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<The Drunk Tanks> Open World PvP Event #2!


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<The Drunk Tanks> Open World PvP Event is returning this Saturday October 19, 2013! The event will take place much the same way as the last one; however, it will be at 6:00pm EST this time rather than 4pm. Also we will of course be changing the location, which will be revealed when the event starts. All other details can be found below!


Who: Absolutely anyone that is flagged for PvP!


When: Approximately 18:00 (6pm) EST (Server Time), Saturday October 19th


What: <The Drunk Tanks> will be raiding a Republic base at approximately 18:00 (6pm) EST (Server Time). In order to prevent any preemptive strikes by either side the location of the base will remain undisclosed until approximately 10 minutes before the scheduled raid. At approximately 18:00 hours (6pm) <The Drunk Tanks> strike team will enter the base and attempt to seize it for the Empire. Any and all Republic characters are welcome to defend, and Imperials are welcome to reinforce.


Where: An undisclosed Republic base to be revealed at approximately 5:50pm EST


How: Watch this thread for the location of the base (To be revealed below at approximately 5:50pm EST). Then flag yourself for PvP and come join in the fun!


I'll post all guilds that have confirmed their attendance below!

If you would like your guild added please reply to this thread with your guild name, the character name of the person who will be leading your group, and whether or not your group will be open to pugs or not. Alternatively you can whisper or mail me in-game with the same details.



<The Drunk Tanks>

Lead by: Shadowclone (Open; Contact in-game to join in or coordinate)



Lead by: Uki'ona-labolas (Open; Contact in-game to join in or coordinate)



Lead by: Melohdy (Open; Contact in-game to join in or coordinate)


<Drunken Mando's>

Lead by: Taracmeden (Open; Contact in-game to join in or coordinate)



Lead By: Coreeps (Open; Contact in-game to join in or coordinate)




<Drunk in rePubublic>

Lead by: Ne'tra'ca



Lead by: Morphin and Meme


<Redemption> ?









Q. Eh, what if we lag out or crash the server?

A. Sounds like a success to us!


Q. Why aren't you giving out the location now?

A. To prevent spawn camping. This way gives everyone a fair chance to be there first without having to camp out. No one knows the location other than me, not even other Drunk Tanks.


Q. Will the Event be live-streamed?

A. Of course! Everyone will be able to watch the event live at: http://www.twitch.tv/tdt_shadowclone!


Q. Doesn't look like there's many guilds signed up, is the event gonna fail?

A. Most likely not, but I can't promise anything. Only a few guilds signed up for the first one an it turned out to be huge. we'll just have to see how it goes!

Edited by DarkDecimator
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I'm sorry I missed catching this thread earlier and hope to attend the next one if it's scheduled again. I'll be there with Sparkle Powder in hand, so watch out. :D


How was the turn-out/event this time and where did you strike?


There will be another one, I plan on announcing the date for that one on my live-stream just after the event finishes. The first one had a really good turnout from the Pubs (probably about 40+ strong) the Imps; however, were slacking. We probably had somewhere around 25. Needless to say us Imps got our asses handed to us.


The target was Aurek Base on Hoth, unfortunately it was Dorn base that fell though... :(

Edited by DarkDecimator
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