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So, the devs Non-commitment to story is going to really be put to the test...


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Who knows if it will end up being anything, since every new MMO is hyped as the best thing ever, and shortly after expectations come back down to earth.



But Elder Scrolls Online is following the lead of the Original BioWare Team - story first, Voice acting, only in an open world setting it seems.


Open World aside, it looks like the emphasis on story mixed with voice acting makes the game an interesting counterpoint to SWTOR, that is getting away from a personal story and instead trying to go the cheap route by making faction stories every so often (which really makes the class stories feel like a waste of time, as at least in the current stories your legacy from the class stories isn't carried on whatsoever, other than some very cheap, lame pieces of throwaway dialogue before you get to a quest that hasn't properly been explained what it has to do with you given your class story - really BAD writing and creativity on that part).


People in almost every cantina stop ask about class stories continuing in some form. Eric keeps ignoring it and touting faction stories with no real compromises.


If Elder Scrolls can at least deliver on story, Bioware better watch out...

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I haven't liked playing RPG's since the "early days" of PC gaming in the mid 80's (I know some people will argue with that terminology/time frame, but that's a side issue).


King's Quest

Space Quest.


Games from that era.


RPG's since then, even KOTOR 1 & 2 are just things I've never been able to enjoy. My first MMO was SWG. This is my second. I play(ed) both because it's Star Wars...not the RPG factor.


Personally, I'm good with how Bioware is doing it, making stories for the areas as opposed to each class. This way I can run through the story once on each side and skip through it for my other toons. I've completed the class story for each class, and there seems to be a logical stopping point in the story that can lead into multiple new 'planet' quests. The only time I'd really like to see new class stories is if they ever introduce a new class. Beyond that, I think it's fine the way it is.

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Zenimax is running the established lore into the ground. The amount of stuff they're retconning, getting wrong, or completely trivializing from the previous games is embarassing to any longtime fan; which is as planned, since the game is targetted to casual Skyrim kids.


My biggest gripe is skooma, the drug. It's illegal to deal in both the finished drug or moonsugar, its unrefined state(except the cat people, who will always take it under the table). Oblivion and Skyrim "expanded" on it by making the moonsugar less illegal, but ESO is outright turning a powerful narcotic into a sweet candy treat. :mad:

Edited by ImpactHound
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Over the years I've learned that about a year before every MMO launch, a humongous effort is made by a special PR-team to promote the game with false promises, over-hyped features and flat out lies. WAR had especially mastered this (Remember that Paul Barnett scumbag?) but every MMO has done so, including SWTOR.


I'm looking forward to giving ESO a try, but I'm not holding my breath, when an MMO looks too good on paper, it probably doesn't turn out quite so.


I mean, from the ESO website and screenshots/video's you apparently get:

- An amazing looking free roaming world;

- Awesome indepth crafting system;

- Skill-based combat;

- Complete character customisability;

- Epic 3-way realm vs realm battles with a control mechanic over provinces;

- Adventure zones;

- Fully voiced NPC's;

- Personal Stories

- etc..etc..

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Zenimax is running the established lore into the ground. The amount of stuff they're retconning, getting wrong, or completely trivializing from the previous games is embarassing to any longtime fan; which is as planned, since the game is targetted to casual Skyrim kids.


Sometimes, its good to reboot a property.

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People in almost every cantina stop ask about class stories continuing in some form. Eric keeps ignoring it and touting faction stories with no real compromises.


If he's said "Ain't happenin'," what else is there to say or compromise about? Until something big changes it doesn't seem to be in the cards. Live with it.

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well, one of the problems with this game, is just the ****** work. Just look at the group finder. That is a huge joke. It hasnt been fixed. And some retard decided you shouln't be able to invite someone, after someone has left. So we are left with this ****** solution, that has now done, so i cant get any ultimate commedations this week, due to 1 that dc, and the GF just bugging out for the million time, so you cant get an replacement. And if you mark of the ops you didnt finish, you just wont get any coms. I wonder if they do drugs or just think or ways to piss off and **** it up for people.
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Over the years I've learned that about a year before every MMO launch, a humongous effort is made by a special PR-team to promote the game with false promises, over-hyped features and flat out lies. WAR had especially mastered this (Remember that Paul Barnett scumbag?) but every MMO has done so, including SWTOR.


