up. It is spot on.

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If someone comes up to you and says they can't do something and you keep asking them to do it, that's the exact "dogging" someone to do something. They can't do it and have explained its not happening. Asking again is the definition of insanity.


What do you think is going to happen? Bioware is going to come back and go "oh sorry, were making space PvE now".


Not gonna happen right now buddy. Get over it.


We might see something in a major expansion late in the game's life. Maybe.


Hello this is planet earth have we met?


Get over what exactly? I have neve once asked for sssp mich less for it to be pve i dont give a flying fricj about it so maybee you should go check who youre talking to before you drone on you fanbio defende of all things bioware trAsh. If u are going to attack somebod for something make sure they did what you are accusing them of you jerk

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If the screen is broken on a digital clock it will never be right. And if the hands are broken on a standard clock, it will never be right either. So if a certain person is like a broken clock, they may never be right at all xp


Well, I guess history has been made because, again, there was nothing off base in the post that I quoted.

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Well, I guess history has been made because, again, there was nothing off base in the post that I quoted.


Any feedback that describes a problem can be useful no matter the tone as long as you are not too arrogant and willing to listen. That is the true skill of those good at customer service.

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Actually a broken clock is right twice a day. And as far as customer service they get treated as they treat us. I cant count the times this whole community has been ignored and brushed aside so why should we treat them any better ?


If nice questions get ignored all the same as flames id rather at least accomplish getting somethig off my chest with a flame since it will be ignored no matter how i say it

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Its the same everywhere in all industries. Try running a retail shop and constantly pasting a notice that the shop will be closed for 2-6 hour maintenance a few times every week and you see whether you will have complaints heaped on you. Or running a Internet Service provider business and telling your customer that their internet link will be out-of-service from PDT 3 am - 5 am today to fixed yesterday's issues (which also brought down the link for a few hours).


I think on the contrary, ppl working in MMO game industry has a good time compared to other industries because they can get away with unregulated and unlimited quota of downtime that they can utilized as and when they wish.

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I mean, you wake up, hit your work desk on a monday morning, which hits like a truck for everyone, and first thing you got to do is go through the piles of whining, entitlment, swearing, and all sorts of messages, polite or not, which all bring down to the same message " your game sucks , blah blah blah "


Give'em a break. :(


LOL, why should their job be any more cheerful than anyone elses :D

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You say improvement of the game as if they actually read, listen or impliment player feeeback which they dont or else sssp wouldnt be pvp they did it as a shortcut because they didnt have the chops to do it pve
So you found a public playpen that doesn't have a babysitter populated by a collection of punching bags that don't hit back. Good for you. You win.


For the record, they do read. They just don't entertain hate mail. Though I have every confidence you will maliciously fabricate whatever you must to invalidate it. Astute adults who get it know better. ;)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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So you found a public playpen that doesn't have a babysitter populated by a collection of punching bags that don't hit back. Good for you. You win.


For the record, they do read. They just don't entertain hate mail. Though I have every confidence you will maliciously fabricate whatever you must to invalidate it. Astute adults who get it know better. ;)


They dont entertain anything

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In your world they never will. Fortunately the game doesn't reside in your world.


Oh boy one example they read a thread so tou assume they read everything. Just like the courts i run on evidence and so far out of every nicely worded question or concern theyve answered zero. So that world you think i live in. Its called reality

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I think their Mondays are more than run of the mill since most major updates and fixes happen on Tuesday. I figure it goes something like this.


-Get to the office. Grab a cup of coffee and dig through email and wait for the crap storm.

-Mid way through the third sip of coffee: emergency meeting gets called in the conference room.

-Test has found a major issue with the patch over the weekend. All hands on deck.

-Gulp down the rest of the coffee and go into the meeting fearing the worst.

-The worst occurs. Devs are going to have to rework the patch in 12 hours so QA can test it right before release.

-Devs told in no uncertain terms they can't miss the deadline.

-Cancel lunch. Call spouse and tell him or her, they won't be home for dinner.

-Look at the clock. 8:15 am.

Edited by Rafaman
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I think their Mondays are more than run of the mill since most major updates and fixes happen on Tuesday. I figure it goes something like this.


-Get to the office. Grab a cup of coffee and dig through email and wait for the crap storm.

-Mid way through the third sip of coffee: emergency meeting gets called in the conference room.

-Test has found a major issue with the patch over the weekend. All hands on deck.

-Gulp down the rest of the coffee and go into the meeting fearing the worst.

- sleep through meeting

-The worst occurs. Devs are going to have to rework the patch in 12 hours so QA can test it right before release.

- log in to facebook. play candy crush.

-run out of lives in candy crush. get pissed and release armor with new skin from paint brush so you can afford to buy more lives.

-Devs told in no uncertain terms they can't miss the deadline.

- play more candy crush. wish you were working for znyga.

-Cancel lunch. Call spouse and tell him or her, they won't be home for dinner.

- grab a couple beers

-Look at the clock. 8:15 am.

maybe it's somewhere in between.

