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Advice needed on DPS


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First thing I notice is that your APM is only 27.16. You want to get that up to in the 33-35 APM range. That will increase your DPS significantly. Also your AMR profile seemed to indicate you didn't have your set bonus, but your crit rate on Grav Round compared to everything else suggests you at least have your 2 piece.


That being said, I guarantee getting your APM up will increase your DPS significantly. A good rule of thumb is that if you don't find yourself using Hammer Shot semi-frequently to keep your ammo up, you aren't casting quick enough. You didn't use it at all.


Another thing you wanna make sure to do is plan ahead enough that you're using Demo Round and High Impact bolt on cooldown. Both of them should be making up a tad more of your damage. That they aren't, and a cursory look at the log indicates you're not using them on cooldown. In fact, in a 5 minute, 3 second parse (based on the last attack in the log) you should have gotten 19-20 of each in the fight. You got 18 DRs and 17 HiBs.




-Increase your APM to 33 at the least

-Demo Round and HiB need to be used on cooldown, or as close to possible


Make those changes and then let's see where you're at.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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really guys?


50 some odd views and noone has any advice?


Sorry, in PvP thinking about parses and rotations means you're about to CC'd and demolished.


Good against remotes is one thing, good against the living... that's something else.

Edited by Kerensk
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