I'm looking forward to giving ESO a try, but I'm not holding my breath, when an MMO looks too good on paper, it probably doesn't turn out quite so.


I mean, from the ESO website and screenshots/video's you apparently get:

- An amazing looking free roaming world;

- Awesome indepth crafting system;

- Skill-based combat;

- Complete character customisability;

- Epic 3-way realm vs realm battles with a control mechanic over provinces;

- Adventure zones;

- Fully voiced NPC's;

- Personal Stories

- etc..etc..



Oh yeah, MMOs do have a tendency to overhype and under-deliver. Take Story content in SWTOR :eek:


I think if there were a renewed commitment to story and to getting the story right, I'd feel better about the SWTOR property. They don't need to replicate 1-50 going forward, but if they'd only


1) Not discard your story accomplishments when doing their planetary stories when it comes to tasks and dialogue and then try to pave it over with cheap lines like "Hi Emperor's Wrath/Sith Council member! Now here's some grunt work!" - it'd be wise to employ the emperor's hands as VOs when assigning missions to the Warrior to make him feel like there are things there that coincide with the Emperor's grand scheme for instance. Better writing and explanations for the Sith Council member and the Imp Spy should be done as well, especially for spy since 3 very different outcomes were at the end of the story.


2) integrate some class story elements into the overall planetary story that keep the character's personal story going. People want a continuing PERSONAL story. Continuing the War is cool too, but its too impersonal. You can't tell me its out of the realm of possibility to put 2-3 class quests per class in a Planet that coincide with a player's personal story yet also integrate with the overall planetary story - Imagine if you're a sith inquizzy and you're thinking "oh, grunt work again, bah" but then you realize you're doing it as a cover to get some prized sith artifact hidden in hostile territory on that planet - now THAT would be better writing and real motivation for a dark council member to get involved in grunt work, while still also playing with the duality of the sith and why they do things.


Just seems to me the writing has taken a major hit in terms of quality since they let a lot of the story advocate devs go...

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If he's said "Ain't happenin'," what else is there to say or compromise about? Until something big changes it doesn't seem to be in the cards. Live with it.


Just like Eric and Bioware will have to live with it if fans start to bail because the story, what the key pillar of the game was before launch, continues to be shoddy going forward with no real personal feel.


Works both ways. I am just saying there is a better way.

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I only care about my PvP.




I thought you were unsubbed. How do you care so much about something you have literal no participation in?


P.S. I know your going to brandish your White Knight quips at me. For reference I do not condone EA's business practices. I understand them and do not fault them for it, but it is unethical. This does not demonize them in amy way. I know from the ground up they are a company that employs people. All these people are getting paid. I applaud them on keeping jobs open, and replacing people that don't graft. I also do not condone uninformed banter for the sake of demonizing.

If you want to dispute things with EA, or BW there are open commities that you can mail into, and they will read over your complaints. If they are not just negative drivel, and receive enough backing they will be presented to people that make things happen. A community forum is not the place for it. Some people come here to get information, others to actually commune. You are working towards neither of these goals.

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Just like Eric and Bioware will have to live with it if fans start to bail because the story, what the key pillar of the game was before launch, continues to be shoddy going forward with no real personal feel.


Works both ways. I am just saying there is a better way.


I agree. They are making their bed, and they must lay in it. I have hopes that they will do another content release shortly after the space pvp to help increase the amount of PVE and story. I will not hold my breath on the matter.

I do not agree with the story becoming shoddy though. It is a major if not "the" major immersion factor that this game has over many other MMOs. I would dare say it has some of the best written stories for a game release in the past 5 years. I have not played every game so I can not compare directly to everything. This is also my personal opinion on the matter.

