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Rewards for F2P? You're joking right...


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Free-to-Play Access Rewards

(February 4, 2014 – Ongoing)


Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Suit

Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Suit

Available to all players with a SWTOR account during this period.


Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.

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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


You get it sooner plus other goodies. Quit whining.

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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


I have a CE, and i get......................




pretty much.

Edited by Osoygatitalove
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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


And this affects you... how? You get extra stuffs. You get stuffs early. Put a lid on it.

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I have a CE, and i get......................
















pretty much.


hey now, we get some pretty terrible looking dyes!


though the black/yellow dye on the series 505 cybernetic set makes me looking like an evil Bumblebee (the Transformer)

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So they get two new armor sets big deal. They have to wait 2 months longer then subs and just over a month longer then preferred. subs will gain more xp which F2P and Preferred have to use CC for. Subs get 2-3 Paint Jobs plus two titles. So why is it bad that everyone gets the armor for free? :rak_02:
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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


With out free to play players, who still spend money in the cash shop, this game would be EMPTY.


Why do you think all the free to play items exist in the cash shop? It is so people who do not want to pay a subscription can pay in ways that cater to their game play.


Think of a subscription as basic cable, lots of channels you probably never watch and some you do, and free to play as paying only for the 4 channels you actually watch.

Edited by illgot
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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


Don't worry about what other people get, worry about what you get. Subs get everything free players get, then they get more, then they get it early. Looks like there's nothing to worry about.

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How about this. Start a new account and play that F2P and see how rewarding you think it is.


Exactly! lolz


Less XP, 5 WZ a week. NO customer support. NO posting in the forums. Limited FP's. The list goes on.

And in just this instance, they have to wait till Feb when everyone else will have been playing this and be completely leveled/geared.


Lay off & quit whining, OP. lolz You just make yourself sound like a spoiled brat person.

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They are just the basic Republic and Empire armors for pilots. Is this really spaz-fest worthy? It's not even really a "reward". Everyone gets it, and from what the ad page says, it's something given ongoing to everyone. So, basically, they are just trying to make it sound like everyone is getting "rewards".
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Keep chipping away at sub benefits and they will lose them all together. Really getting something earlier is a crap perk id gladly wait and be able to get it free

Go ahead and unsubscribe, then.


As for me, I'm content with my Monthly allowance of CC and early access to all updates.

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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


That's how America works these days, in case you hadn't noticed :cool:

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hey now, we get some pretty terrible looking dyes!


though the black/yellow dye on the series 505 cybernetic set makes me looking like an evil Bumblebee (the Transformer)


Hadn't thought about that, that might look decent actually.

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Go ahead and unsubscribe, then.


As for me, I'm content with my Monthly allowance of CC and early access to all updates.


Never said i would unsub. But i will when a better game comes out. L2 read. Just because your content with scraps doesnt mean everyone is or that it is right. Whats right ror you isnt for everyone

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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.


Interesting negative glass half empty mindset IMO.


I look at it differently. Subs get the new xpac on day one and they start working the PvP and gearing up their ships. Preferred have to wait until the shiny is worn off and they are a lap or two behind subs....to get access. And Freebs have to wait even longer.. longer to the point where they will be at a disadvantage (geared ship wise) to subs to the point that they will have to scratch and claw their way into a competitive footing in space PvP. And by the time they finally catch up.. it's "old news" content.... but you can relish knowing they will be your cannon fodder to easy victories. :D


Protip Pal: this approach is an incentive to gain subscribers.... Space PvPers who will not want to wait months to get access to the content. ;) It's also going to teach a painful lesson to late adopters ----> if you want to be a player on the flashy new content.. you better subscribe. :D

Edited by Andryah
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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game


This is false. You should probably speak to a developer before saying this.


Free to play players are part of the content that subscribers enjoy. Just like seat fillers at the theater and fluffers in the adult film industry, free players are great for appearances. With literally no barrier to entry (you have to have an internet connection to even play the game so the download isn't a barrier), you make it possible for the maximum number of interested (or disinterested) people to play. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if subscribers were actually the minority of the population.


This is no different from a bar waiving cover charges until a certain time or letting women in for free. You want people inside so they have the possibility to give you money (and women do that and lead men to do that). You have zero chance of getting money in your bar's till from someone walking around the mall across the street. But if they're inside the bar, even if they got in for free, you have a chance of them leaving with fewer dollars (physical or virtual) than they came in with, to your benefit.


I'm a subscriber and I'd never think of dropping down to preferred but having bodies in a social environment is not a bad thing, especially if those additional bodies can possibly produce revenue (either directly or by spurring others to do so). Imagine the Chicken Littles that would scurry out of hiding (like roaches in the projects) if the populations of the fleets dropped into the 50s in prime time.

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Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.

Free to play members contribute to the game with their mere presence alone! They populate the worlds, they buy stuff from the GTN, they are in warzones and flashpoints, they partake in guilds and have friends which enjoy the game just because they have people to play with. That's what make F2P games work. You want those players! They make the world go round in the game and quite a few might end up doing stuff for the community outside the game (fansites, wikis, and so on). So, I think BioWare appreciates those players not enough, but giving them something is a step in the right direction at least!

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Who cares? Froobs need motivation too. Plus they spend a lot more than us on the CM.


A good friend is a F2P player, and spends about $20-$30 on the CM per month. I only do my subscription.


If he's going waste that kind of money on the CM, why doesn't he just buy a sub? bigger bang for you buck with CC anyways.

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