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What stat shoud you stack nowadays?


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Hey. I have resubbed and started playing swtor again after more than a year and have a question.


What stat (accuracy, power...) should you stack nowadays? Back in my days, it was mostly crit and surge, is this still the case or has it changed? Thank you!

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Well, I am not entirely sure with these numbers anymore but if you first cap accuracy to 100 Ranged 110 Tech, ~200ish crit and everything else to power (+surge) you are on right track.


There are varying numbers especially with Crit for arsenal merc in PvE guides but most of them speak numbers in between 200 and 290. Some people favor pure power, but I am not so sure of that with 78 gear.


The optimal accuracy is about 100.4% (110,4 tech) as far as I know.

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