A direct correlation to this, and highly regarded as one of the best series in gaming recently would be Mass Effect ( particularly the third installment). Great game with a good story. Ending disappointed, but you can not please everyone. I know a bunch of people enjoyed it. Also Halo (particularly the fourth installment) Great game with a great story. Master Chief was not his usual, silent, stoic self. Both games I feel fail to deliver a story board as entertaining as SWTOR. Again my own opinion.

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Zenimax is running the established lore into the ground. The amount of stuff they're retconning, getting wrong, or completely trivializing from the previous games is embarassing to any longtime fan; which is as planned, since the game is targetted to casual Skyrim kids.


My biggest gripe is skooma, the drug. It's illegal to deal in both the finished drug or moonsugar, its unrefined state(except the cat people, who will always take it under the table). Oblivion and Skyrim "expanded" on it by making the moonsugar less illegal, but ESO is outright turning a powerful narcotic into a sweet candy treat. :mad:


I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan.I started with Morrowind.

I avoid reading anything about ESO because i want it to be as fresh possible when i first log in.But if what you say is true then i guess i will spend more time here than in ESO,as opposed to the 50:50 that i planned.



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I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan.I started with Morrowind.

I avoid reading anything about ESO because i want it to be as fresh possible when i first log in.But if what you say is true then i guess i will spend more time here than in ESO,as opposed to the 50:50 that i planned.




The Elder Scrolls themselves are a trophy in faction-wide pvp to capture for buffs. :(

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Who knows if it will end up being anything, since every new MMO is hyped as the best thing ever, and shortly after expectations come back down to earth.


Devs ARE committed to story.. it's just that they have moved from class specific story to faction specific story. I get that some people are bent that post 50 story is not class specific.. but to claim they are not committed to story is hyperbole.


As for what other MMOs do/don't_do.... each stands on it's own merits, or lack of. I would say however that MMO players really should have learned by now not to count their MMO chickens before they are hatched. Players continue to set themselves up for disappointment when they set personal expectations toward games.

Edited by Andryah
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I will be checking out TESO when it comes out if it achieves half of what it promises it will be a good game, just seen the character creation video and I don't think anyone could deny it blows TOR out of the water. If it brings story and VO with open world content and mass PvP battles (not fight clubbing arenas) it would be hard not to enjoy it.


As for lore if they want to take a substance and make it legal I really don't care. I have enjoyed the Elder Scrolls games since Arena but this is going to be a new take on it and I will have fun learning new lore.


I don't know what the BW team have planned to keep people in TOR, I do know the SSSP isn't it as it is at best a mini game for PvPers, now if it had been JTL that would be another thing. Is there a boxed expansion in the works lets hope so with progressed class story. As it stands though TOR seems to be on a small crew and maybe its not going to try and compete with TESO. Without the sand box element to the game TOR will find it hard to compete unless it can keep bring new content or open world elements such as TESO faction sieges and warfare. Spring 2014 may prove interesting.

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I will be checking out TESO when it comes out if it achieves half of what it promises it will be a good game, just seen the character creation video and I don't think anyone could deny it blows TOR out of the water. If it brings story and VO with open world content and mass PvP battles (not fight clubbing arenas) it would be hard not to enjoy it.


As for lore if they want to take a substance and make it legal I really don't care. I have enjoyed the Elder Scrolls games since Arena but this is going to be a new take on it and I will have fun learning new lore.


Stopped reading right there. You're an animal.

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I will be checking out TESO when it comes out if it achieves half of what it promises it will be a good game, just seen the character creation video and I don't think anyone could deny it blows TOR out of the water. If it brings story and VO with open world content and mass PvP battles (not fight clubbing arenas) it would be hard not to enjoy it.


Wow...just watched that video...it reminded me that it took Bioware a year to add a freaking cat head to the game, that system is amazing! Very hard not to like what you see...very hard!

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Wow...just watched that video...it reminded me that it took Bioware a year to add a freaking cat head to the game, that system is amazing! Very hard not to like what you see...very hard!


My only gripes with the character creator is the huge shift in visual style. Kha'jit and Argonian look fine, but orcs are sketchy, especially females. Bosmer have been beautified to laughable levels. The rest of the races are ok, no comment.

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