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New Merc Player looking for Advice


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I am new to merc, and I mainly PvP. I plan to play arsenal and I have a couple of questions:


1- I assume that I should drop all critic in favor of power since there is no bonus to surge. Is that correct?


2- Accuracy, should I stick to zero from gear? Only unload and RS are impacted by accuracy, and I can live with 93% on them.


3- Eliminator set is the way to go?


4- What is the best build? I was thinking of http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300McZrccRrdRkfbsZf.3, then I felt http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000cZrfcRrdRkfrsZc.3 might be better for PvP.


5- I assume the play strategy is to align TM and unload (casts) while stationery and RS and HM (instants) while moving. I understand there are other skills in rotation, but these are the rotation primary.


6- Should arsenal ever use power shot? TM seemed better in every aspect with the same exact cast time and use.


7- Should I reserve EN for healers? I always see it cast on me while playing melee, and outside 1v1 (which rarely happens) its a complete waste.


8- Fusion missile does little damage considering the heat cost. Should it be used only in occasion that enemies are piled up? Same question for blaster sweep (I can't remember if this is the correct name).

Edited by Ottoattack
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