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New to the merc needing info on the best way to set up the quickbars for arsenal


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Count how many times he gets interrupted. It might even be 0......



How you set up your toolbars is a personal preference thing. Experiment a bit and see what you like best


I just love how he goes out of his way to click the sidebar tracers. And later, he beats a merc 1v1 who is actually doing the rotation properly lol


But on topic, I agree with it being more preference than anything..

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Of course its totally preference but since you asked, here are my random thoughts. My input is simply for positioning of abilities on the toolbars for quick visual reference. I am not making any suggestions on what keys to actually map them to. My point is to make it visually easy/quick to see your attacks and if they are on cooldown or not.


Main attacks (with CD):

(top row) Heatseeker, Railshot, Explosive Dart, Unload

(bottom row) Tracer, Rocket Punch, Death From Above, Fusion Missile


This takes up 8 spaces and makes a nice little "block" that contains all your CD attacks. Couple notes:

1) Any attack that doesn't have a CD can be put on a shrunken toolbar off to the side. If you don't need to see the button, don't map it to prime real estate. (Still map it to a key, but visually seeing the toolbar button is not necessary)

Example of buttons not needed in main bars: Vehicle, Throw the Huttball, Rapid Shots, Sweeping Blasters, etc

2) Tracer is the only non-CD attack here, but you need to be able to quickly see the tracer icon to be able to tell when its been locked out via interrupt


Two types of defensive cooldowns that I group together for visual ease:

1) Electro Dart, Concussion Missile, Knockback

2) Energy Shield, Kolto Overload, Chaff Flare, WZ Medpack, WZ Adrenal


The first type I use one at a time, the second type I usually as many as needed so I be sure to keep the 2nd type in an area where I can mouse click all of them in a row if needed. (One of the few times I mouse click things...when I'm running for my life)

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Ita all very subjective and what I always tell people is to put things you use in comfortable places. Its also good to have a modifier (shift, ctrl, alt, etc...) button to double up all of your keys. I'll post my bindings when I get back to a computer.


I use 1234 Q E as my base since those are the keys I find easiest to hit and I use Shift and Ctrl as modifiers to basically make it so I have everything bound to something.


1 Explosive Dart

2 Electro Net

3 Chaff Flare

4 Interrupt

8 Emergency Fleet Pass

9 Quick Travel

0 Jet Boots

- Vehicle

= Recharge and Reload

Q Tracer Missile

E Rapid Shots

Sh+1 Hydraulic Overrides

Sh+2 Jet Boost

Sh+3 Flame Thrower

Sh+4 Adrenal

Sh+Q Heatseeker Missiles

Sh+E Rail Shot

Sh+R Energy Shield

Sh+T Death From Above

Sh+F Unload

Sh+G Kolto Missile

Sh+H Kolto Override

Sh+C Fusion Missile

Sh+V Thermal Sensor Overrides

Sh+B Power Surge

Ctrl+1 Cure

Ctrl+2 Missile Blast

Ctrl+3 Power Shot

Ctrl+4 Sweeping Blasters

Ctrl+Q Rapid Scan

Ctrl+E Healing Scan

Ctrl+C Combat Support Cylinder

Ctrl+V High Velocity Gas Cylinder

Ctrl+B Combustible Gas Cylinder

Ctrl+R Buff


That list covers most of it (I left off some of the stuff that doesn't need to be mentioned like legacy abilities etc...) and while it looks huge there is a lot that doesn't actually need to be bound. Heals, for example, don't need to be bound though I would recommend having Kolto Missile and Cure bound since they are great for helping out your group or saving your own butt. None of the 8-= keys need to be bound either. Or your Cylinders. I just like having it all bound so I don't have to click anything.


Its also listed just going down the rows on a keyboard which makes it look more confusing than it actually is. My main attacks are 2/Q/E/Sh+Q/Sh+E/Sh+F which lets me hit them all very easily with my ring/middle/index fingers and leave my pinky on the shift key for modifiers. I've been using this set up for several years now so its all pretty solidly in my head which is why it works so well for me (though its been simplified a bit more recently since I bought a new mouse with some more buttons on it.

Edited by kennethdale
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Of course its totally preference but since you asked, here are my random thoughts. My input is simply for positioning of abilities on the toolbars for quick visual reference. I am not making any suggestions on what keys to actually map them to. My point is to make it visually easy/quick to see your attacks and if they are on cooldown or not.


Main attacks (with CD):

(top row) Heatseeker, Railshot, Explosive Dart, Unload

(bottom row) Tracer, Rocket Punch, Death From Above, Fusion Missile


This takes up 8 spaces and makes a nice little "block" that contains all your CD attacks. Couple notes:

1) Any attack that doesn't have a CD can be put on a shrunken toolbar off to the side. If you don't need to see the button, don't map it to prime real estate. (Still map it to a key, but visually seeing the toolbar button is not necessary)

Example of buttons not needed in main bars: Vehicle, Throw the Huttball, Rapid Shots, Sweeping Blasters, etc

2) Tracer is the only non-CD attack here, but you need to be able to quickly see the tracer icon to be able to tell when its been locked out via interrupt


Two types of defensive cooldowns that I group together for visual ease:

1) Electro Dart, Concussion Missile, Knockback

2) Energy Shield, Kolto Overload, Chaff Flare, WZ Medpack, WZ Adrenal


The first type I use one at a time, the second type I usually as many as needed so I be sure to keep the 2nd type in an area where I can mouse click all of them in a row if needed. (One of the few times I mouse click things...when I'm running for my life)


You, sir, always provide useful information that I enjoy reading. Thanks! :)

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