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easy fix for pvp


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there is a simple and extremely easy fix to make commandos finally viable for pvp... make it so they can cast while moving.. makes total sense gunslingers and snipers are uninterruptable and can not be lept to so they can keep dpsing but mandos and mercs get shut down if they get focused at all give us casting while moving and that should level the playing field
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Give Commando/Merc upon advanced class selection an ability called Position Secured. While active, you cannot move, but you are immune to interrupts and pushbacks. It lasts 10 seconds and on a 45 second cooldown timer. The middle tree has a box that increases the amount of seconds it lasts, the left tree has a box to increase ammo regen while in Positioned Secured, and the right tree has a box that increases armor rating and defense chance. This would give Troopers and Bounty Hunters our version of Hunker Down ( gunslinger/sniper ability ). Edited by Arehonn
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Guys, I think it's better to post your suggestions in "Answers" thread in Mercenery forum section. BW still looking how to change Commando/Mercs and gethering feedback. I think they still monitoring "Answers" thread.
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Guys, I think it's better to post your suggestions in "Answers" thread in Mercenery forum section. BW still looking how to change Commando/Mercs and gethering feedback. I think they still monitoring "Answers" thread.


Is it confirmed they looking at the class?

Yes ive lost my faith hehe

Edited by SWEtree
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Or even something as simple as an "escape" like both the other healing classes.


I'd like to see a jet pack of sorts, instant 15-30m gap generator in the direction your facing. Relatively low cooldown, something comparable to force speed or scoundrel roll. Would help us with surviving WZ's using LOS, getting to help etc....


Never understood why both other classes have amazing escapes and distracting abilities in wz's but the mando gets little in comparison. If they don't want us to "escape" like the other classes at least give us something OP to the same effect as theirs, like reactive shield and all its buffs on a reduced cooldown to 30-45s.


I don't have a scoundrel but play with lots and understand why they are so amazing in WZ's. My sage with his instant force armor and force speed every 20s makes them amazing in wz's and very hard to kill. Would love something to bring us in line with the other classes. I love healing wz's on my sage but stay away from them on my mando for these reasons.

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