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Horrible playing experience of low level merc healer in PvP


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I've leveled couple of toons already and long time player but I mostly played dps. I wanted to play healer for a chance and first I've tried operative (lvl 30). And I found it quite good and enjoyable (even when focused).


Then I tried merc. Now, I was aware that this class is harder that overbuffed operative but I never imagined that the disparity was that huge.


I don't know about higher level, but as low level PvP healer I constantly get stressed living through frustrated experience of trying to at least survive, not to mention to heal somebody else.


There are just too many interrupts and too little insta heals to keep me alive. For example, warriors (which are always in majority in warzones) with their free interrupts from jump. I have almost no chance to survive the damage of more or less competitive warrior. Like I've said I came from dps class and I eat almost any class 1vs1 for breakfast, so it's very frustrating experience when you want to heal people but you can't take beating even from 1 melee.


And I can't heal myself through the sage damage - they interrupt my rapid scan and left me only with kolto missile and my healing scan is on 9 sec CD.


How I'm supposed to play healer on those levels? Just die if someone jumped on me? That's how the game designed to show experience of healing for low level players?

Edited by FuriCuri
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