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lower level pvp question


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I've had a Commando alt who is now level 30 and I've really just messed around and not been too serious (because the leveling game is so easy). Now that I am 30, i would like to get into pvp a bit with him. Was hoping that someone would have some spec suggestions for level 30 and a basic pvp priority / rotation that I can build upon. I don't really want to go into WZ and screw the team without having a bit of preparation!


Thanks in advance

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Gunnery tree to level 30




Grav round builds 2 stacks of charged barrel per hit (5 max) to increase damage of HiB or reduce activation of AMP.

Sprinkle in Hammer shots and Full auto, save Concussion charge for pesky leapers and don't be first into battle, your channels leave you vulnerable to interrupts from leapers but if left unnoticed for a few seconds you can wreck your targets.


Good opener is your delayed missle (can't recall name) Grave round and HiB, all three will basicly impact at same time and usually leaves a players health low enough to finish off with a full auto.


Next few levels give you some great PvP skills in Rotary Cannon, Cover fire and curtain of Fire which will make full Auto a thing to fear.

Edited by Tiranagoth
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Gunnery tree to level 30




Grav round builds 2 stacks of charged barrel per hit (5 max) to increase damage of HiB or reduce activation of AMP.

Sprinkle in Hammer shots and Full auto, save Concussion charge for pesky leapers and don't be first into battle, your channels leave you vulnerable to interrupts from leapers but if left unnoticed for a few seconds you can wreck your targets.


Good opener is your delayed missle (can't recall name) Grave round and HiB, all three will basicly impact at same time and usually leaves a players health low enough to finish off with a full auto.


Next few levels give you some great PvP skills in Rotary Cannon, Cover fire and curtain of Fire which will make full Auto a thing to fear.


This is great thanks! Is the "Delayed" ability you are referring to sticky grenade?

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Try to get in the habit of moving between grav rounds and full auto. Hib, sticky grenade and hammer shot (and demo round at high levels) can all be done on the run.

It's too easy to fall into the grav round spam and suddenly you're a turret that can be focused. If you can incorporate movement when possible (and needed) you can keep those leap smashers guessing and switching targets away from you.

Edited by Kerensk
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