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Fanboi praise and worst-case-scenario-contingency-management aside, where does the hate come from? Not necessarily the actual issue being flamed, but from this:


Everything in the game, from top to bottom, and especially the "content" of each patch is aimed at sucking money out of you. Either by hooking F2Ps and turning them into subscribers, or through the cartel market. They are not developing the game so that it gets better, they are trying to maintain it at a level of sustainability so that they can keep sucking money out of you indefinitely.


Sure, it is a business and must make money to survive, but I argue that there are much more elegant ways to do that. The money grab issue of SWTOR is too in-your-face, and that is the seed of hate that sets people off.

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Which is irrelevant. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Nothing in what I quoted from her post is wrong or made up. It is spot on.


the post you quoted from the attention seeking forum troll was full of ****, as always (i'm not saying your post was full of ****, that refers to the post you quoted). that whole ralph koster feedback thing was about finding constructive criticism in places that may not appear to be constructive. even posts that look mean or complaining often have some useful criticism in them, if you can find it. andryah's position is consistently to blow off any opinion that is critical of this game and respond in a condescending and off topic way. justifying her condescension by saying the posts she replies to are not constructive is not useful.


if you're not smart enough to find the useful part of a critical post, then please understand the reason is likely not because there is no useful criticism in the post, it's because you just didn't find it.

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the post you quoted from the attention seeking forum troll was full of ****, as always (i'm not saying your post was full of ****, that refers to the post you quoted). that whole ralph koster feedback thing was about finding constructive criticism in places that may not appear to be constructive. even posts that look mean or complaining often have some useful criticism in them, if you can find it. andryah's position is consistently to blow off any opinion that is critical of this game and respond in a condescending and off topic way. justifying her condescension by saying the posts she replies to are not constructive is not useful.


if you're not smart enough to find the useful part of a critical post, then please understand the reason is likely not because there is no useful criticism in the post, it's because you just didn't find it.


^ what he said. And that was my post quoted about the clock. Cause my clock is broke

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Oh boy one example they read a thread so tou assume they read everything. Just like the courts i run on evidence and so far out of every nicely worded question or concern theyve answered zero. So that world you think i live in. Its called reality


And here in real life it's been said numerous times, by the devs and community managers, that they read the forum but they can't possibly respond to every post. There are many reasons why and one of them being that the players on the forums have a habit of taking things out of context. (A great article was just posted about this yesterday.)


Sometimes they aren't going to change things even if the players ask for it because its their game and they don't agree with the change.


As the consumer its up to you to decide if its worth your money or not to play. Be a better consumer and you'll be much happier.

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And here in real life it's been said numerous times, by the devs and community managers, that they read the forum but they can't possibly respond to every post. There are many reasons why and one of them being that the players on the forums have a habit of taking things out of context. (A great article was just posted about this yesterday.)


Sometimes they aren't going to change things even if the players ask for it because its their game and they don't agree with the change.


As the consumer its up to you to decide if its worth your money or not to play. Be a better consumer and you'll be much happier.


I am a good consumer because i pay specifically for the right to point out their problems. Nobody is asking for a response to every question you know just maybe once in a blue moon say when a topic gets over 170 pages long

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the post you quoted from the attention seeking forum troll was full of ****, as always (i'm not saying your post was full of ****, that refers to the post you quoted). that whole ralph koster feedback thing was about finding constructive criticism in places that may not appear to be constructive. even posts that look mean or complaining often have some useful criticism in them, if you can find it. andryah's position is consistently to blow off any opinion that is critical of this game and respond in a condescending and off topic way. justifying her condescension by saying the posts she replies to are not constructive is not useful.


if you're not smart enough to find the useful part of a critical post, then please understand the reason is likely not because there is no useful criticism in the post, it's because you just didn't find it.

Well said sir!

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the post you quoted from the attention seeking forum troll was full of ****, as always (i'm not saying your post was full of ****, that refers to the post you quoted). that whole ralph koster feedback thing was about finding constructive criticism in places that may not appear to be constructive. even posts that look mean or complaining often have some useful criticism in them, if you can find it. andryah's position is consistently to blow off any opinion that is critical of this game and respond in a condescending and off topic way. justifying her condescension by saying the posts she replies to are not constructive is not useful.


if you're not smart enough to find the useful part of a critical post, then please understand the reason is likely not because there is no useful criticism in the post, it's because you just didn't find it.





Except that you need to read it in context.

True. Any quote used to forward a position in an argument needs to be read in context. Do I really need to point out how many times things have been taken out of context and thus the true meaning of what was being quoted was changed because of it - not only in gaming forums, but every day in Real Life?


Mr Koster is not an advocate of ranty, bratty, non-constructive feedback.

Again, true. He understands its usefulness but still does not advocate its use over well formulated and informative constructive feedback.


His point is that feedback that is constructive (even if highly critical in nature) is valuable and people who receive feedback should listen to said feedback (which by the way should not be confused as meaning they must embrace said feedback without thought and purpose).

Seems to me that the "White Knight" here is just re-stating what Koster said himself in the article. I see nothing here that indicates that she disagrees, or is "blowing off" the points made in the article.


His blog on feedback from games will now be used out of context by every game hater on the planet for the next decade... as we have already seen here in this thread.

Absolutely, 100% true. We have decades of evidence that cannot be denied that it will be done - hence the first point I made above. Happens every day, every where.

Edited by BJWyler
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