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It's time for something positive


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With the announcement of Galactic Starfighter, there are shrieks of glee errupting from across The Old Republic community. There are also those who criticise the 'all-PVP' nature of this expanion, but I do not see that this is a problem -- and I do not PVP at all. The reason for this is that the very fact that will will now have free-fight space combat is a testament to what us, the community, can do when we work together and provide thoughtful and constructive feedback. Remember, this is an evolving game. If we want something all we have to do is ask. Just because there's no PVE now doesn't mean we won't have it later.


So well done everyone for your efforts, and well done BioWare for responding so well to your players.

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I've posted it before, I'm all for Free-Flight PvE in the form of Space Operations. Multiple starfighters taking down large capital ships (a la X-Wing and TIE Fighter video games and the movies). Imagine something like doing the Deathstar run! The WHOLE thing, not just the trench run.


With this though, we do need a team based voice chat. Humble request. :D

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