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Advice needed on DPS


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Hey My Merc brothers,


as the title says, i am looking for advice on my dps. i did a 5 min parse managed to hit about 2200 dps.

need help improving that. here is a link to my AMR profile http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/2f06c8d0-1020-4eb6-b914-9f1ade653852


and here is the link to the torparse: http://www.torparse.com/a/456060

Edited by jedifather
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I consider myself more of a PvPer so my suggestion here is purely speculation and not based on any actual parsing or discussion.


Is your Surge a tad low? Maybe you can swap out an accuracy enhancement for a surge enhancement and re-parse a few times and see if there's a difference. Just a suggestion.

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For starters I wouldn't worry too much about your gear., you seem to be hitting the important targets (close to 100% accuracy, under 200 crit rating). Surge will increase as your gear gets better, simple as that.


I will say though that if you don't have set bonus gear, that will increase your dps a fair bit (not sure how you see that in AMR).


That on gear, let's look a little at the log.


First though, if you haven't already have a lok at odawgg's excellent guide (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=624205) where he explains all these concepts far better than I could ever do.


The first thing he usually looks at though, is attacks per minute. The target for a good arsenal parse is about 35 APM, while you have 28. So there's a pretty good start. Make sure you use the action que so you line up the enxt ability before the first one is done casting. having the action que set to 1 second usually helps there.


The other numbers he usually looks like are uses of Demo Round (and HiB) as well as Hammer Shot. You should be able to fit 20 Demo Rounds in 5 minutes. You're close with 18, but you're still not quite using them off cooldown. So learn to anticipate when they are coming so they don't sit idle for more than a second or so.


As for Hammer Shots, if you're not using the old DG set bonus, you should be using about 5-6 per minute, but you aren't using any. Given that your APM is slightly low, I'm guessing your not experiencing much in the way of heat issues, and don't really need them. But if you're pushing your heavier hitters a bit more, you will be overheating and thus need to weave in hammer shots every now and then.


Those are the main tips I can give you, where the first one will give the largest improvement.

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