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Commando Healer: Whats Wrong? Have I Topped Out?


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Hello Everyone,

First, I'll give you a little background. I have been playing TOR about 7 months, so I wouldn't say I was a newbie. i have created a couple of characters and have really enjoyed playing all of them. My most recent and favorite is my Commando Healer. I have already played him to level 55, and had a lot of fun doing it, but now at level 50 I have started having problems. From the time I got my spec (about level 12) until level 50, I would rate my commando's healing (numbers, sustainability, and survivability) equal or better than other healer class. But since I reached level 55 I have been having trouble keeping up both in flashpoints and war zones.



I will take screenshots and post them here:



I don't know if this helps, but this is my skill tree. i took everything on the healing tree and a couple from gunnery.



I have always kept the best gear possible on my commando, and I always use augments on my armor. Currently, i am wearing All PvE Elite Combat Medic Armor, with the exception of my belt, bracers, and relics. The Elite Gear is all level 55 rated. My belt and bracers are level 53 PvP Combat Medic items. My Implants are level 53 PvP. I also have Mark 8 Overkill Augments on most my armor. I know my gear doesn't match and some it is PvP, but this is the best setup that I have right now. I use this set-up all the time for both Flashpoints and UnRanked Warzones.


I will continue to work on this post, and will be adding screenshots and soon. I would really like to know if anyone else has had this problem, and I would appreciate any input. Thanks for reading.

Edited by Wsfrie
I added links for screenshots
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